Displaying 591-600 of 1183 results.
Created : 20 May 2021, 6:02 PM
Archived : 20 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
A reminder to students and parents to continually check in on the Career and Guidance Teams created for all Transition year, 5th and 6th year students to keep up to date with on - going information webinars, free Summer courses, online advice re CAO Change of mind etc. Check in daily for updated information. Any student who needs help with CAO Change of Mind/ PLC applications etc please contact Guidance Office. Thank You.
Free online Web Design/ Data Science Summer Camp for Transition Year Students offered by National College of Ireland (NCI)
Created : 19 May 2021, 9:17 AM
Archived : 19 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
Online Summer Camp Secondary school students looking to get a taste of college life can join NCI's online summer camp Ctrl-Alt-Compete in web design or data science. NCI student outside college Experience college life at our online summer camps! Taking place over five days during the summer, we have two summer online camps for Transition Year students to choose from: web design (girls only) or data science. The camps are completely free AND online. So if you're interested in computing and fancy learning about the newest technologies from college lecturers, book your place today by completing the forms below! CTRL-ALT-COMPETE in Web Design (Girls Only) When: 19th - 23rd July 2021 Where: Online Cost: Free Requirements: You will need access to a laptop or desktop computer How to Register: Complete this online form Female TY students will design and develop websites, guided by expert mentors who specialise in web development. Students will also compete to create the best overall website and digital campaign. During the week, students will hear talks from guest speakers on topics related to computing, technology and marketing. At the end of the week, students will receive prizes and a certificate for participation. Technologies covered: HTML CSS Digital Multimedia CTRL-ALT-COMPETE in Data Science When: 26th - 30th July 2021 Where: Online Cost: Free Requirements: You will need access to a laptop or desktop computer How to Register: Complete this online form Students will design and develop data-based applications around a central theme, guided by experienced mentors who specialise in data science. Students will also compete to come up with the most compelling inferences from the data sources that they choose. At the end of the camp, students will receive a certificate of participation and prizes will be awarded. Tell me more! Costs: The camp is free of charge but places are limited. Further information: karen.campbell@ncirl.ie Have a Question? If you have any questions about our online summer camps for TY students, you can contact our School Liaison Officer, Karen Campbell. Email Karen
Transition Year 2021-22 Work Experience - 3rd years going into Transition Year
Created : 19 May 2021, 9:04 AM
Archived : 19 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
For attention all 3rd years going into Transition Year Dear Students, It probably seems strange to be thinking of Work Experience in the current circumstances, but it is necessary to plan ahead. We do not know what the situation will be in September but we will start planning as if things will be as normal. Many of you will have chosen to do Transition Year because of the chance to do Work Experience so now is the time to do some preparation to make it as beneficial and worthwhile for you as possible. Please read the attached pdf document for further information and advice. Guidance and Counselling 2021

Clane GAA - Health and Wellness
Created : 17 May 2021, 6:05 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
Message from Clane GAA: "As part of our Health & Wellness Month Clane GAA are delighted to have Conor join us on Wednesday night at 8.00pm to tell us his story - his struggle with mental health issues , how he conquered his addiction to drugs ,his road to recovery and how he is today. This is a must for all ages and a truly inspiring story of resilience which I highly recommend to all age groups and parents / guardians." Ailish Le Lievre Healthy Club Officer, Clane GAA Club Join Zoom Meeting us02web.zoom.us/j/6166735780?pwd=YmRIUlFDakxpemt6bWFCdC85TTRkUT09 Meeting ID: 616 673 5780 Passcode: Clane123

