Displaying 81-90 of 2403 results.
6th Yr Hallowe'en Treats & Dress Up
Created : 25 Oct 2024, 11:20 AM
Archived : 25 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

There was a great air of Spookiness about the school today as students dressed up for Hallowe'en to 

raise funds for KWWSPCA and a worthy Climate Change Project for LCA. 

The 6th yr theme was PJ's with a few anomalies thrown in for good measure. Many thanks to the English Dept

who provided some spooktacular breakfast treats for all the hard work and dedication the 6th yrs have shown during the first half-term. 

We wish everyone a safe and happy mid-term. 

1st Year Halloween Quiz
Created : 24 Oct 2024, 11:12 AM
Archived : 24 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Well done to the 1st Year Prefects (5th Year students) who organised a very successful Halloween Quiz for the 1st Years on Tuesday, October 22nd. 

Great excitement and laughter echoed from the assembly hall. There was even some singing and dancing during the music round. 

After eight rounds of ten questions, the leader board was decided. 

Team 7 came out victorious with an outstanding 65 points out of a possible 80. 

Team 20 swooped in to take 2nd place, earning 62 points. 

Team 14 came in 3rd place with an excellent score of 60 points. 

Congratulations to the winning teams. And well done to all 1st year students for their enthusiasm and participation. 

3rd Year November Exams
Created : 23 Oct 2024, 6:59 PM
Archived : 23 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

November exams for 3rd Years will take place from Thursday 7th November until Wednesday 13th November, the timetable for the exams is attached as a PDF below. Exams will run in 2 hour blocks on each day with a supervised study period avaialble on all mornings apart from Friday. To ensure a place in these study periods please fill in the attached Google form indicating the days you intend to avail of this option. This form will close on Monday 28th of October at 5pm. Students will be provided with further information with regards to the exams prior to the mid-term break.



CSSP - Urgent and Important
Created : 23 Oct 2024, 3:54 PM
Archived : 23 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Principal,

As you know the Candidate Self Service Portal will close this Friday 25 October at 5 pm.

 As of this morning only 67% of candidates had registered their account and confirmed their subjects and levels.  We really need your assistance to ensure that all candidates complete this important first step in their journey towards the 2025 Leaving Certificate.

We would ask that you continue to remind candidates to register through the Portal before the deadline.   

The registration process is a very simple 4-step process once candidates have their information to hand.  The process should take no more than 10 minutes from start to finish and requires candidates to;  

  1. access the portal using their examination number and the first four digits of their PPSN.
  2. create an account adding their mobile phone numberan email address that they can access immediately and will have access to over the summer, and a secure password.
  3. confirm their registration by clicking a verification link in an email that they will receive from the SEC
  4. log into their account to check their subject entries; confirm their entry level, removes any subjects they will not be sitting and adds any subjects which are not recorded.

As well as confirming their subjects and levels at this time, the Candidate Self Service Portal is the gateway to further stages of the 2025 Leaving Certificate including access to the results and the later stages of the process such as the appeals application process.

The portal can be accessed here 2025 Candidate Self Service Portal (examinations.ie)   The CSSP helpdesk is available for assistance from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours candidates can email candidateportal@examinations.ie

Candidates will have the opportunity to update their choices when the CSSP reopens in the Spring.  

We appreciate your continued assistance with this important process.

Yours sincerely,

Grace Thompson

Entries Section


State Examinations Commission

A visit from the KWWSPCA
Created : 23 Oct 2024, 3:35 PM
Archived : 23 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Our 6th year students were delighted to welcome some volunteers from the KWWSPCA to speak to them about their valuable work with animals and about how our students can support them.

Both 6th year students Olivia Lambert and Isabelle Moran have been researching the work of the KWWSPCA and organised this visit for our 6th year students during their Religion class on Monday.

Students were delighted to also see and meet the two cute rescue dogs that accompanied the speakers.

Money raised from our non uniform day this Friday will be donated to the KWWSPCA to help them with their work. 

Bingo for Barretstown!
Created : 21 Oct 2024, 3:41 PM
Archived : 23 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

5F Religion class raised much needed funds for Barretstown. They hosted bingo for all 1st year students on Wednesday 16th October. This action was a part of their community module of Religious education.

There were five prizes of Coffee Hatch Vouchers for those who won! Thank you to The Coffee Hatch for sponsoring the fundraiser. 5F have raised over 200 euro in their efforts. A representative of Barretstown will be visiting our 5th years after midterm break and the cheque will be presented then. 

