Displaying 581-590 of 1183 results.
Parent Notes
Created : 26 Aug 2021, 8:23 AM
Archived : 03 Sep 2021, 1:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, We are fast approaching the day that your student will be returning to, or beginning in our school. At present your student will appear in the same Year Group as last year or as an Incoming 1st Year. All our records will be updated next week and all data/records associated with your student will automatically transfer to their new Year Group. Please note that the Year Head list has been updated. Therefore, please use the Year Group your student will be in this year to contact the relevant Year Head or Deputy Principal. 1st Year - Mr Gorry 2nd Year - Mr Sheridan 3rd Year - Ms Ní Bhroin 4th Year (TY) - Ms O'Reilly 5th Year - Mr Dunne 6th Year - Mr Dermody We would like to wish you all every good wish for the year ahead. We are looking forward to working with you all.
Created : 30 Jun 2021, 9:20 AM
Archived : 30 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
DEAR 6THYEAR STUDENTS AND PARENTS, THE CAO CHANGE OF MIND FACILITY CLOSES TOMORROW JULY IST. PLEASE DO A FINAL CHECK OF YOUR COURSE LISTS TODAY AND MAKE SURE YOU ARE HAPPY WITH ALL YOUR CHOICES, HAVE GIVEN YOURSELF LOTS OF OPTIONS ACROSS A RANGE OF POINTS AND LOOK AGAIN AT THE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS AND THE ALERT LISTS ON THE CAO WEBSITE. MAKE SURE YOU SAVE ANY CHANGES YOU MAKE. Enjoy your Summer and well done on getting through another school year with lockdowns and uncertainty. I wish you all every success in the future, you will have lots of interesting and exciting adventures ahead. Enjoy it all and stay safe. If you need help at any time get in touch. Kind regards, Ms. McGee
Created : 21 Jun 2021, 11:45 AM
Archived : 21 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Short Summer Courses in NCADNCAD Applications for our 2021 Short Summer courses are now open. We are offering a range of 3-day and 5-day non-credit short summer courses in art & design, as well as a 3-week Portfolio Preparation course. Classes will run from 10am-4pm daily. Applications are made online, via the CEAD website. Places are filled on a first come first served basis. Applicants must be aged 16 years old and above. Click here for further information and to apply. We hope to welcome you to NCAD this summer! Feel free to contact me at cead@staff.ncad.ie with any queries. See student work from the CEAD 2019 Exhibition on Instagram.
Created : 21 Jun 2021, 11:24 AM
Archived : 21 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear 6th year Students and Parents, As students finish their exams, please be aware the CAO course change of mind facility will close July 1st so it is extremely important to check your course lists now and make sure you are happy with your choices . www.cao.ie The facility closes at 5:15PM on July 1st Now is the time to revisit your CAO application to ensure you prepare for all scenarios - have you put the course you really want in place number 1? Have you put down courses with a range of points to cover all possibilities? Be sure also to put choices on your Level 6/7 list - as this may be a vital route to college for you. The CAO Change of Mind facility will remain open until 5.15pm on July 1st. This FREE facility allows you to add new courses, remove courses or rearrange the order your courses. Once this deadline passes you will no longer have any control over what course(s) you will be potentially be offered in early September. With so much of your attention focussed on your Leaving Certificate over the past number of months, you may not have been able to give enough time to fully research your choices. However, there is still time for you to look at things perhaps with a clearer perspective now and be able to give more thought to refine your application. In order to change your choices, log in to your CAO account via the ‘My Application’ facility and click on Change Course Choices for each list. A New Courses list will then open where you can make your new selections. Your new choices will then cancel out and take the place of your previous selection. It is important to note that you cannot add any restricted courses to your application now. There may be an exception where you might be able to introduce one if it shares the same assessment procedures with a course you applied for before 1st February but you should consult with the relevant college beforehand. Keep your eyes peeled for any new options or changes. Throughout the year colleges have made alterations to their list of offerings. New courses have been added while some of the less popular options have been discontinued. Check out each college’s alert lists for more information and to see if there is anything newly added that might be an option for you. If you feel that you are still content with your original selections that is great. However, it is still wise to double check that everything is correct with your application and that all your courses are still on offer and that you have several back up options included. Double check the ENTRY REQUIEMENTS for each course that you have put down on your CAO application form to take account of demands of that course. Pay particular attention to Grades/Requirements in Maths, English, Irish, Science Subjects and Foreign Language requirements. You do not want to be sitting with great Leaving Cert points in September and without an offer. For more information about the ‘Change of Mind’ process, visit the CAO website or view the CAO Handbook. If you need help be sure to email: grainnemcgee@scoilmhuireclane.ie. Kind regards, Ms. McGee
Created : 05 Jun 2021, 8:49 AM
Archived : 05 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
CAO OFFERS AND ACCEPTANCES SCHEDULE NOW AVAILABLE. The 2021 Offers and Acceptances schedule is now available here: www.cao.ie/index.php?page=offerdates CAO will be emailing all applicants to inform them of these dates . Please note that Statement of Application emails have now issued to all applicants. Some applicants who modified their details will have received an email yesterday asking them to log back in to check their updated account information. Applicants who have not already clicked on confirm were also emailed yesterday and reminded to log in to their accounts to check their account information and click on ‘Confirm’ at the bottom of their account homepage. As always, the CAO Change of Mind deadline is 1 July at 5.15pm - CAO will be emailing all applicants before this deadline as a final reminder.
