Displaying 881-890 of 3099 results.
Open Day 14th May for Parents of Current 1st and 2nd Years
Created : 13 May 2022, 6:02 PM
Archived : 13 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
We look forward to welcoming parents of our current 1st and 2nd Years to our Open Day from 9.30-10.30am tomorrow morning. The Parents' Council will be holding a cake sale in Lourdes Hall so join us by the fountain for teas, coffees and the tasty treats that our whole school community have joined together to bake.
TY Update & What’s On Next Week
Created : 13 May 2022, 3:06 PM
Archived : 13 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
From the canals of Venice to Matilda and High School Musical it’s been an unforgettable high to the end of this tremendous TY year! A massive congratulations to each one of our TYs who completed their final week’s work experience last week. On reflection each and every one of our students gained new skills and developed throughout the experience. We hope each student gained valuable experience that will help them as they transition into Senior Cycle and start to focus on the path ahead including the college courses they choose and their career paths.
With this in mind it is important to highlight as we progress through our final term that 5th Year is well and truly in sight. All academic classes are now focusing on 5th Year and Senior Cycle. Class time is very important at this stage. The TY exams which will take place between the 26th and 30th of May are key in terms of consolidating the academic side of TY. These exams will also feed into how classes are arranged for 5th Year. Please ensure your daughter takes the time necessary to put her best foot forward and complete each and every summer exam. Moreover, It is crucial that TY students exhibit the appropriate behaviour for learning at all times and that they espouse our school values of respect, courtesy and kindness in their interactions with their teachers and classmates.
This week TYs have been busy preparing for our much anticipated Open Day. Well done to everyone involved, in particular the TY Reps who have done an incredible job of making sure TY is well represented. We wish all our students involved tomorrow the very best of luck. We also wish our trained Baristas well as they put the skills to the test with our fully equipped coffee stand.
Today, our TY2s and 3s welcomed back retired Dublin Gaelic Football Champion Kevin McManamon to OLS. This week’s programme included:
This session teaches the group to recognise and control unhelpful thinking patterns, and encourages
them to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more helpful ones.
Things other people say to us creep into our heads and we can begin to believe them. This session
helps the group rebuild self-confidence and learn to like themselves again.
Next week our TY students will continue to prepare for their end of year exams as well as TY Night on the 25th May. Next Wednesday we will hold our Inaugural TY Pizza Challenge. We also look forward to the TY Bake Sale.
Dates for the Diary include:
TY Pizza Challenge - 18th May
TY Bake Sale - 20th May
The Great TY Bake Off is back - 24th May
TY Night - 25th May
TY Exams - 26th - 30th May
TY Mystery Tour - 31st May
Incoming TY Update & What’s Going On
Created : 13 May 2022, 1:18 PM
Archived : 13 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Welcome Students and Parents/Guardians to the TY Update & What’s On Next Week. This is a weekly update you will receive each Friday of term as your child progresses through Transition Year.
Already TY is in sight and it’s shaping up to be an exciting year.
Last week a proposed TY Foreign Trip to Barcelona, Spain was announced. TY students have been asked to express their interest and submit consent forms. The proposed date for the trip to Barcelona, Spain is Wednesday 12th April – Saturday 15th April 2022. The trip costs will cover flights, bus transfers, accommodation, a guided sightseeing tour of Barcelona, entrance to the Aquarium, Park Guell, Sagrada de Familia, Bowling, Barcelona boat trip, PortAventura, Montjuic cable car ride, House of Illusion, breakfasts and evening meals. We hope to confirm this trip and announce the allocation of places before the end of the year.
As advised at the Transition Year Information Meeting, next year’s Transition Year students will be visiting Carlingford Adventure Centre in County Louth from Wednesday 5th October to Friday 7th October 2022 inclusive. This trip is a highly enjoyable one. Students take part in a wide variety of outdoor activities that focus on promoting communication, leadership and team building skills. It is a wonderful opportunity for the girls to get to know each other and to forge bonds with other students at the beginning of their Transition Year. The trip plays a key role in setting a positive tone for a year of personal challenge, adventure and social development. Activities include rock-climbing, abseiling, kayaking, hill-walking, canoeing, laser tag and zip-lining. The deposit for this whole year group trip is now due.
All incoming TY students have been busy voting for their TY Reps for next year. TY Reps play a key role in TY and are leaders within our school community. The TY 2022/23 Reps will be announced at a whole school assembly on Friday the 3rd of June.
Each year Trinity College run a computer science course for TY Students. Applications for the 2022-23 workshops are now open. The workshop's will run between January and February 2023, dates will be confirmed nearer the time. There is no charge for the workshop. The aim of the workshops is to introduce students to computer science in general and Trinity College in particular. Past activities have included building and programming Lego robots, animation and game design using Scratch, blogging and web design, sound recording and podcasting and multimedia work. Students will gain experience working as part of a team, meeting deadlines and presenting their work in addition to developing their technical skills. It is an introductory course so no experience is necessary. Further information relating to this course has been posted on the TY 2022/23 Google Classroom.
Best of Luck!
Created : 13 May 2022, 10:16 AM
Archived : 13 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Best of luck to our 3rd Year Music students who will be the first ever year to complete the Junior Cycle Music Practical examination. The girls have put in huge efforts and we look forward to hearing some beautiful Music throughout the school on Monday and Tuesday. Best of luck everyone !
Career Expo
Created : 13 May 2022, 10:14 AM
Archived : 13 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
The 5th Years attended our Careers Expo last night and had the opportunity to speak to medical professionals, the Gardaí, solicitors, engineers, librarians and the Irish Army to name but a few professions. Thank you to all of our participants who gave so generously of their time to speak to our students. We also thank our Guidance Department for organising this informative evening and the Parents' Council for providing our participants with refreshments.
Get set, ready, bake!
Created : 12 May 2022, 5:19 PM
Archived : 12 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Last call for cakes! With the Open Day fast approaching, our Parents' Council fundraising committee are readying themselves for their big cake sale extravaganza. We are sending out our final request for all parents to get behind them and support by donating a cake, bun, scone or other delicacy to ensure we have an abundance of goodies to sell on the day. Such treats can be dropped into St. Joseph's Hall at the start of the school day tomorrow after which time you can drop off at reception. We look forward to your support!
Senior Basketball
Created : 12 May 2022, 2:13 PM
Archived : 12 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the senior basketball team for winning the final. They played Maryfield College and won 38-17. Well done!
Important Notice for Parents of 6th Years
Created : 11 May 2022, 1:28 PM
Archived : 11 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Please read the attached document for updated information about the CAO change of mind facility and statement of application record.
Book of the Week
Created : 11 May 2022, 1:23 PM
Archived : 11 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
This week’s book recommendation is a fantasy novel based in Dublin. ‘All Our Hidden Gifts’ by Caroline O’Donoghue focuses on the main character of Maeve Chambers and her friends. When Maeve finds a dusty old pack of tarot cards and starts giving strangely accurate tarot readings, she finally becomes popular. That is until her ex-best friend Lily draws a chilling and unfamiliar card - and then disappears.
Take and Bake
Created : 11 May 2022, 1:21 PM
Archived : 11 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
In advance of our Open Day this Saturday and the Cake Sale being held by the Parents' Council, we received an incredibly generous donation from Mr. Kipling. Two pallet loads of cake mix and icing arrived to quite an excited audience. With the call to "take and bake", our students grabbed the opportunity to nab some baking goods to bring home, bake and return on Friday, ready for sale on Saturday. No doubt they will go down a treat on the day. Afterall, Mr. Kipling does make exceedingly good cakes!