Displaying 121-130 of 355 results.
Communion update from Newbridge Parish
Created : 30 Jun 2021, 1:02 PM
Archived : 30 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Following the government press conference yesterday we have been informed by Newbridge Parish that first communion ceremonies scheduled for July 5&6 will NOT be taking place.
National Parents Council Primary Survey
Created : 26 Jun 2021, 2:12 PM
Archived : 26 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Parent Questionnaire on the impact of Covid-19 on children
A year on from the original questionnaire designed by Walk in My Shoes (WIMS) and National Parents Council Primary (NPC) we are asking parents the same questions to compare the findings and explore the long-term impact of Covid-19 on children.
Please click this link to complete the survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/SQ6P5C5
The closing date for this survey is the 30th of June 2021.
Supports and Information Lines
St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services’ Support and Information Line and email service is staffed by experienced mental health nurses from 9am–5pm, every Monday to Friday, with an answering and call-back facility outside these hours, Tel: 01 2493333 or email: info@stpatsmail.com
National Parents Council Primary’s Helpline for parents of children in early years and primary school education is a confidential service, open Monday to Friday and contactable by phone Tel: 01 8874477, email: helpline@npc.ie and webchat see www.npc.ie
Useful resources for parents, young people and teachers
Walk in My Shoes have a range of FREE #MindYourSelfie wellbeing and self-care resources and activities on their website – from mindfulness exercises and self-esteem practices to classroom presentations - which you might find helpful for putting some of tips from the event into practice.
Get more mental health information
If you would like to find out more about mental health, visit the Library section on the Walk in my shoes website for blogs and podcasts on a wide range of topics, as well as information on various mental health conditions. You might also be interested in finding out about WIMS Transition Year Programme where TY students can apply to take on a one-week mental health awareness placement in the next academic year.
You can subscribe to the WIMS Youtube channel, where you’ll find lots of videos and playlists, covering everything from guidance on getting through the COVID-19 outbreak or supporting someone going through a mental health difficulty to relaxing wellbeing practices.
Get in touch
If you have would like to find out more about the work of WIMS, please contact info@walkinmyshoes.ie or 01 249 3632 or visit www.walkinmyshoes.ie
4th Class are learning about the history of the Olympic Games!
Created : 26 Jun 2021, 11:22 AM
Archived : 26 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
This week we learned all about Tokyo, Japan and the ancient games in Greece! We designed our own medal for the Tokyo Games
Summer Stars
Created : 24 Jun 2021, 10:07 PM
Archived : 25 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Newbridge Community Library is again running the Summer Stars Reading Adventure for primary school children this Summer. Summer Stars is an exciting reading-based programme which is available free of charge to children across the country, where children are asked to read and review eight books over the Summer holidays.
Each child is invited to register for the adventure at their local library and enjoy reading many books as part of the adventure during the summer holidays. All participants will be given a Summer Stars Reading Card to record and track their own progress and a library reward stamp will be added to their reading card at the library after each book read. Children will be encouraged to continue reading throughout the programme and there will be rewards and incentives along the way. At the end of the adventure, all children who participate are invited to attend an award event at which they will be presented with their own Summer Stars certificate.Children and families will also have access to fun reading activities on the Summer Stars website, www.summerstars.ie. The site has lots of online activities as well as a range of animated ebooks. You will find a children's books discussion board and interviews with well-known people about their favourite books. There are also helpful tips for reading and recommended titles by age group for children to read. The books can then be borrowed from your local library service, and it's all free.
Events for children will also be held in Newbridge Library during the summer. Further information is available from your local library or on www.librariesireland.ie / www.kildare.ie/library.
Civvies Day Friday 25 June
Created : 24 Jun 2021, 10:04 PM
Archived : 24 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Tomorrow Friday 25 June we will be having a civvies day. This is a fundraising event to raise money for a young man Charlie Gannon who contracted meningitis back in 2008 at the age of eleven.
Charlie is a nephew of Mrs. Margaret Mahon, Deputy Principal of St. Conleth’s Infant School. Charlie lost an arm and a leg and now requires more surgery to have his other leg amputated.
As you can imagine all of the above brings many challenges and 3 prosthetic limbs are very costly - a bionic arm for example costs €100K. Charlie has launched a Go Fund Me campaign today and as part of this campaign we are asking the children to bring in any loose coins tomorrow, Friday as part of the civvies day.
Margaret Mahon would like to thank you in advance for any contribution that you will make. You can read Charlie’s story on: gofund.me/4527f8a7
Zumba Dancing!
Created : 24 Jun 2021, 9:13 AM
Archived : 24 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
As part of our sports activities this week the whole school took part in socially distanced outdoor Zumba dancing!
5th Class Nail Art Room 9
Created : 23 Jun 2021, 9:23 PM
Archived : 24 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
The boys and girls in Mr. Dooley's class have been busy over the past few weeks creating wonderful art pieces. The children made the pieces using nails and different coloured threads.
6th class graduation
Created : 23 Jun 2021, 7:49 PM
Archived : 23 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to 6th class 2021 who had their end of year school mass today. Fr Lawlor presided over a wonderful ceremony but the absence of the children's parents was sorely felt. We hope that many of you were able to watch via the web cam and that you enjoyed the service.
Congratulations to Sam Whelan and Kathleen Ward who were awarded the Teresa Doyle award for 2021.
We are very proud of all the children in 6th class and we wish them very well as they move on to post primary school.
Board of Management Policy Update Consultation
Created : 23 Jun 2021, 11:15 AM
Archived : 23 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Civvies Day
Created : 21 Jun 2021, 7:23 PM
Archived : 21 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Tomorrow June 22 we are having a civvies day. The theme of the day is a jersey day. if children don't have a jersey they can wear a t-shirt that they like.
We have some big surprises organised for tomorrow. We would ask that everyone wears sun cream, a hat and brings lots of water to drink. Please also wear runners no shoes.