Displaying 201-210 of 355 results.
Room 3 "The Great Wave"
Created : 26 Jan 2021, 11:09 AM
Archived : 28 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Children from room 3 have been working on their oral language and art responding to Hokusai's wood print called "The Great Wave". Here are some of their interpretations!
Message from St Conleth's Community College
Created : 27 Jan 2021, 9:26 AM
Archived : 27 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
The meeting for incoming 1st yrs in St Conleths CC (starting in Sept 21) will be held virtually on Monday night next at 7pm. Parents will be sent a link at the end of the week. It is very important parents attend this meeting as subject option forms and other paperwork will be made available after the meeting.
4th Class Roman History
Created : 26 Jan 2021, 11:00 AM
Archived : 26 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
4th Class are learning about the Roman Empire! Here are some of their pictures of Roman Soldiers!
Building Project Update
Created : 21 Jan 2021, 12:37 PM
Archived : 21 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Work has been progressing while the school building remains closed. A lot of work has taken place installing pipework for drainage and other services. There is still more work to be done on this.
The front of the school has been prepared for our temporary prefabs and the first of these was installed on the site yesterday. We are seeing great progress on site every day and while we know there will be some inconvenience along the way we can't wait for our new school building.
School reopening update
Created : 21 Jan 2021, 11:50 AM
Archived : 21 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Following Minister Norma Foley's announcement on Tuesday evening school will not reopen for some pupils on Thursday 21 Jan. Plans had been put in place regarding the reopening of our school for some pupils and the parents of the pupils involved were to be contacted Wednesday. This will now not go ahead and we await further information from the Dept. of Education.
Thank you
Created : 15 Jan 2021, 5:18 PM
Archived : 15 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Thank you to everyone for their fantastic engagement during the week. We have approximately 90% of pupils engaging with teachers on Seesaw.
A special thank you to all the adults who are making learning from home while working from home work everyday. We know that it isn't easy. From all of us thank you.
If we can be of assistance in any way please do not hesitate to contact us.
Notice regarding possible school reopening for some children on 21 Jan
Created : 14 Jan 2021, 5:51 PM
Archived : 14 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians,
Today at lunchtime we learned of the Dept of Education and Skills intention to reopen primary schools for certain pupils. Like you this was the first communication we received from the Dept. of Education or the minister regarding this. The only information that we have received is available in the press release at the link below:
Please be assured that once we receive further information and direction regarding reopening the school for some pupils we will communicate this to you.
Many thanks
Bryan Lynch
Collection of school books
Created : 10 Jan 2021, 8:26 PM
Archived : 10 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Prior to school closing for Christmas break school books were sent home with the children. Some children were absent for that period and may not have the required books.
We would ask that you check your child's bag first as they do not need all books and their teacher will have sent home what they need.
Please only come to the school if your child does not have their school books at home.
School books can be collected between 9am and 11am on Monday 11 January. Please enter via the main door and exit via the library door. Please ensure that a face covering is worn at all times and that 2m social distancing is applied to. Only 1 person per classroom, if someone is in the room then please wait outside until they are finished.
The school can only be entered and exited via the gate beside the Patrician Secondary School. Please follow the directions of school staff on the morning.
School Closure Update
Created : 08 Jan 2021, 7:56 PM
Archived : 09 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians
Following government announcement by Taoiseach and the Minister for Education our school building remains closed for the month of January. Online learning will begin from Monday 11 January. As previously outlined we will be using the Seesaw platform to engage with pupils. Seesaw codes were given to pupils at the beginning of the year and placed in their homework journals.
Teachers will be engaging with pupils and offering feedback on work submitted. As during the last lockdown teachers will be asking for specific items to be returned everyday. Teachers will be available from 9am-3pm everyday. Work submitted before 2pm will be returned to pupils before 3pm and any work submitted after that time will be returned the following morning. We are very conscious of the different circumstances in every house and would encourage everyone to complete as much work as is practical for your situation.
Our school website has a list of email addresses that your child's teacher(s) can be contacted at. Please email if you require a new seesaw code or if you wish to discuss something specific with your child's teacher(s).
Before Christmas we began to send some school books home with the children. We are aware that some children were absent and were not able to take books home. Please call to the school between 9am and 11am on Monday 11 Jan, only if you need to collect books for your child. Please come to the front door of the school and exit via the library door. We will be limiting the number of people in the school at any one time.
We are aware that access to devices can be an issue and would like to offer any assistance that we can. We do have a limited number of iPads that we can loan for the duration of the lockdown. Please contact the school to discuss this should you need to borrow one of these.
This is not the start to 2021 that any of us wanted to see but we are hopeful that this move to online will only be for a short period of time. Our goal is to support your child in their continued learning so that when we return to our school building that we can continue to build on the progress made since September. Please check in on our app and website for regular updates on our building project, work from classes, updates from Dept of Education and other information.
As ever please do not hesitate to contact us if you have anything you would like to discuss.
Stay safe and we hope to see you soon.
Bryan Lynch
Applications for 2nd class 2021/22
Created : 07 Jan 2021, 3:42 PM
Archived : 07 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Information regarding our applications for 2nd class 2021/22 are now available on our website www.stconlethandmarys.ie/new-page
Please note applications will not be accepted until 14 January 2021.