Displaying 161-170 of 355 results.
Building update - Moving Day
Created : 18 Mar 2021, 8:10 PM
Archived : 18 May 2021, 12:00 AM
We have been informed by our Design Team that we ill be in our temporary accommodation from Monday morning 22 March. This means moving the entire school over the next 3 days. We are starting this tomorrow and will update you on our progress over the weekend.
Diocesan Penitential Service in Preparation for The Sacrament of First Reconciliation
Created : 18 Mar 2021, 2:30 PM
Archived : 18 May 2021, 12:00 AM
You will find attached the full text of the Diocesan Penitential Service that will take place on March 18 at 19:30 and will be live streamed from the Cathedral of the Assumption Carlow. This is the link to the Cathedral webcam www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/carlow-cathedral. Once again it is important to say that all children and their families preparing for First Reconciliation are invited to participate in this service so that they will be prepared to celebrate the sacrament face to face in their local church as soon as it is safe to do so.

First Communion & Confirmation update
Created : 18 Mar 2021, 12:03 PM
Archived : 18 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Please read the attached letter from Newbridge Parish regarding First Communion and Confirmation sacraments. The registration forms mentioned in the letter will be sent home with your child today.

The Lunch Bag
Created : 18 Mar 2021, 9:13 AM
Archived : 18 May 2021, 12:00 AM
We are very excited to announce that The Lunch Bag service are bringing their service to our school. The healthy school lunch delivery service are a nationwide company with their newest kitchen just opened in Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. Other facilities in Longford, Clare, Wexford and Bray already produce 40,000 hand crafted lunches fresh every morning. The company are in the top 6% of Q marked companies in the country, with house-hold brands which adhere to the schools healthy eating policy. The Lunch Bags’ mission is to empower children to care for their future-self through educated, healthy food choices. The service allows children the opportunity to sample a wide variety of foods each day without additional cost or waste to the family. The service is also an opportunity to have Covid sterile lunches brought directly to the classroom. On the 18 March, all children in the school will be bringing home a sample bag. This will contain two sample products available on the menu, with a flyer on how to order. Children are asked to bring this sample lunch home and not to eat it in school. First lunches will then be delivered from 22 March. Please remember to order before 12noon the day before you want lunch. As the safety of children is of paramount importance, The Lunch Bag service ensures that any children with allergies will not be exposed to any product containing that allergen, with the kitchen a 100% nut free facility. This information is all available within the brochures, however, if you have any further queries, just call 043 33 62038 or email info@thelunchbag.ie This is a fantastic opportunity for the school, and we look forward to seeing the benefits to both children and parents alike. Please take a few moments to review thelunchbag.ie


Revised entry and exit for Tuesday 16 March
Created : 15 Mar 2021, 8:30 PM
Archived : 15 May 2021, 12:00 AM
From tomorrow 16 March the following arrangements apply for entry and exit of the building. Please note there is no access to the school until 8.50am. If people arrive earlier they may queue along their designated entry point but we would ask that they maintain 2m distance. If your child(ren) enter via the library door (Rooms 5, 6, 7, 8, 21, 13 & 14)please continue to enter via the PBS gates. A one way system is marked. If your child enters via the front door (Rooms1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 16, 17 & 20) they now enter the school grounds through the pedestrian gate opposite the church. A one way system is marked. Your child will also exit through the same gate. A designated point for siblings to wait will be pointed out to the children tomorrow. Please keep gateways clear so that children can move easily through them. We hope this alleviates the pressure on all children accessing the school via one entrance. The pictures below should help provide more clarity.
School Reopening 3rd to 6th Class
Created : 14 Mar 2021, 7:01 PM
Archived : 14 May 2021, 12:00 AM
St. Conleth and Marys COVID19 Return to School Declaration Form must be completed prior to your child returning to school on Monday 15th March. It can be accessed in the app menu. Instructions attached.
Rm 14 Mountain Projects
Created : 12 Mar 2021, 3:24 PM
Archived : 12 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Ms. Lawler's 3rd class in Rm 14 completed these fantastic mountain projects. vimeo.com/521298781
School reopening Monday 15 March
Created : 11 Mar 2021, 7:00 PM
Archived : 12 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Good evening As you are no doubt aware school returns for 3rd - 6th class on Monday 15 March. We are very much looking forward to welcoming back all the children. This is a full reopening and we will no longer be operating Seesaw. You will be sent a return to school declaration via the app tomorrow. We would ask that you complete this before your child returns to school on Monday. You will also find our COVID 19 response plan attached to this post. Any changes have been highlighted. In line with public health advice we will be asking any children who are now 13 years old to wear face coverings in class. As ever for children below 13 there is no requirement to wear a face covering but they can if they want. Given our school building project we will have to make some changes to our school entry and exit plan. There is no access to the school grounds before 8.50am. Entry to the school is via the gates beside the PBS where an in/out system is in operation. These are marked. Children do not need to line up in the yard they are to proceed directly to their classroom. They can sanitise their hands entering their classroom. We only have 2 entry points the library door and the main door. We would ask that the following rooms use each entrance: Library door Rooms 6, 7, 21, 5, 8, 13 & 14 Main door Rooms 1, 2, 17, 20, 3, 4, 15 & 16 For home time the following timetable is in operation Time Front Door Library 2.44pm Rm 1 & 2 & 17 & 20 Rm 5 & 6 & 21 2.47pm Rm 3 & 4 Rm 7 & 8 2.50pm Rm 15 & 16 Rm 13 & 14 Parents can wait in the area where the side gate entrance to the school was. The following information sites and videos have been made available by the HSE and the Dept. of Education Hand hygiene www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JYhm9oa-DM&t=3s If your child is a close contact www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2Vur9Dx4dk A link to health advice for parents www.gov.ie/en/publication/40e9c-protecting-your-child-from-coronavirus/ Video for Third – sixth class English – youtu.be/IfrNHfHo5vI Video for Parents in English including Irish Sign Language – youtu.be/LfV7KOgKWYQ Video for Parents in English – youtu.be/hg2wRiXXSpc The school office is unavailable until 9.30am each morning. This is to allow children to safely enter the building. Please be aware that during level 5 we will not be admitting any parent/guardian into the building only for essential reasons. Please phone the school at 045431179 if you have any messages or need to speak to a member of staff. Teachers will also have their mobile phones on their tables. As we do not have an internal communication system this is what we use should the teacher need to be contacted by the office or if they need to contact the office/Principal in case of emergency. We thank you again for your co-operation and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

School building update
Created : 11 Mar 2021, 7:04 PM
Archived : 11 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Unfortunately our temporary prefabs will not be ready for March 15 so the children will be returning to the main school building. We hope to move to the prefabs for Monday 22 March.
Parents Association meeting tonight at 7.30pm
Created : 11 Mar 2021, 12:14 PM
Archived : 11 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Topic: Parents Association Time: Mar 11, 2021 07:30 PM Dublin Join Zoom Meeting zoom.us/j/99228249590?pwd=VDRoRSt0OXoyVDE1MkZQWUVTUSt4QT09 Meeting ID: 992 2824 9590 Passcode: 583324