Displaying 161-170 of 917 results.
HPV Catch Up - Vaccinations - 2nd to 6th Years
Created : 11 Dec 2023, 3:16 PM
Archived : 11 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

Laura Brennan HPV Catch Up Vaccination Programme


This year the HSE is offering an opportunity for all students in 2nd - 6th year to get the HPV vaccine for free if they did not get it before.

Further information about the programme and to book an appointment in a HSE clinic can be found at www.hpv.ie


Student ID Cards
Created : 11 Dec 2023, 11:43 AM
Archived : 11 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM
On Thursday 14th December the students will have the opportunity to get their very own International Student Identity Card (ISIC).
These cards are the only globally recognised ID for students and a passport to a world of discounts! 
Interested students received an application form today which will need to be signed by a parent or guardian to grant permission. 
This form, along with the €15 fee, will need to be brought in on Thursday 14th December when members of the ISIC team will be on site to take photos along with the application form and fee to begin processing the cards.
A copy of the form is attached for your information.

Connacht Athletics Success!
Created : 07 Dec 2023, 9:53 AM
Archived : 07 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

Well done to Jennifer McCarthy in 2nd year who recently medaled & came in 10th from a field of 165 in the U15 Girls Cross Country Championships last weekend in Navan, Co. Meath.

Conditions were really tough on the day.

Jennifer also came 4th in Connacht against a very strong field. 

Well done Jennifer, great running. 



Girls in STEM
Created : 30 Nov 2023, 8:17 AM
Archived : 30 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

This year, 2nd Year student Deepta Suresh has taken part in 'Teen Turn', which is a charity program that provides girls an opportunity to experience hands-on STEM.


Deepta participated in the  STEM Inside Business Intelligence during midterm with BNY Mellon and Teen Turn. During this, she learned about interpreting data using Power Bi and Python.


The organisers very impressed by her efforts, and she won an award for a 'science selfie video competition'.



Well done Deepta and keep up the hard work!

Shoe Box Appeal 2023
Created : 29 Nov 2023, 8:24 AM
Archived : 29 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Well done to our girls and to Ms. O Boyle for another fantastic contribution to the Shoe Box Appeal 2023.

The pictures are a combination of the advertising we completed, the packing of boxes by Ms. McNicholas' and Ms. O'Boyle's 6th Year RE classes, 4.2 and 4.3 working sorting and checking shoeboxes at the Race course and Kevin's delivery van full of the 156 complete Shoeboxes.


The items were donated items by the whole school community.

We also raised 500 euro for the shipping of the boxes with a cake sale in Rosary Hall.

The boxes (9036 in total for county Galway) are being shipped from the Racecourse on Wednesday to Burkino Faso, one of the poorest countries in West Africa.


Well done to all involved.

Coding in Taylor's
Created : 28 Nov 2023, 8:50 AM
Archived : 29 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

FYI Parents of relevant students:

As your Transition Year girls have done a coding workshop with us (https://www.codeplusireland.ie/), either this year or in the previous two years, I am writing to let you know of a webinar we are running specifically for parents/guardians on Monday Dec. 4th at 8 p.m.


Some parents may be interested in finding out more about careers in the tech industry, and the webinar will be of interest. 


The webinar will last about 40 minutes. Two women who work in the technology industry will speak about their school days, college life, career path and their present jobs.


There will be an opportunity for parents and guardians to ask questions of the speakers.


The link for parents to sign up to is https://forms.gle/RWR6A5kgmdRc8xyY8

Under the Influence: Underage drinking, Webinar
Created : 28 Nov 2023, 8:43 AM
Archived : 28 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

As part of Awareness Week on Alcohol Related Harm, November 27th to December 1st, the Galway City Alcohol Forum in conjunction with the Western Region Drug & Alcohol Task Force, invite you to a short webinar


Wednesday 29 November @ 7.30pm



To register click here

Angela has made it! - Athletics Ireland
Created : 24 Nov 2023, 12:36 PM
Archived : 24 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Dominican College student selected by Athletics Ireland for Warm Weather Training Camp in Portugal in January

The continued improvement of this athlete in Galway City Harriers club has been recognized by Athletics Ireland. Angela Cielecka (3rd yr) has selected to be part of an elite warm weather training camp in Portugal in January.
Athletes are chosen because they have either achieved or are just outside the qualification standards for the European Athletics U18 Championships which will take place in Slovakia in July.
The Athletics Ireland Performance Pathway Education & Training Camp will be a mix of educational aspects, training, technical work and getting to know the other athletes and performance support staff
The camp will take place from January 1st to 6th 2024 and will be based in Falésia - Albufeira, Portugal
Athletics Ireland will provide the Camp with a full performance support staff, with lead coaches in each area and the support of a world class Physio.
Alongside this, Athletics Ireland are providing full board - Bed, breakfast, lunch & dinner plus track and hotel gym access, coaching & educational support whilst on the Camp, as well as transfers to and from the airport.
Angela will have the benefit of receiving coaching in all the technical aspects of her events.
She will be joined Galway athletes Danielle Moynahin, Savanagh O' Callaghan, Matthew Newell (Tuam AC juvenile),Orlaith Mannion (South Galway Athletics Club), and Sean Doggett (Athenry Juvenile A.C)
Best of luck to Angela from her classmates and all in Dominican. 
Senior Soccer
Created : 24 Nov 2023, 8:49 AM
Archived : 24 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM
Well done to the senior soccer team who bowed out of the Division One competition after one win and two losses.
Huge thanks particularly to the Sixth Years who played their last game for the school and, as ever, gave everything for the Taylor’s Hill jersey.
Back row: Abby Kavanagh, Kayce King Flanagan (6th), Kaelah Tobin (6th), Frances Hardy (6th), Leanne Regan (6th), Ruby Kearns, Niamh Mannion, Kate Lally
Front row: Hannah Monaghan, Daisy O’Connell (6th), Lauren O’Donnell (6th), Emily Nyakambiri, Jasmine Greaney, Isabelle Fitzpatrick. 
Christmas Test Timetables 2023
Created : 23 Nov 2023, 8:50 AM
Archived : 23 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Please find all timetables below.


Good luck to all of our girls who are in their final preparations for Christmas tests and to our TY girls as they prepare for work experience.
