Displaying 521-530 of 1181 results.
Recent Maths Week
Created : 05 Nov 2021, 12:46 PM
Archived : 05 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
We hope that many of our students participated in some of the events organised as part of Maths week 2021. We wish to acknowledge the support of our Maths teachers, Prefects and other students in promoting some alternative aspects of mathematics during this week.
November Assessments Timetable
Created : 03 Nov 2021, 8:52 AM
Archived : 05 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian/Student, Please find attached the timetable for the November Assessments 2021. These assessments are during the week of the 15th - 19th November. Students are expected to remain in school for the full school day. Students will able to study outside of their individual assessments. Take care, JP Cahillane

College Open Days
Created : 01 Nov 2021, 12:28 PM
Archived : 01 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents & 6th year Students, This is college open day season - every weekend in November and into December colleges are holding Open Days - some are virtual and some are in person - Please ensure you attend open days in the colleges about the courses you are interested in - a full list has been posted to the 6th yr Information TEAM for your perusal - see also www.careersportal .ie - here is a summary: Nov 6th MIC Thurles Nov 6th Trinity College (virtual) Nov 6th TUDublin Nov 12th/13th University of Limerick (virtual) Nov 13th UCD Nov 18th Carlow IT & Carlow College - St Patricks Nov 19/20 DCU Nov 20 GMIT (virtual) Nov 20 Letterfrack (virtual) Nov 20 IADT NOv 20 Marino Nov 24 NCAD (virtual) Nov 26/27 Maynooth University & Pontifical Uni Maynooth Open days offer an opportunity to ask questions, visit a campus and get a feel for a college and the courses it offers. Attendance is an important part of the course choice process. Kind regards, Ms. McGee and Ms Stanley
Christmas job opportunity for Scoil Mhuire students
Created : 22 Oct 2021, 7:50 PM
Archived : 22 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Copperbeech farm Clane is looking for students who love Christmas to work at their Christmas Experience. Santa and Elves for Panto. Requirements are that you love Christmas. Contact: Text or Whatsapp to: 087 6727355 / 087 2789660 www.copperbeechfarm.ie
Study Guides - support for Parents and Students
Created : 21 Oct 2021, 3:25 PM
Archived : 21 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see attached study guides - one for Senior and one for Junior students which may be useful in encouraging your son/daughter to study. There are many suggested approaches to study, Please explore and discuss with your teen and find an appropriate method of studying for them. Guidance and Counselling Department, Scoil Mhuire.


Sports and Healthy Lifestyle Programme for teens - - Kildare Sports Partnership
Created : 21 Oct 2021, 1:25 PM
Archived : 21 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
This is a new and exciting Integration Through Sport Program brought to you Kildare Sports Partnership, Healthy Ireland, and Kildare Traveller Action Group. This will be an evening programme (days to be decided) and will offer a mixture of Health & Fitness classes and fun based noncontact Boxercise sessions. There will also be a number of interactive workshops offering advice in areas such as nutrition, health & wellbeing, life skills and culture identity. The programm aimsto help young people to develop physically and mentally and integrate into community by encouraging them to engage and get fully emersed in Sport and Physical Activity in the community through Boxing. Throughout the program, the facilitator will be sharing personal stories, offering advice, and discussing elements of his own journey through life and how he has managed to overcome the many challenges he faced along the way. Eric says, “I believe we all have the potential to be great, we just need to discover our hidden abilities & qualities and this program will strive to help each participant identify and discover theirs”. The programme will be hosted at St Michaels Boxing Club in Athy and is open to young people of all genders that are interested in taking part. On the final day of the programme, the group will go on a day trip to the National Sports Campus in Dublin and visit the High-Performance boxing gym where the Irish Olympic Boxers train on a weekly basis. And just maybe, they might get to meet some of the boxers too. For further information or to book a place/places on this programme please contact Kildare Sports Partnership through their Community Sport Development Officer, John Doran: johndoran@countykilldarelp.ie – 087 2675115 CLOSING DATE FOR BOOKINGS IS MON 01st NOVEMBER 2021
Message From The Principal
Created : 21 Oct 2021, 1:06 PM
Archived : 21 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
21/10/21 Dear Parents/Guardians, As we approach the Halloween break I would like to thank you for your support and cooperation throughout the term. It has been a busy few months and covid 19 has not impacted too much on school life. As we approach the winter months it is very important to continue following the covid guidelines. It is great to see the outdoor extra-curricular activities starting again. The students have shown great interest and enthusiasm in training and representing Scoil Mhuire. The November assessments will start shortly after the students return from the break. The report you get on these exams will give you a good guideline on how well your son/daughter is working in school. A little revision over the break will help. The term ends tomorrow. It is a school day. There will be normal classes for most of the day with some Halloween activities during last two classes. Any money raised during these activities will go towards the shoebox appeal. Keep safe over Halloween. Kind regards Padraig Nolan
Message from An Garda Síochána
Created : 20 Oct 2021, 6:33 PM
Archived : 20 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, We have been requested to share this message in relation to parking with you by An Garda Síochána. It mostly applies to the end of the school day. An Garda Síochána has received a significant number of grievances about cars and other vehicles obstructing entrances to private and business properties in the vicinity of our school. An Garda has also observed parking on footpaths, hindering pedestrians and obstructing the view of other road users. An Garda Síochána will be policing the vicinity of our school from Monday 1st November. They will be applying the relevant legislation which may lead to the prosecution of those not compiling with same. We are asking you to be mindful of our neighbours, our school community and the safety of pedestrians and fellow road users when picking up and dropping off students to our school. Thanking you in advance, Padraig Nolan Principal / Sec. BOM
Review of our November Assessments
Created : 01 Dec 2021, 4:04 PM
Archived : 18 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian/Student, We are extending the opportunity for you as a parent/guardian preferably with your student, as parents/guardians or as an individual student to provide anonymous feedback on our recent assessments. Please use your student's school O365 login to access the short survey on MS Forms using this link forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=KZuXMs_2WESVPhAUMaT9ny-gkc5TR6tPnJBvjIi1rpJUNzUyNDYyNkQwOVE0NzlQRU9OSVE4RVBDMi4u This form will close on 17th December 2021. Many thanks, JP Cahillane
Rotary Youth Leadership Development Competition
Created : 18 Oct 2021, 2:31 PM
Archived : 18 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Attached you will find details of this years Rotary Youth Leadership Development Competition. The competition is open to all students who are aged over 16 years on 01st September 2021 and under 18 years on 30th May 2022. All entrants will receive a certificate of participation, with School and Club winners receiving certificates appropriate to their results. School interviews by Rotary members will take place during the week beginning 15th November 2021 with the Club level final taking place in Naas during the following week, 22 Nov. Zone Finals will be held in Jan 2022 for the winners of the various Club competitions. Applications to Mr Behan or Ms O Reilly on or before November 12th.
