Displaying 151-160 of 355 results.
Time in Room 2
Created : 22 Apr 2021, 9:47 AM
Archived : 22 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Second class have been learning about time this week. We really enjoyed designing and creating our own clocks!
Moorefield GAA
Created : 20 Apr 2021, 8:26 PM
Archived : 20 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
As we move out of lockdown sporting activities for children will begin to resume from 26 April. Please watch the Moorefield GAA promotional video and visit their website moorefieldgaaclub.com/ for more information on the clubs activities. vimeo.com/539312935
Sarsfields GAA
Created : 20 Apr 2021, 8:24 PM
Archived : 20 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
As we move out of lockdown sporting activities for children will begin to resume from 26 April. Please watch the Sarsfields GAA promotional video and visit their website sarsfieldsgaanewbridge.ie/ for more information on the clubs activities. vimeo.com/539312119
Earth Day big new in 6th class
Created : 20 Apr 2021, 7:12 PM
Archived : 20 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
We were delighted to hear that 6th class pupil Ruby Maher and her family have released Lullaby for the World in time for Earth Day 2021. Ruby's song will be broadcast all over the world on Thursday 22 April. She will also be very busy appearing on TV and radio to mark Earth Day 2021. We will all be watching Nationwide on Wednesday and Ireland AM on Thursday to see Ruby perform, we'd love to watch her on Good Morning Britain but we'll all be in class! She will also be speaking about the letter she has written to President Biden in response to his call for young people to get involved in this year’s global Earth Day. Best of luck Ruby we are all behind you! You can see Ruby's song Lullaby for the World here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfb6M1moPi4
Parents Association Meeting
Created : 19 Apr 2021, 10:29 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Parents Association meeting Tuesday 20 April @ 7.30pm on zoom. Please see the link below. Topic: Parents Association Meeting Time: Apr 20, 2021 07:30 PM Dublin Join Zoom Meeting zoom.us/j/98322977337?pwd=WTZrcDIrZk55eXNHTXBjbzRMVkYyQT09 Meeting ID: 983 2297 7337 Passcode: 304495
School reopens
Created : 11 Apr 2021, 8:03 PM
Archived : 11 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
School reopens tomorrow 12 April for all classes. Please complete the return to school declaration in the app. Pupils can wear either school uniform or tracksuit. Pupils can enter and exit through any gate they wish. Classroom doors open at 8.50am. If pupils arrive before this time then they must line up outside their classroom door. If any parent/guardian needs to call to the school for any reason they must go to the school office. This is beside the old main entrance door. Please do not go directly to classrooms.
World Autism Day
Created : 02 Apr 2021, 1:05 PM
Archived : 02 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
April marks Autism Awareness month. Today, April 2nd we celebrate World Autism Awareness Day.  World Autism Awareness Day aims to shine a light on autism to increase awareness about people and especially children who have autism. Autism affects both men, women and children of all races in all countries. This is precisely why raising awareness of autism is essential. St. Conleth and Mary’s actively shows and teaches acceptance and raises awareness to give all children the equal opportunities and freedoms they deserve.
Taking books home for Easter
Created : 26 Mar 2021, 10:41 AM
Archived : 26 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Children will not be taking books home for Easter. We fully anticipate school reopening on April 12.
Easter closure
Created : 24 Mar 2021, 12:17 PM
Archived : 24 May 2021, 12:00 AM
School closes this Friday for easter closure. Dismissal of pupils will begin at 11.54am please see the times and classes below. Please note that on Friday 2nd class and Cairdeas will exit at the front gate opposite the church NOT the gate at the infants school. 11.54 Front gate Ms Bolton, Ms Nugent, Mr O'Sullivan PBS gate Mr Dooley Ms Hilliard Mrs Bennett 11.57 Front gate Mr O'Brien, Ms Walsh PBS gate Mr O'Reilly, Ms Dempsey, Mr Collins 12.00 Front gate Ms Lawler, Ms McGrath PBS gate Ms Byrne, Mr Merrins School reopens on Monday 12 April
Entry and Exit from Monday 22 March
Created : 21 Mar 2021, 12:54 PM
Archived : 21 May 2021, 12:00 AM
We would like to thank everyone for their cooperation regarding the changes to our entry and exit from the school building over the last few weeks. Our contractors have been working hard to have our temporary classrooms ready for us to move into. From Monday 22 March we will occupy these rooms. The children saw them on Friday and were thrilled at the size and brightness of them. It does mean a change to how we enter and exit the school. This should hopefully be our last change for this school year. Entry: The following classes enter via the PBS gates Mr. O'Reilly 4th class, Mr Dooley 5th class, Mrs Bennett 5th class, Ms. Hilliard 4th class, Ms Dempsey 5th class, Mr Collins 6th class, Mr Merrins 6th class, Ms Byrne 6th class The following will enter via the main gate opposite the church Mr O'Brien 4th class, Ms Walsh 3rd class, Ms McGrath 3rd class, Ms Lawler 3rd class, Ms Nugent 2nd class, Mr O'Sullivan 2nd class, Ms Bolton Cairdeas. Evening exit: 2.44 Mr Dooley, Mrs. Bennett & Ms. Hilliard (PBS Gates) Mr. O’Brien & Ms. Walsh (Main gate) Ms. Bolton, Ms. Nugent & Mr. O’Sullivan (Infants school gate) 2.47 Mr. O’Reilly, Ms. Dempsey & Mr. Collins(PBS gates) Ms. Lawler & Ms. McGrath (Main gate) 2.50 Mr. Merrins & Ms. Byrne (PBS gates) Pupils who need to wait for brothers/sisters can wait in the area outside the main door of the school. Bike racks are in place for classes entering through each of the entry points and the racks will remain at these locations for the rest of the school year. For pupils exiting via the infants school gate we would like to advise parents/guardians that they can wait in the yard beside this gate. Face coverings must be worn on the school grounds.