A great hour of music, fun and bingo! Thank you to all first years who donated to this worthy cause. Your support is appreciated. 



Scary news! Halloween Giveaway Competition
Created : 18 Oct 2024, 3:49 PM
Archived : 18 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Time is running out to join and support us!

A reminder that everyone who has a ticket in our fundraiser lotto on Thursday 24th October 2024, has a chance to win our Jackpot and has a FREE chance to win one of three sensational Halloween Giveaway Competition prizes (this nationwide competition is open to all people who have a ticket in a lotto run by our service provider ‘Our Fundraiser’). Prizes include: 2 x Oasis Official Platinum Tickets, a €1,000 Must Win Cash Prize and a €500 Smyths Toystore Voucher.


If you already have a ticket for our fundraiser lotto on 24th October 2024, you will be entered into this Halloween Giveaway Competition. If you do not have a ticket, please visit our fundraiser website to join: https://www.ourfundraiser.ie/org/cpckilcullen

·       If you previously registered on our fundraiser website, then log in using the mobile number and password you used before and click on the ‘Play’ button.


·       If you have not previously registered on our fundraiser website, then click on the ‘Join’ button and follow the steps, it just takes a minute!


If you need any assistance, please email support@ourfundraiser.ie


To Win - at 7pm on Thursday 24th October 2024 a participant will be chosen at random by ‘Our Fundraiser’ for each prize. They must answer a phone call within 5 rings and answer the below quiz question correctly to win a prize. This competition is subject to the terms and conditions which can be found at https://www.ourfundraiser.ie/terms-and-conditions

What form of transport do witches traditionally use?  (a) Magic Carpet  (b) Bicycle  (c) Broomstick

Please spread the word with family and friends. Thank you so much, your support makes a big difference.

Erasmus Day Celebration
Created : 18 Oct 2024, 10:03 AM
Archived : 18 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

We are very proud of our debating team who played a key role in our Erasmus Day celebration on Monday. Our debaters displayed strong skills in proposing and opposing a motion on Is it Beneficial to be an EU Citizen ? All took place under the supervision of the Ceann Comhairle of Dáil Éireann, Seán Ó Fearghail TD. While the adjudication of the debate suggested the proposers of the benefits of EU citizenship to have won the day, it was agreed to have been a very close result. The confidence of teams on both sides was acknowledged, as was appreciation of the difficulty in arguing the opposition. Following on from the debate, our students engaged in a drama workshop, facilitated by volunteers from the Erasmus European Solidarity Corps. We were delighted to welcome Serena from Italy, Marta from Spain, Tuana from Turkey and Makis from Greece. It was an also an occasion to welcome German teachers, Lutz and Luise from https://st-ursula-schule.de, whom we look forward to working with for Erasmus exchanges.The event finished up with students, staff members and invited guests coming together to enjoy a feast of International food prepared by students and their families. We look forward to hosting future #ErasmusDays Events to celebrate our membership of the Erasmus+ Programme. https://www.erasmusdays.eu/event/cross-and-passion-college/

Sincere thanks to TY students Eileen O’Sullivan, Chloe Nicholson and Anna Fitzpatrick for their assistance at the event. 

The event was reported on by our very own PR team for the day; Evey Brand and Sam Gaynor (reporters), Emily Strong and Ailbhe Cashin (photographers). To read their full article, please  go to https://kilcullenbridge.blogspot.com/2024/10/ceann-comhairle-chairs-cpc-debate-on-eu.html


Congratulations to our 5th Year Prefects who received their badges today.
Created : 17 Oct 2024, 4:38 PM
Archived : 17 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Congratulations to our 5th Year Prefects who received their badges today.

They are an excellent group of Student Leaders who contribute positively to their school community everyday under the fantastic guidance of Ms Aimee Kelly. 

As a 5th Year Prefect their primary role is guiding and supporting our 1st Year Students.

They have fulfilled this role very well this year so far by checking in with 1st year students each day and organising fun activities that help students make friends and feel welcome. 

Keep up the great work all. We are very proud of you!

Ms Mills 


Run Run Rudolph
Created : 04 Dec 2024, 7:41 PM
Archived : 15 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

It’s that time of year again – Run Run Rudolph is happening again.

With only 5 days to go to Sunday Dec 8th at 11 AM entries are flying in, it looks like RRR 2024 is going to be even bigger than last year.

Please see the attached Pdf for full details and support Kilcullen GAA.
