Displaying 501-510 of 1181 results.
Careers Awareness Week / Form for All Second Year Students to fill in and submit
Created : 02 Dec 2021, 3:19 PM
Archived : 02 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, This week we mark College Awareness week in the school to encourage students along their career journey and to get them started in their research of options for after school. There are a number of displays around the school and students have been watching college information clips, there have been college talks and chats with past students also. As part of this can we ask you to help your second year child to fill in the form below and submit it. forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=KZuXMs_2WESVPhAUMaT9n52hCBaJBmJIlj3wqv71GSpUOEtFS1FHRzUzT1VUSFoyTFkzQjFFVEZSMS4u If any student wishes to explore careers and courses they can access www.qualifax.ie , www.careersportal.ie and www,cao.ie . or come and talk to one of us. Thank you for your co-operation. Ms. McGee and Ms. Stanley, Guidance Counsellors.
Two Past Pupils Crowned World Champions!
Created : 01 Dec 2021, 6:28 PM
Archived : 31 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to past pupils, James O’Brien and Cormac Browne, have won the World Amateur Match Race Final in Dubai. They represented Team Ireland after winning the All-Ireland Amateur Match Race. They travelled to Dubai to represent Ireland in the final. Yesterday was the final day and they have been crowned World Champions, beating many teams from all over the world!! Click below to link to Leinster Leader report. www.leinsterleader.ie/news/sport/701875/kildare-golfers-storm-to-world-amateur-match-race-title-in-dubai.html
Careers Awareness Week and form for First year students to submit
Created : 01 Dec 2021, 1:44 PM
Archived : 31 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, This week we are marking College Awareness week in school with college talks, past pupil chats, video clips and information displayed throughout the school on routes to college, universities, further education colleges, paths to careers, STEM careers etc in an attempt to create awareness among students about the options available to them when they leave school and to encourage them to explore these options. Perhaps you might take some time with your son/daughter to do some career and course exploring on www.qualifax.ie and www.careersportal.ie. In addition please assist your First year student to fill in and submit the attached form. Thank you, Ms. McGee and Ms. Stanley forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=KZuXMs_2WESVPhAUMaT9n52hCBaJBmJIlj3wqv71GSpURFhNOUFZV0JYTlQyUzM1RDEwWDIzTVoxMC4u
Marron's Pharmacy COVID-19 walk-in vaccination clinic
Created : 25 Jan 2022, 3:01 PM
Archived : 29 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
"Marron's Pharmacy is operating a COVID-19 walk-in vaccination clinic this week from Tuesday 25th to Friday 28th January. Students and family wishing to avail of the opportunity may do so. Clinic hours of operation are 9.30am to 5.30pm. Available vaccine is the Pfizer vaccine. Boosters of patients aged 16+ are available. 1st dose vaccines of patients aged 12+ and 2nd dose vaccines of patients aged 12+ are also available. Please bring ID, PPSN and know details required for receiving a digital covid certificate. Patients aged 12 to 15 must be accompanied by an adult. No booking required. Just attend in person. If further information required, please phone 045-868112"
Transition Year Ice Skating
Created : 29 Nov 2021, 5:53 PM
Archived : 29 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
TY students are going Ice Skating on December 13th. The cost for the trip including bus and ice skating is 21 euro. This amount can be paid through the app . Tuesday November 30th is the final day for payment to secure your place.
Office365 Student accounts
Created : 21 Jan 2022, 5:16 PM
Archived : 27 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent, Guardian, Student, Staff Member, As you are aware, some members of our school community have been receiving unwanted emails. It is extremely important that you DO NOT OPEN these emails. Our service providers have put measures in place to stop these unwanted emails. We have taken the decision, as an additional precaution, to change all account passwords. We will also perform a clean-up of any affected email accounts. Students will not be able to access Office 365 applications such as Outlook, Teams and OneNote until they receive their new password. We will start issuing new passwords on Monday through their tutors. Any Students who do not receive their password on Monday/Tuesday will receive their it via the school app. Apologies for this inconvenience. We will keep you updated accordingly.
