Displaying 351-360 of 1513 results.
TY Exhibtion and End of Year Tour - Important Details 20th May 2022
Created : 20 May 2022, 1:10 PM
Archived : 20 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear TY Students, Parents and Guardians
Next week the TYs are finishing up their Transition Year with the TY Exhibition on Monday and the end of year trip from Tuesday next.
• Monday 23rd May 2022:
This is a full day for TY’s - all students are expected into class for 08.50.
There will be an assembly for TY on Monday at 10.45 in the Concert Hall so that details of the exhibition and the trip will be discussed.
• Tuesday 24th May 2022:
TYs are heading off on their end of year tour. As you are a packing for the 3-day trip please check out the What to Bring List attached. Students will need to bring money with them to buy their lunches and dinner for Wednesday night and perhaps a small amount of spending money.
Ballyhass Coachford have asked that Parents and Guardians please complete the on-line wavier for Ballyhass Aquapark, Coachford – the instructions how to do this are below and I’d be grateful to you if this could be done by Sunday 22nd May 2022.
• Visit ballyhass.ie
• Select "Help Desk"
• Select Smart Waiver
• Insert reference: 131766
• Complete participant's details and sign
When packing over the weekend I’d ask that students and parents be cognisant of the fact that we are travelling for 3 days only – there is no need to pack the kitchen sink – remember students and luggage all have to fit into the bus! With that in mind students are restricted to a day bag and one luggage bag!
Phones: Students will NOT be using their phones during the course of the trip when taking part in activities. Students are expected to turn the phones off at night and these will be collected at curfew time and stored in Ms Early’s room until the morning. (Please note that if a phone goes off in the middle of the night and wakes me up – there will be a FINE and that phone will stay with Ms Early for the remainder of the trip!).
Here's hoping that the weather will co-operate next week, and we finish the Transition Year with a wonderful set of memories.
Ms Early
Foxrock Games - lost property
Created : 20 May 2022, 10:24 AM
Archived : 20 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
This is all the left over lost property from yesterdays Foxrock Games. It has all been left in the sports hall. If you own it please reclaim it before Tuesday.
Evening Study- Reminder
Created : 18 May 2022, 7:19 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Evening Study will go ahead as normal tomorrow Thursday 19th May and will conclude for this semester on Friday 20th May at 6.30pm.
We would like to wishes the 5th year students all the best in their summer exams next week and the very best to all the 3rd and 6th year students sitting their State Exams in June.
Kind regards,
C McGettrick
TY Activities Weeks of the 16th and 23rd May 2022
Created : 18 May 2022, 12:08 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear TY Students, Parents and Guardians
Welcome back to our all TYs returning from France and Spain. This week is a busy one for all of TY:
19th May 2022:
1. The Foxrock Games is taking place on Thursday 19th May and ALL TY students are expected to be in school taking part. This is not a day off for TYs
2. Reminder that all TY students need submit their TY Diary to their Tutor and have their individual presentation uploaded to their respective TEAMS by 11am on Thursday 19th of May 2022 - no excuses. (Diaries to be left on the respective Tutor's Desk)
20th May 2022:
1. All students are in school for the full day - school begins as normal at 08.50. This is not a day off for TYs
2. Students will work on exhibit preparation in class from 08.50-11.00
3. 11.15 - 13.15: Option B Exam - Spanish, Geography, Home Economics, History and Business, supervised by timetabled teachers.
4. 14.00-16.00: Exhibition preparation - no student is exempt from this and are supervised by timetabled teachers.
23rd May 2022:
1. 08.50 - All Day: Exhibition preparation - no student is exempt from this. Supervised by timetabled teachers. This is not a day off for students.
2. 16.00 - 18.00: TY Exhibition
3. 18.00 - 18.20: TY Exhibition clean up - classrooms to be cleared of ALL belongings and tables set up for class the next day. Students must bring home ALL their belongs, exhibition pieces etc. TY Exhibition Boards to be cleared and stacked up ready for removal. Concert Hall stage to be cleared of any exhibits.
24th-26th May 2022:
Those travelling on the TY End of Year Adventure will meet at 18.00 in the Sports Hall. (Time to be confirmed)
School ends for all TYs on the 23rd of May unless they are taking part in the end of year trip.
Ms Early
Final Week Hockey
Created : 18 May 2022, 11:23 AM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Morning Parents & Guardians
There will be NO Hockey Thursday & Friday but will be 1st Year Hockey on Saturday morning as per normal
9.00am-10.00am A&B
10.00am-11.00am C&D
Saturday 21st May, will be the final Hockey session until preseason training starts on Monday 8th August.
Training will run until we resume school. Our 1st block of hockey fixtures is set for 7 September.
This is a very short run into starting games so we would appreciate girls attending training, if in Dublin and not away with families.
Look forward to seeing everyone back out in matches with friends soon.
Foxrock Games - Help Needed.
Created : 18 May 2022, 10:14 AM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Due to the late change of date of the Foxrock Games from Friday to Thursday the PA are now urgently seeking volunteers from our Parent Body. If you are free from 9-2 on Thursday 19th May the PA would be very grateful if you could message Carol Dillon at 0877552451.
Many thanks,
Carol Dillon.
Inter-Loreto Junior Debates Finals
Created : 17 May 2022, 10:14 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
The very best of luck to Alison Heeney and Amelia Scallan in 1st Year who will be debating online in the finals of the Inter-Loreto Junior Debates Competition today.
Foxrock Games - Date Change
Created : 17 May 2022, 8:35 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents / Guardians,
We have made the decision to change the day of this weeks Foxrock Games from Friday 20th of May to Thursday 19th of May due to the bad weather that is forecast, We are doing this so the whole school community can enjoy the day to its fullest. As this is a whole school event we expect all students to attend and a role will be taken at the start of the day in tutor time.
Students have been given their teams and their fancy dress theme. We would ask that they put every effort they can into being part of their team and to remember that the games and activities are only 2 hours in total over the course of the day so there is plenty of time for them outside of the activities to be with their friend groups.
The day will begin at 8.50 and students will be free to leave school from 3pm. There will be NO TRAFFIC access to the school grounds for the whole day. The school gates will be closed and only the pedestrian gates will be open. We recommend students be dropped and collected at Foxrock Church.
Students will wear their costumes to school and we would advise they bring the following items: suitable footwear, a change of clothes, a towel and money for the food trucks. There will be food trucks on site all day serving a variety of foods and all students will get the chance to visit them throughout the day.
We are looking forward to a day of live music, dodgeball games, inflatable obstacle courses, water slides and lots more. There may even be one or two teachers team entered. One not to be missed!
If you have any queries or if your daughter has any concerns please contact me on jbrock@loretofoxrock.ie.
Yours in fun and Foxrock Games,
Joanne Brock
Parent / Daughter Tennis
Created : 17 May 2022, 2:47 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
There will be no parent / daughter tennis this evening due to the bad weather forecast. We will go again next Tuesday at 7 and invite any parents or daughter who have an interest to please join us.
6th Year published author - The Irish Times 'Fighting Words'
Created : 17 May 2022, 8:35 AM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Jessica Barry (6th Year) whose short story "Beginning' is published today in the 'Fighting Words' supplement in The Irish Times today.
We encourage students to pick up a copy of the supplement if they can today to read some of the best fiction written by people their own age.