Displaying 1951-1960 of 3099 results.
Open Letter from the Acting Chief Medical Officer to Parents/Guardians
Created : 02 Sep 2020, 8:59 AM
Archived : 02 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Please the attached letter.

Some additional Leaving Cert information
Created : 02 Sep 2020, 8:42 AM
Archived : 02 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Please find attached another document from the Institute of Guidance Counselors that may be of use and students can also check: careersportal.ie/parents/parents_whats_next.php

Leaving Cert & Leaving Cert Applied Information
Created : 02 Sep 2020, 8:38 AM
Archived : 02 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Results will be available on the LC Portal on Monday September 7th. Please find attached some information - one for Leaving Cert students and one for Leaving Cert Applied students. The last page of each document explains the school's and other supports available to you to help answer your questions. Ms Porter has also posted these documents on your Google Classroom and will continue to update the Classroom so make sure you are checking your emails and notifications over the next few weeks. There is a freephone Leaving Certificate Helpline - 1800 265 165 Guidance Counsellor support is available to students around the days of the LC results and CAO offers. Please contact lporter@olschool.ie and individual support will be given by email/phone/Google Meet. Ms. Porter will also hold a drop in Google Meet for students at the following times: 8th September 3pm -4:30pm, 9th September 3pm-4pm (LCA students only), 14th September 3pm -4:30pm These meets can be accessed through your Careers Google Classroom. We wish our students the very best!


After School Study for 3rd/5th/6th Years
Created : 01 Sep 2020, 5:33 PM
Archived : 01 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see the attached letter, also available on the school website, regarding after school study: olschool.ie/documents-2/after-school-study/

Message for Transition Year
Created : 01 Sep 2020, 5:21 PM
Archived : 01 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
TYs are back in action tomorrow from 8.30am - 11.30am. The TY Team of Ms Byrne, Ms Nolan, Ms Phillips and your form teachers are ready to welcome you in! A few little reminders for your first day back: There is a new temporary pedestrian entrance near the bus stop on Templeogue Road. You need to wear a face covering when you come in to school. Bring a sanitiser in a zip lock bag (there is sanitiser in every room in school but it's always good to have a personal supply!). Bring a snack & bottle of water for a break (no shared taps currently) and a pen to write in your new journal. Arrival: B4: Enter through the Art corridor entrance and go to the Social Area (new classroom there!) C4: Enter through the back door of Room 16 and stay in Room 16 L4: Enter through the back door of St. Joseph's Hall and stay there P4: Enter through the arch door and go to Room 5 A little message from your 6th Year councillors: youtu.be/U-_XQxcbDDg See you tomorrow!
Message for 2nd Years
Created : 01 Sep 2020, 5:17 PM
Archived : 01 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
2nd Years are back in action tomorrow from 9am - 12pm. Ms Kelly and your form teachers are ready to welcome you in! A few little reminders for your first day back: There is a new temporary pedestrian entrance near the bus stop on Templeogue Road. You need to wear a face covering when you come in to school. Bring a sanitiser in a zip lock bag (there is sanitiser in every room in school but it's always good to have a personal supply!). Bring a snack & bottle of water for a break (no shared taps currently) and a pen to write in your new journal. Arrival: B2: Use the arch door, go to Room 47 C2: Use the door by the lift, go upstairs to Room 21 L2: Go to main door of the Sports Hall and go upstairs to the Gym M2: Go to the drama prefab beside the Sports Hall P2: Go to the PE prefab Ms Kelly sent you an email today with a message from your 6th Year councillors. See you tomorrow!
Message for 5th Years
Created : 31 Aug 2020, 5:23 PM
Archived : 31 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
5th Years are in action tomorrow from 9am - 12pm. Ms Forbes and your form teachers are ready to welcome you in! A few little reminders for your first day back: There is a new temporary pedestrian entrance near the bus stop on Templeogue Road. You need to wear a face covering when you come in to school. Bring a sanitiser in a zip lock bag (there is sanitiser in every room in school but it's always good to have a personal supply!). Bring a snack & bottle of water for a break (no shared taps currently) and a pen to write in your new journal. Instructions: B5: come in the arch door and go to Room 5 C5: come in the bottom door of St Joseph's Hall and that is where you are staying! L5: come in the Art corridor door and head for Room 16 P5: come in the door by the lift and head upstairs for Room 21 See you then!
Message for 1st Year students & parents/guardians
Created : 31 Aug 2020, 5:16 PM
Archived : 31 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
We very much look forward to welcoming our new 1st Years tomorrow (8.30 - 11.30am) for what will be the start of a very exciting new chapter in their education. As restrictions are in place on the school campus, we would ask that the following entrance protocols be adhered to tomorrow morning. 1. We are asking that students, where possible and practical, walk to school or cycle to school. In the case that it is not possible and practical and parents are dropping students off by car, then a set down only facility will be in place inside the front gate. There will be no parking. Parents are asked not to get out of their vehicles. Parents should also be aware that there are strict visitor protocols in place with advance appointments required to enter the building. 2. Students should make their way to the Sports Hall and enter through the main door. Staff will be on hand to inform the students where to go. 3. Students will then sign in, pick up their journals and be escorted to their base rooms, in small pods, by a member of our 6th Year Leadership Team. 4. Students do not need to bring in any books or copies, however, students should bring in a pen to write in their new journals. 5. Students should bring a snack for break time and a small bag to bring food waste home. 6. Students should observe the hand hygiene protocols, sanitise and wear a face covering/mask. 7. Students should also bring a Ziploc bag to place their face covering/mask into when not in use. Once the students arrive in their base room they will be welcomed by their Year Team and the beginning of the induction programme will begin. All staff and students of Our Lady's wish our new 1st Years the very best for the year ahead! A message from your 6th Year councillors: youtu.be/-2yApMqW2Zk
Welcome back to our 3rd and 6th Years!
Created : 31 Aug 2020, 1:31 PM
Archived : 31 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
Back in action!
Message for 3rd Years
Created : 28 Aug 2020, 5:30 PM
Archived : 28 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
3rd Years will be in action on Monday morning at 9.30. Ms Nyland and your form teachers are ready to welcome you in! A few little reminders for your first day back: There is a new temporary pedestrian entrance near the bus stop on Templeogue Road. You need to wear a face covering when you come in to school. Bring a sanitiser in a zip lock bag (there is sanitiser in every room in school but it's always good to have a personal supply!). Bring a snack & bottle of water for a break (no shared taps currently). Instructions: B3: come in the door by the 3rd Year lockers/Room 3 (downstairs kitchen) and go to Room 4 C3: come in the arch door and go to Room 5 L3: come in the Art corridor door and head for Room 16 P3: come in the bottom door of St Joseph's Hall and that is where you are staying! There will be signs to help you, don't worry! See you then. Message from your 6th Year councillors: youtu.be/ncnyQ5Maemc