Displaying 211-220 of 917 results.
Well done to the class of '23
Created : 29 Aug 2023, 12:36 PM
Archived : 29 Oct 2023, 12:00 AM

We are very proud of our girls who received their Leaving Certificate results on Friday.

Some students came to school to share their success and will appear in this week’s papers in some photos, so be sure to look out for them!


A special mention must go to Lucy Garrett who achieved eight H1 grades and was one of very few people in the country to do so.


We wish the girls the best in the coming days as the CAO process begins. 

Welcome back TY Students!
Created : 25 Aug 2023, 3:19 PM
Archived : 28 Oct 2023, 12:00 AM

We are looking forward to welcoming our TY girls back to school tomorrow.


TY students should check the screen in the foyer for the room number related to their tutor class. Names are also displayed on the screen. 

Their induction will take place from 8:50am.


We wish everyone a happy and productive year ahead.


Kind regards, Cian O Doherty


Welcome to our 1st Year Girls!
Created : 25 Aug 2023, 3:17 PM
Archived : 26 Oct 2023, 12:00 AM

We are looking forward to welcoming our 1st Year girls to school on Monday.


1st Years will be met at the front door by our senior Prefects. They will then go to Rosary Hall for an assembly at 8:50am.

Their induction will follow with their class tutors. 

School will end at 1pm for the girls on Monday and Tuesday. 


We wish everyone a happy and productive year ahead.


Kind regards, Cian O Doherty

Welcome back 5th Years!
Created : 24 Aug 2023, 4:04 PM
Archived : 24 Oct 2023, 12:00 AM

We are looking forward to welcoming our 5th Year girls back to school tomorrow.


5th Years should go directly to Rosary Hall for an assembly at 8:50am.

Their induction will follow with their class tutors. 


We wish everyone a happy and productive year ahead.


Kind regards, Cian O Doherty

Welcome back 3rd Years!
Created : 24 Aug 2023, 4:02 PM
Archived : 24 Oct 2023, 12:00 AM

We are looking forward to welcoming our 3rd Year girls back to school tomorrow.


3rd Years should check the screen in the foyer for the room number related to their tutor class.

Their induction will take place from 8:50am.


We wish everyone a happy and productive year ahead.


Kind regards, Cian O Doherty

Welcome back 2nd Years!
Created : 24 Aug 2023, 4:01 PM
Archived : 24 Oct 2023, 12:00 AM

We are looking forward to welcoming our 2nd Year girls back to school tomorrow.


2nd Years should check the screen in the foyer for the room number related to their tutor class.

Their induction will take place from 8:50am.


We wish everyone a happy and productive year ahead.


Kind regards, Cian O Doherty

Return to School!
Created : 16 Aug 2023, 4:12 PM
Archived : 16 Oct 2023, 12:00 AM

We hope that all of our students and their families have had a happy and healthy holiday.


The summer has passed quickly and we are looking forward to welcoming the girls back to Taylor’s.


Each family will receive a letter in the post this week with detailed information about the return to school. Please check this carefully for important dates for this academic year, including our return dates, which were also sent out to you in June.


We have been busy preparing for the start of the year and watch this space for exciting news about our new catering provider at the lunch line!


Finally, we wish our L.C. class of ’23 good luck as they receive their results on Friday week. These girls have been sent an email with arrangements. We have not yet received information regarding the release of Junior Cycle results.


Enjoy the rest of the holiday and we will see you soon!

ATU - Graduation Day!
Created : 30 Jun 2023, 7:54 PM
Archived : 30 Aug 2023, 12:00 AM

There was a fantastic representation of Taylor’s girls at the ATU summer camps - approx. 70 students took part overall, with nearly a quarter of them from Dominican College.

Needless to say, they did our school proud while studying courses including Robotic Development, Robotics, Game Design & Coding and Digital Construction.

The groups were addressed by both the President and Vice-President of ATU, where the President highlighted the importance of getting young women interested in STEM. 

We are ahead of this curve and our girls will be sector leaders in the future.


Debs Tickets!
Created : 26 Jun 2023, 11:35 AM
Archived : 26 Aug 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear 6th Years:
Please see a message from Sylvia at the Parents' Association below.
I will be in the lobby of the Clybaun Hotel selling Debs tickets on 
Thursday 29th June from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. 


Wednesday 5th July from 6.30m to 7.30pm.

These will be the only times that tickets will be sold, don't miss out!
Book & Uniform SALE!
Created : 22 Jun 2023, 3:56 PM
Archived : 22 Aug 2023, 12:00 AM

Reminder: There will be a second hand book and uniform sale in Rosary Hall between 2pm and 4pm Friday 23rd June.


Our Book Lists are now available on our school website. Click HERE for full details. 


Finally, details of our annual 'Second Hand Book and Uniform Sale' are available HERE.