Displaying 481-490 of 1181 results.
Senior Schools A Football Br. Bosco Cup
Created : 12 Jan 2022, 5:10 PM
Archived : 12 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to the Senior Boys Gaelic football team on advancing to the semi final of the Senior schools A championship. We defeated St. Mels Longford by 0-3 yesterday in a hard fought win. A lot of work over the Christmas break really paid off with the lads now 60 minutes away from a final in this competition for the first time. We play Maynooth on a date to be confirmed. Well done to teachers Mr.Power, Mr.Cribbin, Mr Kavanagh and all the team
Important Information for 6th yr students & parents re CAO deadlines etc........Please read to the end
Created : 12 Jan 2022, 10:46 AM
Archived : 12 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear 6th Yr students and Parents/Guardians of 6th yrs.,
Please be aware of and assist your 6th yr student with the following deadlines that are approaching:
CAO - account must be opened before Feb 1st - if you son/daughter has their lists of courses decided - please assist them to add them in order of preference.
See - youtu.be/ennL1ZjxUf0 How the CAO works and youtu.be/ns0riAO49co What is actually on a college course
DARE / HEAR schemes - If your son/daughter is applying for DARE or HEAR - they must tick a box on their CAO form before FEB 1st and then proceed with the application. Please assist with this as the paperwork is rigorous and there are strict deadlines to be met - do not leave to the last minute! See information posted on 6th yr information TEAM on the application process and also www.accesscollege.ie and youtu.be/8cxtPggxhFE How to apply for HEAR
www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0kgdpiZoK4 DARE
Languge Exemption Forms - were given to students with a language exemption before Christmas - please check that your student has completed the form and posted it - if it applies to them. (If they have a language exemption and have not received a form please ask them to see Ms.McGee immediately.)
PLC courses - it is time to start applying for PLC course.s. (This may be a vital back up route to your student going to college if they do not get the points necessary for direct entry to college). Please see www.qualifax.ie for PLC course options . You apply directly on-line to each PLC college - it is advised to apply for at least 3 PLC courses. See this clip for information - youtu.be/J2ewkThnhNQ PLC why to consider - all 6th yrs were given a PLC talk this week by Dunboyne College.
Grants- financial assistance is available to students through www.susi.ie. It may pay the college fees and may also pay maintenance to help the student with living costs while in college - You must apply for the grant - it opens in April but ....NOW is the time to start gathering the necessary documents - tax forms, income forms etc. The grant is means tested and is based on earnings/income up to Dec 31st 2021. Start by going to www.susi.ie and see this - youtu.be/022M9QUwrRI How to apply for susi grants
Scholarships - There are many scholarships available for students. Please see the Scholarship section of each individual college website and also see this clip youtu.be/RPGcn7Dj4N0 Scholarships and bursaries Dates and deadlines vary - you must check each individual scholarship details.
Students planning on doing apprenticeships should be actively looking for companies to take them on. Some will be advertised in the national media e.g. ESB, Irish Rail etc. Please see www.apprenticeship.ie
It is really important that you and your 6th yr student keep checking for information updates on the 6th yr Information TEAM - so you do not miss useful information or important deadlines.
Please contact the Guidance Counsellors with any queries and 6th yr students are encouraged to call in at any time with any questions or concerns.
Kind regards, Grainne McGee & Ceola Stanley, Guidance Counsellors, Scoil Mhuire.
The National Gallery of Ireland TY Work Experience Opportunity
Created : 11 Jan 2022, 6:04 PM
Archived : 11 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Applications for the popular National Gallery of Ireland TY work experience programme are now open:
Transition Year Work Experience 2021-22 | National Gallery of Ireland
TY placements at the Gallery are very popular and places are extremely limited. In 2021-22 they will take one cohort of students from Monday 28 March – Friday 1 April 2022.
Please see the attached pdf for further details,
HEAR DARE link to information sessions
Created : 07 Jan 2022, 2:02 PM
Archived : 07 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
HEAR and DARE applications
Created : 07 Jan 2022, 1:07 PM
Archived : 07 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, Guardians,
If your son/daughter is applying for HEAR or DARE you are strongly advised to tune in to www.accesscollege.ie tomorrow Sat Jan 8th for an information session on how to apply for the HEAR and DARE schemes. - all questions will be answered and the process explained.
Kind regards, Grainne McGee Guidance Counsellor.
Covid19 Close Contacts Update
Created : 06 Jan 2022, 10:56 AM
Archived : 06 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
School Re-Opening Information
Created : 05 Jan 2022, 8:11 PM
Archived : 05 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent, Guardian, Student, Staff Member,
We hope this message finds you and your family well. We would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year!
Our school will reopen tomorrow Thursday 6th January. However, with the continued and indeed heightened precautions including hand hygiene, mask-wearing, and social distancing, to help reduce the risks and challenges associated with Covid 19.
We have been asked to remind you that anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 or those identified as a "close contact" must not attend school until they are symptom free for 48hrs and where appropriate has completed the advised isolation period.
We will update you accordingly in the coming days.
Stay safe!
Symptoms of COVID-19
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 (coronavirus) are:
fever (high temperature - 38 degrees Celsius or above) - including having chills
dry cough
fatigue (tiredness)
COVID-19 symptoms can be like symptoms of cold, flu or hay fever.
Less common symptoms
Less common symptoms of COVID-19 include:
loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this could mean they're completely gone or just different to normal
nasal congestion (runny or blocked nose)
conjunctivitis (also known as red eye or pink eye)
sore throat
muscle or joint pain (aches and pains)
different types of skin rash
nausea or vomiting
chills or dizziness
Merry Christmas
Created : 24 Dec 2021, 8:38 AM
Archived : 24 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Christmas Carol Service
Created : 22 Dec 2021, 10:59 AM
Archived : 22 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Hi all,
Please find our Christmas Carol service on the link below. We will show this at 9am to all classes throughout the school. The prefects have put in tremendous work getting all the clips and putting them together via our you tube channel. A special thanks to our arts and culture prefects Holly Scully Owens and Leah Colton in this regard.
Have a lovely Christmas and thanks to all who helped out with this production.
Enjoy the show!!!
Mr Paul Dermody
Message From The Principal
Created : 22 Dec 2021, 9:57 AM
Archived : 22 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians,
It has been a demanding term and an extraordinary year. As we close for the Christmas break I want to thank you for your support through out the term and year. It is now time to take a little break and renew and refresh with family and loved ones. May you have a happy Christmas and many blessings in 2022.
Kind regards
Padraig Nolan