Displaying 531-540 of 1180 results.
Christmas Jumper Day 2021
Created : 14 Dec 2021, 4:16 PM
Archived : 17 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Our Christmas Jumper Day on Thursday the 16th of December. Please bring in €2 to your Tutor.
Our Christmas Jumper Day this year is in aid of our school Breakfast club- which is a free service open to all students each morning which is provided in a safe, secure environment before school begins.
The breakfast club is run by volunteers and self-financed. Therefore, all donations and support will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Breakfast Club Team
School Uniform
Created : 15 Oct 2021, 12:32 PM
Archived : 17 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Students must wear their full school uniform every school day unless they have PE when they must wear their PE uniform. PE uniforms are available in Q&M Clane. When wearing their school uniform, student may occasionally wear an open jacket if it is cold. Their full uniform must be visible. at all times.
Hoodies are not allowed on any school day. Students will be asked to remove them, where a student refuses to follow this instruction the behaviour will be addressed as per our Code of Behaviour.
School uniforms should only be washed at the weekend when time is available to have the uniform ready for school days.
Many thanks.
Maths Week 2021 16th-24th of October in Scoil Mhuire Clane
Created : 15 Oct 2021, 12:18 PM
Archived : 15 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
As part of Maths Week 2021, we will be running a few activities in our school.
Here is some information on these activities.
1. Photo Competition- Take a photo and submit it. It sounds easy right? Here’s the catch. You must submit a photo (it can be one you have taken yourself, or one you find online) and have a mathematical question attached to it. For example, you could send in a photo of a group of people and ask the question:
What is the probability that a person selected at random from the group will be male?
Or a photo of a football pitch and ask us to find the area and perimeter of the field.
There will be a prize for the best Senior and Junior entry.
Hint: The marks are being awarded for the most creative question asked, so get thinking. You can also submit more than one question with each photo.
Please submit all entries to Ms O’Dowd (R25) before Thursday 21st October at 11am.
2. Countdown Numbers Round Game- Every morning we will be playing a countdown game over the intercom, during tutor time. If you wish to enter, you can find the entry sheets outside of the main office. (Take 4 sheets as you will need one per day Monday-Thursday) Drop your solutions back to the same place every morning after tutor. The winner will be selected by the most accurate solutions.
Hint: You should enter every day for an increased chance of winning.
3. Maths Poster Competition- Design and submit a maths themed poster. This can be in relation to any mathematical concept. The poster can be designed on A4 or A3 sheet.
Please submit all entries to Ms O’Dowd (R25) before Thursday 21st October at 11am.
We are hoping to have as many students as possible take part in our Maths week activities. We will have prizes for all winners. These prizes will be awarded on Friday 22nd October.
Get that thinking cap on and best of luck to all entrants!
The Maths Department
Virtual Information Evening for Students and Parents on CAO 2022 - OCT 19th 7pm
Created : 14 Oct 2021, 12:13 PM
Archived : 14 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents and Students..........Please register on www.cao.ie for Virtual Information session on CAO 2022 - see information on 6th yr Information TEAM also
CAO Virtual Information Evening
Tuesday, 19 October 2021 from 7pm - 8.15pm
An information evening for students, parents and guardians in association with CAO, the Institute of Guidance Counsellors and the National Parents Council Post Primary.
The evening's agenda will include presentations from representatives of CAO, IGC and the National Parents Council Post Primary. The evening will conclude with an FAQ session where some of the common queries received by all three organisations will be highlighted.
To register,go to www.cao.ie
Important - Absence Request Form (ARF)
Created : 14 Oct 2021, 9:42 AM
Archived : 14 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This year you will have been receiving an Absence Request Form on the school App when your student has not attended morning Roll Call (Tutor), when this is an unexplained absence. This system has replaced the text message service. You will receive a push notification at approximately 9.45am.
Please read the help sheet attached for guidance on what you should do when you receive an ARF.
PLEASE do not call the school office when you receive an ARF.
This only adds to the workload for both yourself and us as we cannot override this automated system.
Please feel free to contact me through the App/by phone where you have any questions about the ARF's.
Students will have to sign in/out electronically at the school office after mid-term break. This can be done by using the QR created when you submit the relevant note using the school App. The QR code will be created automatically on your student's phone once they have the school App. Otherwise, they will have to enter their name into the tablet at the school office. You will be sent a message once your student signs in/out. We will send you more details on this nearer the time.
Many thanks,
JP Cahillane
Back Up and Running
Created : 13 Oct 2021, 8:48 PM
Archived : 13 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
The Unique Schools App and Digital Communications System is now back up and running.
We apologise again for the inconvenience.
Many thanks for all your patience and understanding..
School Admissions 2022/2023 Application Reminder
Created : 12 Oct 2021, 12:20 PM
Archived : 12 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Just a gentle reminder that the closing date for submission of application forms for incoming first year 2022/2023 is 3.45pm on Wednesday 20th October 2021. We are asking that where you intend making an application, that you submit your application at your earliest convenience to avoid a surge of applications on the last day. This will help considerably with the administration on our end.
All relevant information can be found using this link www.scoilmhuireclane.ie/pages/policies/
Many thanks,
Padraig Nolan
Mental Health Awareness Day 2021
Created : 10 Oct 2021, 10:03 AM
Archived : 10 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Just a gentle reminder that today is Mental Health Awareness Day 2021.
see images attached, take care!
TY AWARE Programme
Created : 05 Oct 2021, 5:55 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
The transition year students will complete the AWARE Life Skills Programme, that deals with mental health and wellbeing, over the next few weeks. AWARE have shared a letter for parents of TY students.
Christmas Shoe Box Appeal 2021.
Created : 05 Oct 2021, 3:47 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see the attached document for information on the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal 2021.
Thank you Ms Bagnall for coordinating this appeal in our school again this year.
We will be setting up a payment facility for people that would like to support to this very worthy cause - more details will be available in the "Shop" later this week..