The attached photo contains details of a Basketball Camp in Kilcullen this summer which may be of interest to some of our students.
I would like to wish all examination students beginning their Junior Cycle, Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied examinations this morning the very best of luck.
Do your very best and know that these exams are just a stepping stone to the next chapter.
To our parents and guardians, we know this can be an anxious time for you too - your support for your son/daughter will help them through the next couple of weeks.
The very best of luck to all and if we can do anything to support you through the examinations please let us know.
J Leonard
We shared our very special Sixth Year Graduation Mass recently with students, their families, staff, members of the Board of Management and our parish. Our thanks to Fr Gary Darby for a beautiful mass, to Ms Angie Lawrence for arranging the music along with Sixth Year students who were supported by both Fifth Year and Transition Year musicians and singers. Our thanks also to the Religious Education Department for all their hard work in preparing the ceremony. It was a very meaningful and poignant celebration of the past six years for our students as they embark on the next stage of their adventure. We wish them all the very best in their upcoming exams and beyond.
We were delighted to celebrate our Sixth Year students time in Cross and Passion College with a delicious breakfast, followed by our annual Teacher vs Student football match. It was a lovely morning that encompassed the many awards earned with time to chat, enjoy each others company over breakfast, view the Year Book, followed by the hotly contested Teacher vs Student Football match. Our thanks to Mr Mann for coordinating the morning. We were joined by Ms Mary Twomey who was Year Head up to her retirement last year and by Ms Mairéad O'Malley current Year Head. Thank you to Conor and Georga of Foodschool who provided the tasty treats of which there were many and to our wonderful Transition Year students who volunteered to help out. It was a real showcase of our sense of community and care for each other. Our Sixth Year students used the fuel from their delicious breakfast to score their way to victory in the football match. Well done to everyone involved!
Huge Congratulations to Róisín Brannock and Abbey McNamara who were award the Principal's Prize for 2024. This award recognises outstanding contributions to our school. We are delighted that both Róisín and Abbey have been recognised for their tireless work and commitment during their time in Cross and Passion College.
Congratulations to Hannah Lee Parnell and Hannah Maloney who were awarded Student of the Year for Leaving Certificate Established and Leaving Certificate Applied respectively.
Well done on your extraordinary achievement!
Congratulations to our Sixth Year Subject Award recipients
Excellence in Guitar Sean Browne
Progress in Performance Allie McCann
Progress in Performance Patrick Carey Hyland
Progress in Performance Ella Hannon
Outstanding Progress in Physics Eddie O’Loughlin
Science Perpetual Award Abbey MacNamara
International Language Perpetual Award Christopher Norris
Subject Awards
Art Lara O’Mahoney
Practical Achievement Task Miguel O’Connell
Accounting Olivia Glinka
Visual Art Caitlin Hogg
Design & Communications Graphics Niall Howard
Construction Studies Luke McCann
Hotel, Catering & Tourism Evan Talt
English James Groome
Physics & Irish Abbey McNamara
LCVP Link Modules Nick Langan
Technology Ella Hannon
Home Economics Kahlen Murray
Music Emer Fox-Lane
German Kalina Slattery
Maths Eddie O’Loughlin
Graphics & Construction Enda Byrne
History & Agricultural Science Christopher Norris
Hotel, Catering & Tourism, Maths, Social Education, Work Experience Hannah Maloney
Geography, Religious Education, Business Roisin Brannock
Practical Achievement Task, Social Education Task, English Ryan Boyle
Chemistry, Biology & French Hannah Lee Parnell
We are so proud of you all!
Congratulations to our Sixth Year students who recently received their awards in the following areas
6A Finn Cowper Gray
6B Emma Browne
6C Sean O Toole
6D Sarah Kenny
6E Dylan Barnby
6L Katelyn Hogg
Perfect Attendance: Kyle O'Connell
Academic Excelllence:
6A Caoimhe Quirke
6B Lara O Mahoney
6C Christopher Norris
6D Abbey McNamara
6E Przemyslaw Pawel Szalbierz
6L Hannah Moloney
Application to Study:
6A Aoife Norton
6B Katherine Bartholomew
6C Ben Malone
6D Ella Harney
6E Jack Jordan Doyle
6L Ryan Boyle
Guidance Prefect:
Finn Cowper Gray
Eddie O Loughlin
Kaelah Taaffe
Christopher Norris
Sarah Kenny
We are so proud of you all.
Before heading off on their summer holidays, a group of First Year students visited our local Primary School which they had previously attended. They met with all the 6th class students and engaged in a Q&A session on the transition from Primary School to CPC.
Among the many questions which our First Year students answered were questions in relation to:
The First Year students were great ambassadors and represented their year group very well while helping the 6th class students prepare for the transition to CPC.
Well done to all students involved.
E McDonnell