Displaying 551-560 of 1181 results.
Houses of the Oireachtas Transition Year work experience programme for the school year 2021-22.
Created : 21 Sep 2021, 11:30 AM
Archived : 21 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
There will be three intake cohorts. The first will commence on Monday 8th November and will be online. There will be two other intakes after Christmas.
Final dates are to be confirmed as we await guidance as to whether they will be onsite or online, but I anticipate that our week in March will be from the 7th -11th and will be through Irish.
The final week in April will be from the 4th-8th. We propose to accept a maximum of 25 students in each cohort.
Please see the attached pdf document for further details.
Students signing out from school
Created : 15 Nov 2021, 1:45 PM
Archived : 20 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are seeking your support with the matter of students signing out during the study periods of our November Assessments. We are encouraging students to remain in school for the full school day. This is especially applicable to students that are signing out and back in - this is extremely disruptive and adds significant work to the administration of school rolls etc. It is particularly challenging to know the whereabouts of all students when this is happening.
We also wish to remind students that they must wear their full school uniform everyday this week as they do not have PE this week.
We wish all our students every success in these assessments.
Created : 20 Sep 2021, 4:06 PM
Archived : 20 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Please find attached the Student Sign-up Details for Studyclix. Please encourage your student to sign-up to Studyclix this evening. Students under 16 require parental consent.
All past exam papers are available on Studyclix. Therefore, students are not required to purchase past exam papers. The only exception at the moment is a subject that has not been examined by SEC. We will update accordingly in due course.
We will have a video call for the whole school with the Studyclix Team later this week or early next week to ensure everyone is on board with how to get the most value out of Studyclix. it is an excellent resource for every student especially the tutorial video's and discussion facility.
Many thanks.
School Policies 2021 2022
Created : 20 Sep 2021, 3:07 PM
Archived : 20 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We hope this finds you all well at this time.
Normally a little before this point in the school year you would have discussed and signed the school policies with your student(s). This year we are using the App for this process.
The policies can be found at www.scoilmhuireclane.ie/pages/policies/ or in the Admissions and Policies tab in our website - www.scoilmhuireclane.ie We have simplified the process further this year. You will be able to "consent to" / "sign" each policy in one form in the "Consent Forms section" on this App. This is within the menu on the left hand side of the App home screen.
Please read the policies with your student. please tick the "Yes" box to indicate that they accept the each policy. Please then tick the "Consent box" & sign the "Consent Form" to indicate that you accept the school policies. Please have all policies signed for Friday 1st October 2021. There are six policies in total. Please note that there is a new Draft Mobile Phone Policy. These forms will become live today and tomorrow.
Many thanks!
Science Week (November 7-14th)
Created : 05 Nov 2021, 11:38 AM
Archived : 16 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
To celebrate Science week (November 7-14th) , Scoil Mhuire are delighted to be running a photography competition open to all of its students. The theme of the photograph is ‘’Science around us’’.
To enter, students must submit a photo that they have taken themselves and submit it with a brief description of :
1. When and where it was taken
2. How it relates to the theme of ‘Science around us’….be as creative as you wish!
Prizes will be awarded for the best entries and the deadline for submission is Thursday 11th November at 3pm.
Entries should be sent to Ms. Healy (christinehealy@scoilmhuireclane.ie) or Ms.Jenkins (aoifejenkins@scoilmhuireclane.ie)
Studenrs will have additional activities in their science classes during the week.
We wish to acknowledge the support of our Science teachers and our STEM Prefects in promoting the week across our school.
Covid19 Update
Created : 15 Sep 2021, 2:08 PM
Archived : 15 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The HSE has requested that we share the advice on the document attached with our school community. What to do if a person develops symptoms, is identified as a Close Contact etc.
Take care!
Created : 14 Sep 2021, 1:16 PM
Archived : 14 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Please check the 6th yr Information TEAM set up to ensure all 6th yr students are up to date with all the Careers information that will be posted this year.
The CAO virtual booklet for 2022 entry to college is now on the TEAM - there will not be a paper version of the CAO booklet this year - so please spend time with your son/daughter exploring this VIRTUAL booklet and familiarising yourselves with the very important date deadlines and information contained within.
Information about the HIGHER OPTIONS event is also posted on the TEAM - all 6th yr students are advised to buy a ticket for this virtual event and attend on Oct 13 & 14th
The event will provide an opportunity for senior cycle students to speak with representatives from third level institutions in Ireland, the UK and Europe, further and higher education bodies and information organisations.
Over the course of the two days students can gather information to make informed choices on CAO and other further and higher study options.
There will be a full programme of careers and information talks.
Thank you, Grainne McGee, Ceola Stanley, Guidance Counsellors.
Parenting Course
Created : 13 Sep 2021, 12:00 PM
Archived : 13 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, Attached please find details of the upcoming 8-week online Good Enough Parent programme commencing on Thursday 28th Oct 7pm to 8.30pm.
The programme is hosted by the Men’s Development Network & is for parents (Mams & Dads) of 9-17 year olds.
Further information & bookings via Colm on 083-0125488 or by email colm@mensnetwork.ie
Reminder: Work experience for Transition Year
Created : 09 Sep 2021, 5:55 PM
Archived : 09 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
All TY students and LCA students should be on Work Experience every Friday.
The letters for the employer are available at the following link:
Please print off the letters and bring them to your employer to be completed.
Return the letter to Ms O Reilly or your tutor.
If you do not have a placement for any Friday then you should be completing the online courses that you are signed up to.
Garda Vetting:
Only students who are 16 years old can be Garda vetted.
The forms are on the school website and linked below.
Complete the forms and return to Ms O Reilly. It usually takes about 3 weeks to get the Garda vetting clearance.
CAO Offers - View Scripts - Appeals
Created : 08 Sep 2021, 2:40 PM
Archived : 08 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Students and Parents,
Below please find a reminder of some important dates and information following Round 1 offers yesterday.
The Reply date for Round 1 offers is Mon. Sept 13th by 3pm.
Round 2 offers will be issued on Mon. Sept 20th - You may get an offer in subsequent rounds, but - you may not get any further offers --- you will not get an offer for a course lower down your list than the offer you have received. Consider your offers carefully. Please contact the Guidance Counsellors if you are unsure about an offer and we will discuss it with you. Remember the timeline for accepting is Mon 13th at 3pm.
The Available Places system opens today Sept 8th at 12.00. Available places are places that remain unfilled in particular courses after all offers have been made and waiting lists have been exhausted. The Available Places is open to new and existing CAO applicants. Applicants must meet course minimum entry requirements. See details on www.cao.ie
The application to view scripts remains open until 8pm today Wednesday 8th on the Candidate Portal.
Students can view scripts from 9am Sat Sept 11th.
• Scripts marked on paper can be viewed in school at an assigned time on Saturday 11th.
• Scripts marked online can be viewed online Sat. 11th and Sun 12th Sept. from 9am to 12pm on the Candidate Portal.
Students can apply to appeal between 9am Sat 11th Sept and 12pm Mon 13th Sept. on the Candidate Portal. There is no fee for appeals.
If a student is upgraded, in line with CAO requirements, they will receive an updated offer from CAO, students may be able to take up the new offer for 2021-22 or start in 2022-23.
See also www.gov.ie publication - Candidate Information Guide to Results and Appeals