Booklists 2021 2022
Created : 03 Jun 2021, 8:41 PM
Archived : 04 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, Our booklists for each year group 2021/2022 are now available on the homepage of our school website www.scoilmhuireclane.ie/ Booklists will also be available shortly in the Book Store on this App. You will be able to purchase new books through our App. This service is independent of our school and any queries must be directed to our App Service Providers - UniqueSchools.ie
Summer Newsletter
Created : 26 May 2021, 8:01 PM
Archived : 26 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
The Summer Newsletter is now available to read or download on this link: newsletter.scoilmhuireclane.ie. Or see attached pdf. Have an enjoyable Summer and Keep Safe!

Creative Arts Summer School
Created : 26 May 2021, 11:04 AM
Archived : 26 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
Creative Arts Summer SchoolRCSI RCSI is now included in the HEA Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH 2) 1916 Bursaries. We secured three HEA 1916 Bursary Fund Scholarships for our HEAR students in December 2020. As you will understand this funding is life changing ( 5k per year x 4 years). As part of our commitment to PATH, we will participate in the Creative Arts Summer School with NCAD, TCD, UCD, IADT, MIE & MTU Crawford, Cork, coming up in June and many other collaborative PATH initiatives into the future, which we look forward to. I hope that you might share the attached CASS information widely across your network and the application link. Applications close Wednesday 2nd June so it’s a tight turn around. There are 60 places. Who Can Apply: Individuals from low socio-economic backgrounds or a community from where there is a low progression to higher education. People with disabilities, Mature and first to college, Lone parents, Ethnic minorities, Members of the Irish Traveller community, Students who attend DEIS band schools. Link to page website: www.ncad.ie/cass/ Link to application form: forms.gle/Jqya7NdhfdozvDjd8
Free Cookery Course for 14-17yr olds
Created : 26 May 2021, 11:01 AM
Archived : 26 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
FREE COOKERY COURSE being run by Culinary Arts TU Dublin Tallaght. It is a week-long, creative, cook-along programme for health & well-being for 15-17 year olds. There will be 2 sessions per day (Morning session 10-12 and Afternoon session 2-4pm) and enrolled students will be expected to attend both sessions. The amount of weeks we run it for will depend on how many students we get. At the moment we are thinking of 5 weeks over the following dates below. Dates: Days Online Times 1 21st-25th June Monday- Friday 10.00-12.00 14.00-16.00 2 28th June-2nd July Monday- Friday 10.00-12.00 14.00-16.00 3 5th July-9th July Monday- Friday 10.00-12.00 14.00-16.00 4 12th July-16th July Monday- Friday 10.00-12.00 14.00-16.00 5 19th July-23rd July Monday- Friday 10.00-12.00 14.00-16.00 There is no cost for the course but students will need to buy their own ingredients. It should only cost about €5 per day and all recipes will be in line with whatever ingredients are on special in Lidl that week. Students will need parental supervision while doing the course. Please contact niall.hill@tudublin.ie for further details.
Cadet Applications Deadline Wednesday 26th 12noon
Created : 24 May 2021, 9:32 AM
Archived : 24 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
Defence Forces - 2021 Cadetship Competition - Applications Close When Wednesday, May 26, 2021 11:59 PM to 11:59 PM Details The 2021 Cadetship Competition is now open!! Closing date for applications, Wed 26th May 2021 at 2359hrs. Do you want to lead, direct & motivate? Can you endure mental & physical challenges? Do you embrace responsibility? Start your application here: military.ie/en/careers/current-competitions/ Share this story