Displaying 131-140 of 2403 results.
Reading Club Returns
Created : 16 Sep 2024, 5:33 PM
Archived : 17 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

Reading Club will return to CPC from next Wednesday 25th September. 

1st, 2nd and 3rd years are welcome to join us in the Mindfulness Room (top floor of convent building) each Wednesday at lunchtime from 1.20-1.50pm. All you need is a book and your lunch . 
See you there! 
Parents' Association Annual General Meeting 17.09.24 at 8pm - REMINDER
Created : 16 Sep 2024, 5:22 PM
Archived : 16 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Cross and Passion College Parents' Association will take place in the school Assembly Hall on Tuesday 17th September at 8pm. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend on the night to find out more about the work of the PA and share their ideas. This is your opportunity to be actively involved in your son or daughter's school. Please come along if you can.

Minister Foley announces schools participating in phase one rollout of new Leaving Certificate subjects
Created : 16 Sep 2024, 5:10 PM
Archived : 16 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

I am delighted to announce that Cross and Pasion College has been chosen as one of 57 post primary schools to introduce Leaving Certificate Drama, Film and Theatre Studies from the start of the 2025/26 school year. This subject will be offered to our current TY students when they are in 5th year. Please see today's press release statement below:

Minister for Education Norma Foley TD has today published the list of 100 selected Phase One Schools that will be the first to offer Leaving Certificate Drama, Film and Theatre Studies and Leaving Certificate Climate Action and Sustainable Development from the start of the 2025/26 school year.

Among the schools participating in phase one, 57 post-primary schools have been selected to introduce Leaving Certificate Drama, Film and Theatre Studies from the start of the 2025/26 school year and 43 schools have been selected for Leaving Certificate Climate Action and Sustainable Development.

The announcement marks an important moment in the Senior Cycle Redevelopment Programme and the Minister’s vision for a Senior Cycle that provides young people with an opportunity to study a range of subjects that align with their talents and passions.

Minister Foley said: “It was fantastic to see a strong level of interest from schools of all types across the country in taking part in this first phase of delivering the new Leaving Certificate subjects of Drama, Film and Theatre Studies and Climate Action and Sustainable Development. These subjects are being introduced to provide greater choice for students to better reflect their range of interests and support the development of a wider range of talents and skills.

“The applications received demonstrated the extraordinary talent, qualifications, experience, and commitment by teachers in schools across Ireland interested in introducing these two new subjects to their students. The level and variety of current subject provision in the selected schools and the enthusiasm shown by their school leaders, teachers, students and school communities was nothing short of exemplary and I have every confidence that the rollout of both subjects will be a success. I am most pleased for the students in the 100 post primary schools across the country who will experience either Drama, Film and Theatre Studies or Climate Action and Sustainable Development at Senior Cycle in this initial phase and who will have the opportunity to develop their interests, strengths and talents in these areas.”

Teachers in the selected schools will begin working with Oide, the teacher support service, this school year, a year in advance of teaching the subject. All selected Phase One schools will be provided with the necessary resources to establish new subject departments in their schools and to support the teaching and learning of the subject from the start of the 2025/26 school year.

Drama, Film and Theatre Studies will promote and encourage creativity as a basis for learning through immersive experiences. Students will have the opportunity to cultivate informed thinking through learning supported by creative and critical processes. 

Climate Action and Sustainable Development will develop students’ capacity for informed and meaningful action for a just and sustainable world as they engage with key sustainability challenges including the climate crisis. Students will be empowered to build their understanding of a number of interconnected core concepts and principles related to climate action and sustainable development.  

Oireachtas Essay Competition 2024 - Aiste an Oireachtais 2024
Created : 16 Sep 2024, 5:05 PM
Archived : 16 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Principal,


The Oireachtas Essay Competition / Aiste an Oireachtais, an initiative by Senator Rónán Mullen and which I launched three years ago, is now in its third year and I am delighted to tell you that the competition will be held again this year.

This Competition aims to encourage young people across the Island of Ireland to reflect on the importance of the democratic process and to consider their place in it.

Who is this Competition for? 

As well as the Oireachtas Essay Competition / Aiste an Oireachtais being open for Senior Cycle (5th Year and 6th Year) and AS/A level students on the Island of Ireland, for the first time, we are inviting Transition Year students to submit essays to us and compete for a prize fund of €6,000PTSB is the Principal Sponsor for the next three years, and we welcome back CJ Fallon as Associate Sponsor this year. We are looking for essays in English or Irish (max 1,000 words) on the theme Parliamentary Politics Liberates / An tSaoirse agus an Pholaitíocht Pharlaiminteach

This year's Competition takes its inspiration from the forthcoming 250th Anniversary of the birth of 'The Liberator', Daniel O'Connell, who devoted his legal and parliamentary careers to powerful, peaceful agitation in the cause of freedom and justice in Ireland and worldwide.

