Displaying 371-380 of 1488 results.
1st Year Geography Trip
Created : 09 Apr 2022, 12:50 PM
Archived : 09 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
1st year students ended this term with a Geography trip to Causey Farm. They took part in a range of activities including bread making and bog hopping along with an introduction to life on the farm meeting all the new arrivals this spring. It was a great day and the sun shone for most of it. A big thank you to Ms Walsh and the Geography department for organising it. Wishing everyone a very happy Easter. Ms McGettrick
TY End of Year Adventure Tour - 24th-26th May 2022
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 8:47 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear TY Students, Parents and Guardians With the hugely successful TY Musical 'We Will Rock You' coming to an end, TY students can now look forward to their End of Year Adventure to Munster. This will take place from Tuesday 24th of May to Thursday 26th of May 2022. The tour is open to all TY students and details of the tour are attached. To our TY students travelling to Seville with Ms Burke-Kennedy on the LCF Spanish Exchange and those of you on other language courses please stay safe, work hard, learn plenty and have fun .... but remember the essential rules discussed! Safe travels and we will see you back in school in May. Wishing you all a very Happy Easter. Ms Early


5th Year Quiz with CBC
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 1:08 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
5th year Table Quiz with CBC Our 5th years hosted a great afternoon with the CBC boys at our table quiz/Tráth na gCeist. After 10 rounds and fierce competition, well deserved congratulations to the winning team photographed below. Well done also to spot prize winners Lauren Walsh and David O Reilly, who stepped forward to do some Irish dancing – a brilliant 2 hand reel! (LtoR) Will Lambert, David O Reilly (spot prize), Lauren Walsh (spot prize), Ruth Colbert, Laura Drury, Nicole Kenna, Eddy Blanker, Rory McGrath.
6th and 3rdYear Mock Reports
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 10:53 AM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Parents/Guardian please note that the 3rd year Junior Cycle Reports and 6th year Leaving Certificate Reports are now available to view on VSware.
TY Exchanges - 2022/23
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 10:48 AM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Please find attached further details re TY exchanges from Ms.Burke Kennedy.

Science Camps in the College of Sciences and Health, TU Dublin 2022
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 9:22 AM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Document for Pharmaceuticals/Nutraceuticals Camp is attached. See previous message for details.

Science Camps in the College of Sciences and Health, TU Dublin 2022
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 9:18 AM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
TU Dublin is pleased to announce that its School of Food Science and Environmental Health is currently looking for expressions of interest from secondary school students in transition year or fifth year for participation in each of three one-day Science Camps that are taking place on the 9, 10 and 11 May in TU Dublin, Grangegorman. The camps are as follows (they are described in detail in the attachments): 9th May: Food Labels Camp 10th May: Pharmaceuticals/Nutraceuticals Camp 11th May: Environmental and Public Health Camp There is no fee for participation but spaces are limited in the camps. Students in transition year or fifth year can express interest in one or more of the camps using the links in the attached documents (note that there are separate documents for each of the camps - 3rd document will be sent in another post). Registration will remain open until 15 April 2022. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of the application process by Monday 25th April 2022 and completed parent/guardian consent will be required by 29th April 2022 to confirm acceptance of the offered place.


5th Year Easter Reports
Created : 07 Apr 2022, 10:06 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, As part of our whole-school approach to assessment, all 5th Year students will be receiving a continuous assessment report at Easter. Reports will contain a grade which is based on continuous assessment of students’ work (eg tests, assignments, classwork, homework). The criteria for grades have been communicated to students by their individual subject teachers. A teacher comment also appears on the report and is formative, focusing on how students are managing their learning. The comments may make reference to such areas as steps that can be taken to improve learning and how to prepare for summer exams. As we approach the final weeks of the school year and summer exams, the report is also designed to facilitate conversations between parents/guardians and students about how they are managing their learning and study. Wishing you all an enjoyable Easter break. Suzanne Lea Leader of Teaching and Learning
2nd Year Easter Reports
Created : 07 Apr 2022, 10:02 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, As part of our whole-school approach to assessment, all 2nd Year students will be receiving a progress report at Easter. This report looks at how students are progressing on their learning journey by focusing on the three areas; Progress, Participation and Homework and Study. A guide to reading and understanding these reports is attached below. For students, this form of assessment is an integral part of the new Junior Cycle approach to learning. It helps them to be more active, independent and responsible participants in their own learning by focusing their attention on how they learn. It develops skills that help our students not just to achieve their full potential in state examinations but also to become lifelong learners. As we approach the final weeks of the school year and summer exams, the report is also designed to facilitate conversations between parents/guardians and students about how they are managing their learning and study. Wishing you all an enjoyable Easter break. Suzanne Lea Leader of Teaching and Learning

1st Year Easter Reports
Created : 07 Apr 2022, 9:59 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, As part of our whole-school approach to assessment, all 1st Year students will be receiving a progress report at Easter. Just as in October, this report looks at how students are progressing on their learning journey by focusing on the three areas: Progress, Participation and Homework and Study. A guide to reading and understanding these reports is attached below. For students, this form of assessment is an integral part of the new Junior Cycle approach to learning. It helps them to be more active, independent and responsible participants in their own learning by focusing their attention on how they learn. It develops skills that help our students not just to achieve their full potential in state examinations but also to become lifelong learners. As we approach the final weeks of the school year and summer exams, the report is also designed to facilitate conversations between parents/guardians and students about how they are managing their learning and study. Wishing you all an enjoyable Easter break. Suzanne Lea Leader of Teaching and Learning
