Displaying 1-10 of 355 results.
Reminder: Delete this app
Created : 30 Aug 2022, 6:05 PM
Archived : 30 Oct 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, Our school will soon be moving to a new app based on our roll/admin system. Please immediately delete this app from your phone and do not make any payments to the school using this system. To make a payment please contact the office in person on by phone on 045-431581. Thank you for your patience. St. Conleth and Mary's Primary School
School App Update
Created : 20 Jul 2022, 8:01 AM
Archived : 20 Sep 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, Our school will be switching to a new App that connects directly to our School Roll/Admin platform from 1st September '22. From today, please do not make any further payments for items such as tours or General Purposes through our online shop on this app. To make a payment please contact the office in person on by phone on 045-431581. Details of our new system will be shared in August along with full instructions on how to get set up. Thank you for your patience. St. Conleth and Mary's Primary School
Message from the Chairperson Board of Management
Created : 01 Jul 2022, 1:49 PM
Archived : 31 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
22 June 2022 Dear Parents / Guardians I write to inform you that our principal, Bryan Lynch has informed the Board of Management that he is resigning from his position as principal from 31 August 2022 in order to take up the principalship of Stradbally Primary school in County Laois. We thank Bryan most sincerely for his generous contribution to St Conleth and Mary's over the last four and a half years and wish him well in his new position. With Covid and the building project, he had a lot of demands on his time and his endeavours are greatly appreciated. The Board of Management will meet on 28 June and, at that meeting, the work necessary to recruit a new principal will be commenced. Given the summer holidays, it is likely that the vacancy will not be advertised until September. That said, you can be assured that everything will be in order for the new school year on 1 September. We very much look forward to moving into the new buildings towards the end of October and that will be a very positive development for the school and your children. On behalf of the Board of Management, I take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful, safe and refreshing summer. Kind regards Pat O'Mahony Chair: Board of Management St Conleth and Mary's National School
Uniform 22/23 Sale!
Created : 29 Jun 2022, 11:21 AM
Archived : 29 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear parent/guardian, Attached is a flyer with discount for uniforms for the new year in September.

Thank you from Mr Lynch
Created : 29 Jun 2022, 9:10 AM
Archived : 29 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Parents/Guardians You may have heard that I will be moving to another school in September 2022. Yesterday was my last day in St Conleth & Mary's and it has been an honor and a privilege to have been the principal of St Conleth & Mary's for the past four and a half years. I will take many fond memories with me and will never forget the great people I have met along the way. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and kindness over the last few years. There are exciting times ahead for St Conleth & Mary's and I know the school will continue to grow from strength to strength. I wish you all a wonderful summer and the very best for the future. Kind regards Bryan Lynch
Corpus Christi Procession 22
Created : 17 Jun 2022, 8:46 AM
Archived : 17 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
A cháirde, Communion and Confirmation '22 families are invited to take part in the annual Newbridge Parish Corpus Christi Procession on Sunday 19th June 7:45pm. Corpus Christi is a procession/walk from the Parish Church to the Dominican Church in Newbridge College. The procession will be followed by a Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Details are included on the attached pdf and families are very welcome to participate.

Communion Confirmation photo money
Created : 16 Jun 2022, 5:43 PM
Archived : 16 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Photograph Money: Please note tomorrow Friday 17th is the last day to bring in money for 2nd class Communion photos and 6th class Confirmation photos.
Jersey Day June 22
Created : 16 Jun 2022, 5:40 PM
Archived : 16 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Tomorrow is jersey day in St. Conleth and Mary's Primary School! Children can wear their favourite jersey to school and enjoy the Summer sun. Our jersey day marks the end of our Active Week and is not a fund raiser. We would ask children to wear plenty of sun screen as the forecast is for a hot day!
3rd Class Tour 22
Created : 08 Jun 2022, 3:18 PM
Archived : 08 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, the 3rd class school tour to Clara Lara is running late and should return to the school around 3:35pm. Thank you for your patience.
Community Games
Created : 01 Jun 2022, 12:47 PM
Archived : 01 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
St Brigid's Newbridge Community Games are delighted to announce that we are holding our first St Brigid's Community Games Athletics Competition in 2 years! We would love to see as many children as possible aged from 6-16 years & living in the St. Brigid's area of Newbridge. See: stbrigidscommunity.wixsite.com/stbrigidsnewbridge/st-brigid-s-area Join us on Monday 6th June at St. Conleth's Community College Athletics Track for a great day of athletics, starting at 1pm. For more information please follow us on www.facebook.com/newbridgestbrigids/