Displaying 561-570 of 1183 results.
Reminder: Work experience for Transition Year
Created : 09 Sep 2021, 5:55 PM
Archived : 09 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
All TY students and LCA students should be on Work Experience every Friday.
The letters for the employer are available at the following link:
Please print off the letters and bring them to your employer to be completed.
Return the letter to Ms O Reilly or your tutor.
If you do not have a placement for any Friday then you should be completing the online courses that you are signed up to.
Garda Vetting:
Only students who are 16 years old can be Garda vetted.
The forms are on the school website and linked below.
Complete the forms and return to Ms O Reilly. It usually takes about 3 weeks to get the Garda vetting clearance.
CAO Offers - View Scripts - Appeals
Created : 08 Sep 2021, 2:40 PM
Archived : 08 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Students and Parents,
Below please find a reminder of some important dates and information following Round 1 offers yesterday.
The Reply date for Round 1 offers is Mon. Sept 13th by 3pm.
Round 2 offers will be issued on Mon. Sept 20th - You may get an offer in subsequent rounds, but - you may not get any further offers --- you will not get an offer for a course lower down your list than the offer you have received. Consider your offers carefully. Please contact the Guidance Counsellors if you are unsure about an offer and we will discuss it with you. Remember the timeline for accepting is Mon 13th at 3pm.
The Available Places system opens today Sept 8th at 12.00. Available places are places that remain unfilled in particular courses after all offers have been made and waiting lists have been exhausted. The Available Places is open to new and existing CAO applicants. Applicants must meet course minimum entry requirements. See details on www.cao.ie
The application to view scripts remains open until 8pm today Wednesday 8th on the Candidate Portal.
Students can view scripts from 9am Sat Sept 11th.
• Scripts marked on paper can be viewed in school at an assigned time on Saturday 11th.
• Scripts marked online can be viewed online Sat. 11th and Sun 12th Sept. from 9am to 12pm on the Candidate Portal.
Students can apply to appeal between 9am Sat 11th Sept and 12pm Mon 13th Sept. on the Candidate Portal. There is no fee for appeals.
If a student is upgraded, in line with CAO requirements, they will receive an updated offer from CAO, students may be able to take up the new offer for 2021-22 or start in 2022-23.
See also www.gov.ie publication - Candidate Information Guide to Results and Appeals
Created : 07 Sep 2021, 8:46 AM
Archived : 07 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Students and Parents,
CAO offers for Round 1 will be made available by email/text today from 2pm.
Round 1 offers reply date is Monday 13th Sept by 3pm - accept online
To contact the CAO, the best way is to send a message using the 2021My Application log-in - you will need your CAO application number, date of birth and password.
Do not hesitate to contact the school on 045868121 or grainnemcgee@scoilmhuireclane.ie ceolastanley@scoilmhuireclane.ie for guidance.
You can also get advice on www.irishtimes.com/helpdesk on Tues 12-8pm/ Wed 12-8pm and Thurs 12-6pm.
Kind regards, Guidance Counsellors, Scoil Mhuire.
Scoil Mhuire student selected for the Republic of Ireland U17 Squad
Created : 04 Sep 2021, 2:49 PM
Archived : 04 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Ruadhan Kane who has been included in the Republic of Ireland 20 man U17 squad who play two friendlies against Mexico in Turner's Cross Cork this weekend. We wish him the very best of luck.
TY Work Experience - Forms
Created : 02 Sep 2021, 9:08 PM
Archived : 02 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Transition Year Work Experience Preparation
Created : 02 Sep 2021, 11:08 AM
Archived : 02 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians of Transition Year students,
We met with all students this morning to discuss Work Experience preparation for the year. As you are aware Work Experience is a very important part of the Transition Year experience and offers great learning opportunities for students.
Students will need to find a placement for each Friday of the year - the more placements the better experience for them; and it will also help to make good career choices in the future.
Please support your child in the pursuit of work placements throughout this year. - especially now as they start their search, they will become more confident in finding placements as the year progresses. All students should do work experience every Friday.
They have a sheet with advice and steps to take in preparation for this search. Step one is to prepare a Curriculum Vitae for themselves - a sample template has been given today.
All students have a WORK EXPERIENCE PLANNER which they must fill out as they get their placements and it will need to be kept in a safe place- as it will be signed and checked regularly during the year.
Please see attached documents on pdf .
Thank you for your support and do not hesitate to contact us. Grainne McGee, Ceola Stanley, Guidance Counsellors, Aedamar O' Reilly T.Y. Co-ordinator.
Transition Year
Created : 01 Sep 2021, 7:37 PM
Archived : 01 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Welcome back to the Transition Year group 2021/22.
TY’s will meet their tutor tomorrow morning outside beside Prefab 1 where you will be brought to your tutor room. During the first class I will have an Assembly with groups A,B and C and then a second Assembly with groups D,E and F.
I look forward to meeting you tomorrow.
Ms O’Reilly
Secondhand Books
Created : 01 Sep 2021, 2:55 PM
Archived : 01 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,
There is a large supply of 2nd Year Irish and Maths books, and 5th Year books in most subjects for sale in the school bookshop.
Mrs. Quinn
Leaving Cert Results - Next Steps
Created : 31 Aug 2021, 3:45 PM
Archived : 01 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Students and Parents, Here is a link to an excellent guide to the next steps as the Leaving Cert. results arrive on Friday Sept 3rd.
This step by step guide is everything you need to know about Leaving Cert Results, CAO Offers, and options outside CAO.
Topics covered in this resource include:
How to Access Your Results
Calculate Your Leaving Cert Points
Understanding Accredited Grades
How to Cope with a Disappointing Leaving Cert
Repeating the Leaving Cert
Understanding CAO offers
Accepting CAO offers
Other options outside CAO
Second Chance Maths Exams
Leaving Cert Appeals
Leaving Cert Helpline / College Supports
and more.
Do not hesitate to contact the school guidance counsellors for assistance in the coming weeks with queries about results or offers. We wish all our students every success in the next phase of their career journey.
Ms. McGee, Ms. Travers and Ms Stanley.
LCA 1 and 2
Created : 31 Aug 2021, 12:55 PM
Archived : 31 Oct 2021, 12:00 AM
LCA 1 and 2 will return to school next Monday September 6th.
Ms O Reilly