Displaying 611-620 of 1183 results.
North Clondalkin Library offers support to children and adults with learning difficulties etc.
Created : 20 Apr 2021, 5:58 PM
Archived : 20 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
North Clondalkin Library is delighted to introduce our specialised Toys, Technology and Training initiative (TTT).
The collection is designed to offer support to children and adults with learning difficulties, disabilities or more significant needs.
The project also includes the training element of TTT which is our series of free lectures and workshops, These events offer
further guidance, support and networking opportunities for parents, teachers and healthcare professionals.
When a child receives a diagnosis, it can be very challenging for both the child and parents/guardians. Please see the attached pdf for details of upcoming online events that may be of interest to you. Please contact the library directly for further information and assistance.
Webinars for Parents of Teenagers - Self Esteem, Substance Abuse, Peer Pressure
Created : 20 Apr 2021, 3:45 PM
Archived : 20 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Webinars : 1 Developing Self Esteem and Resilience in Teenagers - Topics include Decision making, Peer Pressure, Substance Abuse - Four Fridays 7,14,21,28 May
Go to : darren.shanahan@foroige.ie or 0867953215 for information
2. Young People and Substance Abuse Wed April 28th 7.30pm Contact 086-7953215 for information
Created : 19 Apr 2021, 7:58 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
SUSI - Applications Open for New Applicants
Thursday, April 22, 2021 12:00 PM
As SUSI expects to receive a high number of applications over the coming months, students are advised to apply online at www.susi.ie as soon as possible. Students do not need to have their Leaving Cert results, or to have accepted a course in order to apply. They can simply supply the details of the course they hope to study and can update their course choice online at a later date.
Before making an application, students are encouraged to use SUSI’s online eligibility reckoner to give them an indication of their eligibility for student grant funding.
New applicants must create an online SUSI account before completing and submitting the application. The priority processing date for new applications is 8th July 2021. New applicants who submit their applications on or before this date will receive priority assessment.
Students who are progressing to the next year of their course are reminded that they must renew their grant annually. Renewal students received an email from SUSI in recent weeks informing them of the renewal process. The priority processing date for renewal applications is 10th June 2021 and renewal applicants who submit their applications on or before this date will receive priority assessment.
School Book Shop
Created : 03 Jun 2021, 2:11 PM
Archived : 16 Jun 2021, 1:00 AM
Our school bookshop will be open by appointment for the purchase of mainly second-hand books on these dates;
Tuesday 8th June 9am - 3.45pm
Wednesday 9th June 1pm - 3.45pm
Thursday 10th June 9am - 1pm
Friday 11th June 9am - 1pm
Tuesday 15th June 1pm - 3.45pm
This opportunity mostly applies to 1st year and 5th year 2021/2022.
Please contact our school Office for an appointment 045 868121.
Thank you,
Mrs. Quinn
Girls get Active Hackathon
Created : 15 Apr 2021, 3:36 PM
Archived : 15 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Many teenage girls across Ireland are missing out on the benefits of sport and physical activity because they don’t think they are “sporty enough”, they don’t know where or how to get involved, and they don’t think there are opportunities for them to be involved in sport other than traditional team sports. Use your voice to help these teenage girls realise that sport and physical activity can be a part of their lives and that sport is for everyone, including them. Be part of the Sport Ireland Girls Get Active Hackathon and help us tackle the challenge of inactivity by being part of the solution.
Naughton Scholarship now open to apply
Created : 14 Apr 2021, 1:27 PM
Archived : 14 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
For the attention of 6th yr students and parents - The Naughton scholarship programme was established in 2008 to promote the study of engineering, science and technology at third level in Ireland. Each year a number of exceptional students are awarded scholarships to study at undergraduate level at any publicly funded university or third-level institution in Ireland. There is a bursary of €20,000 for one student in Kildare who wishes to study in the areas of engineering, science and technology. One of our students, Ellie Fitzpatrick won this bursary in 2020.
Please go to www.thenaughtonfoundation.com to view the application details and apply.
Barista Workshop
Created : 12 Apr 2021, 8:51 PM
Archived : 12 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
All TY students will take part in a Barista workshop on April 13th and 14th.
TY A,B and C will take part on Tuesday.
TY D,E and F will take part on Wednesday.
Ms O'Reilly
Return to School 12th April
Created : 11 Apr 2021, 5:45 PM
Archived : 11 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian/Student/Staff,
We hope this message finds you all well!
We are looking forward to welcoming our full cohort of students and staff to our school building tomorrow Monday 12th April. Some will be excited to be returning, others may be a little apprehensive for a variety of reasons. We will endeavour to support all students to ease the transition back to the school building.
Parent/Guardians must complete a “Return to School Declaration” form on this App before their student returns on Monday morning. You will receive a prompt at 6.30pm this evening and again at 8am tomorrow morning. You can access the relevant form in “Consent Forms” in the menu on the home screen of this App. Thank you to those that have completed the form to date.
Please remind your student of the importance of maintaining social distance where possible, proper hand hygiene and that masks must be worn at all times in the school building and outside, where a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained. The school building will be open to students from 8.30am.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you to please submit a note using the "Permission to Leave" facility on this App where your student may have to leave school during the day for an essential medical appointment/essential family reason. Students should not leave school for any other reason. All students must then sign out at the School Office before leaving our school. Where a student leaves our school without signing out at the Office, it will be deemed that they have left our school without permission. It is extremely important that we know where all students in our care are throughout the school day.
To reduce the risk associated with Covid19, students that sign out during the school day must not return to our school until the next morning.
Our wish is that everyone will have a positive and fulfilling last term of this extremely unusual school year!
Easter Message from Mr Nolan
Created : 06 Apr 2021, 9:40 AM
Archived : 06 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Please read the document attached for a message from Mr Nolan.
Competition - Design a Logo - Closing Date Friday 16th April
Created : 05 Mar 2021, 11:24 AM
Archived : 06 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Closing date for entries: 12 Noon Friday 16th April!
The Amber Flag Committee are hosting a competition to create a new logo that will represent Wellbeing in our School Community.
The winner will receive a €100 One4all Voucher. The winner will be announced on Friday 23rd April.
The winning design will be used on materials and resources produced to support wellbeing within our School Community..
Entries can be created by hand and scanned or created digitally. If you are feeling very creative you can enter more than one design!
See Poster attached and visit competition web page:
Good Luck!
Ms Stanley
Ms McMahon
Mr O'Brien
Amber Flag Committee