Student Council - a voice for students
Created : 25 Nov 2021, 9:29 AM
Archived : 25 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Previously elected Student Council representatives will be delivering presentations to all assemblies next week. The purpose of these presentations is to create an awareness of the role of the Student Council and to encourage new members to the role. The Student Council of Scoil Mhuire is a representative body of both Junior and Senior Level students and acts as a voice for the students. It aims to promote an active involvement by students in the running of the school. It contributes to the development of school policies and allows students to make suggestions regarding matters of general concern to the student body. It hopes that students will develop essential life skills such as listening, diplomacy, compromise, communication and leadership. We hope the student population will enjoy the presentations. A special word of thanks to previous representatives for their dedication to their duties.
College Awareness Week - Call for help from past students
Created : 24 Nov 2021, 2:48 PM
Archived : 24 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Graduate of Scoil Mhuire, I hope you are getting on well. and college life is progressing fairly normally for you. We will have College Awareness Week next week and I am hoping to have a TEAM meeting with some past students one day next week in which you might talk for a minute about your college course and experience so far - to give 6th yrs an idea about college. It would be great for the 6th yrs to hear from you directly. It would mean us finding a time that suits a few of you and you log in for a few minutes. I would appreciate if you would reply with a possible available time - during the school day - maybe Wednesday Dec 1st and we will plan from there. Thank you. Much appreciated, Grainne McGee
Has your son or daughter opened their CAO account? If not please do so now.
Created : 24 Nov 2021, 12:24 PM
Archived : 24 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents of 6th year students, Here are a few importantant reminders for you now that November tests are over - Please remind and assist your 6th yr student to open their CAO account as soon as possible on www.cao.ie - if they intend to go to college using points from Leaving Cert. 2022. The cost to apply is €30. Once the account is open, they can begin to list their chosen 20 courses in order of preference - the course they really want goes in place no. 1 , followed by the course they want if they did not get their first choice and so on .....down to number 10. Then repeat for the Level 6/7 list. It is important that the students keep a record of the e-mail address they use to set up the account -( as the CAO will contact them on this account throughout the process), and the password and their CAO number. The students will need their number and password each time they want to access their account - perhaps parents might keep a record of this information too? Please see the demo application guide and the video guides on www.cao.ie to assist with the application. Students who are not applying to the CAO can explore PLC options through www.qualifax.ie and start making a list of the courses they wish to apply for. Applications usually open from January - applying on-line directly to the PLC college of your choice. We recommend applying for at least 3 PLC courses. Students hoping to pursue apprenticeships need to be on the look out for apprenticeship opportunities - please go to www.apprenticeships.ie for information. Generally apprenticeships are sourced locally by the student and they then register with their new employer on apprenticeships.ie. Maynooth University Virtual open days are this Friday and Sat, - students must register in advance online at www.maynoothuniversity.ie - the open day is an important opportunity to have your questions answered by engaging with the university support staff. It is really important that you and your 6th year students keep checking on the Information Team that has been set up for 6th year students - so you do not miss deadlines or information which will be of benefit to your student's applications and future plans. KInd regards, Ms. McGee & Ms. Stanley
Style Loft - Making a Difference
Created : 22 Nov 2021, 2:15 PM
Archived : 22 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Style Loft is an initiative established by young people. It is a way we hope to get others involved in social outreach and charity work, to make a difference. We are working with the charity Aiding Resources, where we know the money raised will go directly to the place where it is most needed - Kamalini, India, to fight the devastating effects of Covid-19 there. We are hoping to get young people involved by asking Transition Years to provide 2-3 good quality, second hand clothes or accessories that would be suitable for resale, that they would be willing to give to us for this worthy cause. We will be reselling the clothes through the Thriftify website (website link below). We would love to have you on board! This clothes collection will be happening on Wednesday 24th and Thursday 24th this week. We are limiting the amount people can donate as we do not have the facilities to store large amounts of donations at the moment. If this collection proves successful, we are hoping to organise more into the future! If anybody has any questions or queries, you can email me at miriammcdermott@scoilmhuireclane.ie Thank you so much for your co-operation! Miriam and the Style Loft Team Instagram: @wearestyleloft Charity website: aidingresources.net/ Online shop: www.thriftify.ie/seller/aiding-resources/