Irish Rail Apprenticeships -Apply Now
Created : 12 May 2021, 6:53 PM
Archived : 12 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
Apply by May 18th for these apprenticeships with Iarnrod Eireann/Irish Rail Apprentice Heavy Vehicle Mechanic, Apprentice Fitter, Apprentice Electrician We write to draw your attention to our 2021 Apprenticeship Campaign which has gone live on our website and social media platforms: www.irishrail.ie/en-ie/about-us/company-information/career-opportunities-at-iarnrod-eireann/apprenticeship-programme
Support For Parents - FREE online talks & events for parents of children & young people with special needs, hosted by Kildare Library Service - part of the Toys, Technology & Training programme this month:
Created : 12 May 2021, 9:14 AM
Archived : 12 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
Workshops supporting parents : Upcoming TTT Events May 2021 Please find below upcoming TTT events in May with booking links. For more information on any of our workshops, please consult the TTT 2021 Spring Events brochure or get in touch. 1. Online ASD-Friendly Sensory Story Time Sessions Join Sharon Curran (MSEN, BA Mont Ed, Dip Hort) live viaZoom for a fun, sensory story time tailored specially to meet the needs of children with ASD. Saturday 29th May, 11am | Book Here 2.Interactive workshop sessions with Occupational Therapist Sarah Butler Making Changes: All therapy involves change, what will you change? Come with your questions, difficult situations and things you want to change. Through discussion, information sharing and strategy suggestions you can explore how to make changes, what is making change difficult, and what could help you to make changes. Multiple dates in May | Book Here 3.Online Music Therapy Talks with Róisín Hayes Music therapy for children and adults with ASD developmental delay and intellectual disability This online talk will focus on the use of music therapy with children and adults with ASD, developmental delay and intellectual or physical disability. Thursday 13th May, 7pm | Book Here 4.Music therapy for children or adults that have acquired a stroke or brain injury This online talk will focus on the use of music therapy with children and adults that have acquired a stroke or brain injury. It will provide a broad overview of music therapy and the science and research that backs up this practice, Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT), and how it can be used for rehabilitation. Thursday 20th May, 7pm | Book Here 5. Music therapy for children and adults that may have mental health concerns This online talk will provide a broad overview of music therapy, including practical tips and music-based exercises that can be used at home, school or work to encourage positive mental health. Thursday 27th May, 7pm | Book Here Download: TTT Catalogue | TTT 2021 Events Brochure
Summer Reports
Created : 16 Jun 2021, 3:17 PM
Archived : 09 Jul 2021, 1:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, Our school reports are being published today Wednesday 16th June on a phased basis over the next 24 hours. Please ignore student absences as they are not accurate due to remote teaching and learning. Our school reports are now only available electronically using your Progresso (Cloud School) account. The purpose of our school report is to provide a comprehensive representation of, and to contribute to, the personal development of our students and to support learning and teaching. We value the professional opinion of our teachers in providing honest and constructive feedback to convey how our students can learn and improve. • While there is Higher Level and Ordinary Level in Irish, English and Maths at Junior Cycle. 1st Year students should realistically only be considered to be studying at a Common Level. Higher and Ordinary level classes will be formed for 2nd Year. • 2nd Year students will only receive a CBA result where the CBA was completed mid- May or thereafter. In all other examination subjects they will receive a Summative Result and a result for a CBA completed since our reports in March. Please read the two documents attached; 1. Cloud School Parental portal - How to access the reports. You must use the desktop site even on a mobile device. 2. New Reports Explainer Please use the "Parent Note" facility on this App to highlight any omissions from your student's report - send for the attention of Mr. Cahillane. Please note; Your username is not your email address. Where you previously used a "@eircom.net" email address - you may need to send us a new one using the “Parent Note” facility on this App as the Eircom one may have become redundant. Where you have an existing user account for Cloud School - you will not receive a new link to log in. You must use your existing username and password. Please ensure you are using the "desktop site" to view the reports. They will appear blank on the mobile site. Please only use the "Parent Note" facility on our school App for all communication associated with these reports. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support throughout the past school year. We hope our full school community has an enjoyable and safe summer.


Reminder: Workshop for TY students tomorrow - Please wear PE gear for the activities.
Created : 09 May 2021, 9:27 PM
Archived : 09 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
Reminder: TY students have a workshop tomorrow and need to wear their PE gear. Mon 10th Inflatable Games 09:00 – 11:00 Group A 11:25 – 13:25 Group B 14:00 – 15:45 Group C Tues 11th Inflatable Games 09:00 – 11:00 Group D 11:25 – 13:25 Group E 14:00 – 15:45 Group F Please wear PE gear for the activities. Ms Dunne
Non-competitive all-inclusive Soccer Academy
Created : 07 May 2021, 12:51 PM
Archived : 07 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see the document attached for details of this excellent all inclusive initiative. We wish everyone involved every success!

TY LawEd Module
Created : 07 May 2021, 12:38 PM
Archived : 07 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to all the TY students who have completed the LawEd module. For those yet to complete please be aware that access to the course will terminate on May 31st 2021. A O Reilly