Displaying 1851-1860 of 3099 results.
L House Week
Created : 10 Nov 2020, 8:38 AM
Archived : 10 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
To mark L house week the L house captain, Ali Herbert, planted some bulbs in our garden. Also attached is their house theme: " If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart. I'll be there forever."
Well Done First Year Class Captains!
Created : 10 Nov 2020, 8:27 AM
Archived : 10 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to our First year Class Captains for leading their Form classes by organising a thank you card for their Anam Cara Sr Josephine. Eimear Smylie B1, Ciara Quinn C1, Regan O'Riordan L1, Sophie Semenova M1 and Anna Sutcliffe M1 demonstrated great initiative this week.
Fancy Dress Friday Winners!
Created : 09 Nov 2020, 11:39 AM
Archived : 09 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
The Student Council are delighted to announce that the Fancy Dress Friday before the midterm break raised over €2,300. This money will be split evenly between the Believe to Achieve 300 and the Student Council's funds for the year. If you haven't donated your money yet please give your €5 to the Student Council member in your class group. Congratulations to the following winners of the Best Dressed competition. We will be delivering your prizes later this week. 1st Years- B1 2nd Year- Valentina Dowling 3rd Year- L3 4th Year- Casey Anne 5th Year- Julie Vaughan 6th Year- Ellie Doran Best dressed teacher- Mr Farrelly
Well done 1st Year Hockey Players!
Created : 07 Nov 2020, 12:30 PM
Archived : 07 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
First Saturday out!
Reading Week Success!
Created : 06 Nov 2020, 11:19 AM
Archived : 06 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Reading week was a fantastic success and we hope our students enjoyed the opportunities to drop everything and read during the week! If you are interested, here's a (short) article you might enjoy with a fabulously incisive answer to the burning question, 'Why do we read?' www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/why-do-we-read-1.2084524
TY: What's on Next Week
Created : 06 Nov 2020, 11:02 AM
Archived : 06 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to the girls who began their Sign Language courses this week. We have 16 diligent learners who hopefully will be able display their skills for us at the end of their 8 week course, see picture attached from our Thursday class. We had big excitement on Thursday as the Enterprise class began the ordering process for your TY hoodies, a big well done to Ms. O'Sullivan and all the students for all the organisation involved. Well done to the Enterprise class with Ms. Campbell on the starting of the Snack Shack. It was a strong start and will only improve as the word spreads, so best of luck ladies. Please note some notices for the week ahead. 1. The deadline for sign up for the Fundamental Hockey Coaching course is 15:30 on Monday. More information is available on the google classroom. 2. Eirquest apitiude tests which are happening on Wednesday and Thursday this week. The schedule is: Weds 11th Nov 08:30 - 11:44: B4 and C4 Thurs 12th Nov 09:28 - 12:42: L4 and P4 All room assignments are posted on the google classroom for your daughter to check. 3. Please remind your daughter to update her ePortfolio regularly. A list of materials to be included are on the google classroom and her IT teacher will be able to assist her in updating the entries if she is having difficulties. 4. Ms. McGinley will be accepting applications for a number of positions as exam attendants for the upcoming Leaving Certificate exams. The exams will run from the 16th of November to the 9th of December across evenings and weekends. There will an attendant rota in place for duration of the exams. Closing date for application is Tuesday 10th November. Application and details of how to apply are on the google classroom. 5. Notice from the TY Enterprise class. ''Last call for TY hoodie orders will be Monday as some of you have let the class know that you forgot this week. Collection will take place during Pastoral Care on Monday. If you are not getting a hoodie that is not a problem.'' 6. Ms. Cassidy and Ms. Ryan are facilitating a student led podcast club in which the student voice will be heard. If your daughter is interested in hearing more about the club, she must meet Ms. Ryan and Ms. Cassidy on the grit pitch at 12:45 on Monday.
Free online workshops for parents
Created : 05 Nov 2020, 3:08 PM
Archived : 05 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
With the support of the Dublin South Central Parent Support Champions, Professor John Sharry of Parents Plus will deliver two free online workshops on 'Looking after your family's mental health during the Covid-19 crisis'. The workshops will take place online on the 9th November at 10am – 11.15am and 7pm- 8.15pm. Geraldine Kelly, Director of Parenting at One Family will also deliver workshops on `Parenting through stressful times' on the 16th of November, and 'Sharing parenting successfully after separation' on the 23rd of November. To book your free places for these workshops, visit www.parentsplus.ie/post/resources-for-individuals-families-and-parents-during-covid-19-crisis/
Amber Flag Committee Competition
Created : 05 Nov 2020, 10:37 AM
Archived : 05 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
The Amber Flag Committee is asking everyone to send in sunny-day, happy-memory pictures that will be a source of light and hope during these darker days. They are beginning with 1st Years this week who are asked to send their sunny/happy photos to photocompetition@olschool.ie to be in with a chance to win a prize. Each year will get their chance and then at the end of term they will choose an overall winner.
Important attendance reminders
Created : 03 Nov 2020, 2:23 PM
Archived : 03 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
It is very important that your daughter's school attendance records are accurate and for this reason we ask parents/guardians to please note the following: There are 3 different forms on the app that you can use so please choose the correct option for each situation: All FULL DAY absences should be notified via the Absentee Form. Please be accurate with dates for the days FULLY ABSENT. (If this changes during the course of the absence if, for example, the student returns to school earlier/later than originally thought, just submit another form with the updated info. and we will amend. her record.) All LATES should be notified via the Late Note form. Here, please be as accurate as possible with the expected arrival time. You will get a notification when your daughter signs in at Reception. If for any reason your daughter needs to LEAVE EARLY, please submit the Permission to Leave Form and be as accurate as possible with the expected departure time. You will get a notification when your daughter signs out at Reception. Please submit these requests to leave early before 8.30am so the office can process your daughter's sign out as efficiently as possible. Please also note that your daughter must go to Reception during the day if she needs to contact home - she is not permitted to use her mobile phone for communication during the school day, as explained in the Code of Positive Behaviour. Many thanks for your ongoing cooperation with our evolving digital systems - it is very much appreciated!
1st Year Tree of Hope
Created : 03 Nov 2020, 11:54 AM
Archived : 03 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to our 150 First years who created a Tree of Hope for the OLS community. Each student personalised a sycamore leaf with hopeful and positive messages. Thank you to our proactive TY students who then constructed the tree in the GPA. A great effort by all!