No surprise then that our chosen theme is 'Parliamentary Politics Liberates' for those writing in English. Is é 'An tSaoirse agus an Pholaitíocht Pharlaiminteach' an téama dóibh siúd atá ag scríobh i nGaeilge.

We are inviting students to register on our Competition website — www.oireachtasessay.ie / www.aisteanoireachtais.ie — by 8 November 2024.

As always, when students register we email them a code number with which they can upload their completed essays by 22 November 2024.

Why are we doing this?

Many people wonder about the quality of our politics and the future of democracy itself. We hope this Competition will again stimulate interest in the political process and help each student to find their role in our democratic system.


Who is organising the Competition?

Senator Rónán Mullen has devised the Competition with the support of a Competition Advisory Committee including academic and teaching professionals across the Island of Ireland, and with assistance from the Oireachtas Education Unit.

The closing date for submitting essays is 22 November 2024. The very best of luck to all participants. See attached Flyers.


I would simply ask principals and teachers to encourage Transition Year and Senior Cycle 5th & 6th Years to participate in this Oireachtas Essay Competition, as these young people are the future, who will be charged with upholding and strengthening our democracy.





CPC Fundraiser Lotto
Created : 16 Sep 2024, 4:33 PM
Archived : 16 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

After a busy return to school for both staff and students, it was finally time to present some of our summer weekly prize winners with their prize. A number of our students collected prizes on behalf of their parents (we will follow up with those who missed the announcement today). Well done to all and thank you for your support.

As I explained at the recent parent information evenings, all money raised through this fundraiser is ring fenced and will be used to pay for something for the students. In the coming months I will be looking for ideas from parents, students and staff of what to spend the money on. The best ideas will then go to a vote to decide what we will do.

Thank you to everyone who is supporting us - if you would like to play for as little as €2.50 then please click HERE to register and play.

Our Jackpot currently stands at €2800. Best of luck!

Cycle Against Suicide - Webinar Series - Anxiety in Focus
Created : 16 Sep 2024, 4:21 PM
Archived : 16 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM
Webinar Series 2:    Anxiety in Focus – Understanding Anxiety in Children and Young People.
September-December 2024 (7-8pm)

Anxiety is one of the most common challenges of childhood and adolescence. This has been reflected in the registrations to and attendee feedback on previous Cycle Against Suicide webinars delivered by Cycle Against Suicide and the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, UCD. 

Building on our previous series, Series 2 will take a more in-depth look at anxiety in young people exploring different types of anxiety common in this age group. Each 1 hour session will incorporate content on the causes, symptoms and evidenced-based approaches which support recovery.

September 19th : What is Generalised Anxiety Disorder?
October 10th :  Social Anxiety: Why the worry?
November 7th:  Understanding Post-traumatic Stress in Children and Teenagers
December 5th: Exploring Perfectionism and Obsessive-Compulsive Characteristics
These sessions delivered via zoom are free and open to all parents and teachers to participate. register your participation please do so at: https://www.cycleagainstsuicide.com/parent-talks/
2E English
Created : 15 Sep 2024, 9:24 PM
Archived : 16 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

2E have been learning a new skill this week...the skill of annotating! The students have been working really hard while studying some WW1 poetry.

Political Education TY Students welcome Senator Fiona O'Loughlin
Created : 12 Sep 2024, 10:55 AM
Archived : 12 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

Students from our Political Education class welcomed Senator Fiona O’Loughlin yesterday. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet the first woman to be elected as a TD to our Dáil in the constituency of South Kildare. Fiona spoke about her work  as the Fianna Fáil Deputy Leader in the Seanad, Fianna Fáil Spokesperson for Education in the Seanad, Chairperson of the Oireachtas Women’s Caucus, Chairperson of the all party Dementia Group and Head of the Irish delegation to the Council of Europe. Fiona spoke about the importance of public service, the need for volunteerism and the empowerment of local Government and local Communities. We appreciate the time Fiona took to visit our class and share her experiences.


Community Activist and former Deputy Principal Noel Clare speaks on the Importance of Community
Created : 12 Sep 2024, 10:46 AM
Archived : 12 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

Our Sixth, Fifth Year RE and TY Community Care Classes were delighted to attend a talk on Community by local activist and former Deputy Principal Noel Clare. Noel spoke about the importance of caring for our communities whether they are at home, school, clubs or the wider area where we live, local, national or global. Noel gave many practical examples of how each of us can contribute and we look forward to implementing a variety of ideas. 


Sew Much Fun at the Crafts and Fashion Club!
Created : 07 Sep 2024, 8:48 AM
Archived : 09 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM
Crafts and Fashion at Cross and Passion College is back! Thank you to all First Year students who attended our session last Thursday. All First Years are welcome each week, no need to sign up, just come along.
See you next Thursday at lunch in the Home Economics Room!