Displaying 221-230 of 355 results.
Room 1 Crayon Creations
Created : 17 Dec 2020, 2:46 PM
Archived : 17 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
5th class in Mr Dooley's room have recreated some pencil case favourites! Have a look at our wonderful crayon creations.
Books going home for Christmas Break
Created : 17 Dec 2020, 2:44 PM
Archived : 17 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, from today we will begin sending home some school books with the children. We fully expect to reopen the school on January 6 2021 as normal and have received no information to the contrary. We do not wish to cause any alarm but we feel it prudent to be prepared for what we consider the worst case scenario. We all remember the short notice we received in March and as such we would like to be prepared should something happen. Children's school bags will need to be emptied each evening so that they are not carrying heavy bags to and from school. We thank you for your cooperation in this.
Christmas Raffle
Created : 10 Dec 2020, 8:05 PM
Archived : 17 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
An update from the Parents Association regarding the Christmas Raffle.
National Parents Council Christmas Event
Created : 13 Dec 2020, 12:48 PM
Archived : 13 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
The National Parents Council invites you to join us for some festive tales on Wednesday the 16th of December at 7pm.
One of Ireland’s finest storytellers Niall de Búrca will be celebrating Christmas-time by sharing some seasonal tales in his own unique style!
A fun evening for all the family
This virtual event is free and you can join by clicking this link www.surveymonkey.com/r/Join_NPC_and_Niall_de_Burca_for_festive_tales
or by calling NPC 01-8874034
Hour of Code
Created : 11 Dec 2020, 7:28 PM
Archived : 11 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Today our 4th classes took part in the Hour of Code. Susan O'Reilly from Microsoft introduced all the children to what coding is and encouraged them to begin writing simple code. As was fitting the workshop was delivered via Microsoft Teams. The children learned what algorithms are and how coding is used practically in our everyday life. All the children were presented with certificates of completion for taking part in the Hour of Code today. Thanks to Susan and Microsoft for providing such a fantastic opportunity for our pupils and to Mr. O'Brien for coordinating and organising everything for the classes involved.
Rm 7 Collaborative Christmas Art
Created : 11 Dec 2020, 12:57 PM
Archived : 11 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
5th class in Ms. Dempsey's room worked very hard on these amazing collaborative pieces. Each group worked together to make a unique Christmas picture. They are so big that we could only fit 3 of them in the classroom!
Hot Chocolate in Rm 4
Created : 11 Dec 2020, 12:55 PM
Archived : 11 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Ms. Hilliard's class have been learning about procedural writing. This is where you give someone instructions on how to do something. 4th class wrote excellent instructions on how to make hot chocolate! They may have had some previous experience.
GAA Training with Johnny Doyle
Created : 11 Dec 2020, 11:44 AM
Archived : 11 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Great fun training and improving our skills
Parents Association Meeting
Created : 09 Dec 2020, 11:09 AM
Archived : 09 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
The next Parents Association meeting takes place via Zoom at 8pm on Thursday 10th Dec. A detailed update on the school building project will be provided at this.
Bryan Lynch is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Parents Association
Time: Dec 10, 2020 08:00 PM Dublin
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Meeting ID: 931 8348 3678
Find your local number: zoom.us/u/aegciP9P3w
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Building Project Update
Created : 06 Dec 2020, 8:58 PM
Archived : 06 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Our contractors, Townmore, officially came onto site on Dec 3rd. They have started securing the site and preparing their compound. Unfortunately some of our front yard is no longer accessible as it has been fenced off. This means that from Monday morning the only entry and exit point is the gate beside the PBS secondary school.
The parents/guardians waiting area has moved along with the bicycle and scooter racks. The video below explains this.
We are excited to see work begin on the project and there will be an update for parents/guardians during the week.