Displaying 571-580 of 1183 results.
Fancy Dress Day
Created : 21 Oct 2021, 3:02 PM
Archived : 23 Oct 2021, 1:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, Tomorrow Friday 22nd October is traditionally Fancy Dress Day in our school, it returns tomorrow. Classes are scheduled as normal but there will be activities for various groups at different times throughout the day. Activities for the day include; Fancy Dress Competition Halloween quiz Virtual Concert Halloween Treats Students must be in their fancy dress coming to school. Their is no expectation to have expensive costumes, some creativity with whatever is available at home. All proceeds from the day will go to the Shoebox Appeal. Thank you to all that have contributed to date. Thanks to our Prefects and Mr Dermody for organising the day.
Message from Mr Nolan - Return to School August 2021
Created : 23 Aug 2021, 12:39 PM
Archived : 23 Oct 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see the the document attached for a message from Mr Nolan.

Webinars on Support for Parents of Children with Autism
Created : 29 Sep 2021, 3:42 PM
Archived : 30 Sep 2021, 8:52 PM
Below please find details of the Spectrum Series, an initiative of the Laois/Offaly Children & Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC) but open to all. This is a series of webinars which takes place weekly via Zoom on Wednesdays from 11am to 12noon until Wed 27th October. View the Spectrum Series Brochure midd.me/Db4v Before You click on the booking link please take a look at the brochure that explains the topics and speakers that will be on each day Booking link zoom.us/webinar/register/4216311056525/WN_RnxIDe0iRHmS8Twr4RNJ7w Please tick the dates you want to attend on the registration page on Zoom. Wed Oct 6th, 13th, 20th 27th.
Vaccination Clinic
Created : 21 Sep 2021, 3:28 PM
Archived : 24 Sep 2021, 1:00 AM
Dear parent/Guardian, Please see note attached re Vaccination Clinic for 1st Year students. Kind regards, Padraig Nolan

Leaving Cert Results 2021
Created : 02 Sep 2021, 12:55 PM
Archived : 24 Sep 2021, 1:00 AM
I would like to wish all candidates awaiting the results of their Leaving Cert every best wish for your results and your future. The results of Leaving Certificate 2021 will issue directly to students through the student portal from 10.00am on Friday September 3rd 2021. Unfortunately, due to Covid 19 restrictions candidates are unable to collect their results in the school. However, if candidates require any assistance after reading the information sent out by our Guidance Counsellors they are welcome to phone the school. Please phone the school to make an appointment where a candidate may require further advice/guidance from any staff member in our school in the coming weeks. Go n-éirí an tádh libh, Padraig Nolan
Making Payments Through SHOP in App
Created : 15 Jul 2021, 9:06 AM
Archived : 15 Sep 2021, 12:00 AM
As the main banks continue to upgrade their 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) security procedures it has caused some issues within the 3D Secure process for some card holders. Your bank must have a mobile number assigned to your Debit/Credit card in order to send you the OTP (one Time password) via SMS/Text Message. If your bank does not have a mobile number assigned to your card this verification process cannot be completed and you may not be able to make payment if 3D Security checks are implemented. The Unique Schools App Team are developing an option for parents to overcome some of the incorrect “Payment failed" errors being generated by the banks. You will be able to complete the payment on a desktop or laptop browser. This feature will be live within the next 2 weeks and we will notify you of this. Queries - If you are experiencing any difficulty making a payment please contact Unique Schools: Email - support@uniqueschools.ie Phone - 01 88 69458 (Monday to Friday 09:30- 16:00)
Booklists School Year 2021 -2022 Update
Created : 18 Jul 2021, 9:48 PM
Archived : 10 Sep 2021, 1:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, We hope this finds you all well. Booklists for all year groups are now available in the "Shop" on our School App. You may purchase books directly from The Book Haven. This feature is facilitated by our service providers. All queries relating to the purchase and delivery of books must be communicated directly to The Book Haven, details are at the end of each page. All books & stationery are widely available from your local book shop or an alternative online provider. Booklists are also available on our school website www.scoilmhuireclane.ie All lists can be downloaded or printed. Parent Notes on our school App will not be monitored until 12th August 2021. The School Office will be open for any urgent queries each morning. Enjoy the beautiful sunshine! Keep safe, JP Cahillane
School Fees 2021 2022 Update
Created : 23 Aug 2021, 8:11 PM
Archived : 09 Sep 2021, 1:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, Thank you to all that have been able to pay the school fees to date. We have extended the payment facility on this App until 3rd September as some people missed the deadline for various reasons. We would appreciate if outstanding fees are paid at your earliest convenience. Please note that if you choose to use the instalments option, the four instalments will be debited from your account at four equal intervals between today and Monday 6th September. As the main banks continue to upgrade their 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) security procedures it has caused some issues within the 3D Secure process for some card holders. Your bank must have a mobile number assigned to your Debit/Credit card in order to send you the OTP (one Time password) via SMS/Text Message. If your bank does not have a mobile number assigned to your card this verification process cannot be completed and you may not be able to make payment if 3D Security checks are implemented. The Unique Schools App Team have developed an option for parents to overcome some of the incorrect “Payment failed" errors being generated by the banks. You will be able to complete the payment on a desktop or laptop browser. Queries - If you are experiencing any difficulty making a payment please contact Unique Schools: Email - support@uniqueschools.ie Phone - 01 88 69458 (Monday to Friday 09:30- 16:00) Many thanks.
Transition Year Summer Food, Biodiversity and Living Heritage Programme
Created : 09 Jul 2021, 3:49 PM
Archived : 09 Sep 2021, 12:00 AM
"We are excited to have put some funding in place to run a summer programme at the IWA Biodiversity gardens in Clane. This programme will continue in a similar vein to the LEADER programme that ran from Rathcoffey Community Garden project this spring 2021. While we have got funding to run most of the programme, we need to charge a nominal fee of €5 per session per student, " For further information including permissions & payment details see the attached poster and pdf document. See website: growingwild.clr.events/event/131174:transition-year-summer-food-biodiversity-and-living-heritage-programme . Please email Ms Dunne to apply. Ms Dunne


Created : 27 Aug 2021, 2:25 PM
Archived : 03 Sep 2021, 1:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, Canteen services will be available in our school from Monday 30th August.