Displaying 381-390 of 1488 results.
Created : 07 Apr 2022, 7:45 PM
Archived : 07 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
A gentle reminder to all students to bring home their boxes tomorrow to allow for cleaning of the school. Many thanks.
Reminder: Evening Study
Created : 07 Apr 2022, 6:20 PM
Archived : 07 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents / Guardians, Evening study will not run tomorrow Friday 8th April as per the schedule of dates provided at the start of the semester. Wishing 6th years all the best in their orals and practicals over the Easter break. Study will recommence on Monday 25th April as normal. There is one other change to the schedule of dates- study will now run on Wednesday 27th April but will not run on Wednesday 11th May. Kind regards, C McGettrick Evening Study Co-ordinator
TY Opportunity - TUI Science Camps April 2022
Created : 07 Apr 2022, 6:17 PM
Archived : 07 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear TY Students, Parents and Guardians Please see attached information on upcoming ChemisTRY Camp 2022 organised by TU Dublin's School of Food Science and Environmental Health. There are three different camps - listed below. Application deadlines for each camp is the 15th April 2022, however you are advised to apply ASAP as places will go fast. Please see the attached document for details of each camp. 1. Investigating Food Labels Camp - 9th May 2022 2. Pharmaceuticals/Nutraceuticals Camp - 10th May 2022 3. Environmental and Public Health Camp - 11th May 2022 Good luck with your applications Ms Early

We Will Rock You Closing Night 7th April 2022
Created : 07 Apr 2022, 2:02 PM
Archived : 07 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear TY Students, Parents and Guardians Congratulations to all involved, especially to Ms O'Toole and Ms Smyth of CBC Monkstown, TY Parents and Guardians from both schools and all our marvellously talented TY students - you have all so worked hard to put together a most wonderful week of musical drama as a result Queen's music will live on forever! Tonight, is the last night, I hope you enjoy every moment. I'm afraid that 11pm tonight is when the pumpkin turns - the musical is over, the lights are dimmed, and the sound is silence. This is when all students are to be collected by their Parents and Guardians from CBC Monkstown, yes at 11pm tonight it's straight home to bed for all of you! You have a TAG Rugby competition to win tomorrow. Again, break a leg TYs and congratulations, see ye after the Easter Holidays. Ms Early
The Story of Your Stuff
Created : 07 Apr 2022, 12:16 PM
Archived : 07 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Huge congratulations to Holly Walshe (4L) and her Geography teacher, Ms Doyle, on her second place finish in the EPA's The Story of Your Stuff competition. Holly's video about the environmental impact of pens placed second out of over 200 entries. Well done!
LCF & CBC Monkstown TAG Rugby Competition 8th April 2022
Created : 06 Apr 2022, 2:19 PM
Archived : 06 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear TY Students, Parents and Guardians Congratulations to all on the wonderful performances of Opening night and Tuesday night. The cast are getting better and better as the week progresses. Friday will see the TYs from LCF and CBC competing in a TAG Rugby competition. Details as follows: Date: Friday 8th April Time: 12.00 – 14.45. Location: Seapoint Rugby Club, Kilbogget Park, Churchview Road, Kilbogget Dublin Please Note: LCF Teams to wear their school tracksuit/school leggings, team colours tee-shirt – see below (bring warm clothes to take into account the weather) Bring water and snacks. There will be a tuckshop selling minerals (don’t forget to bring small change if you wish to buy something from the tuck shop) Pizza will be delivered (if you have any specific dietary requirements, please inform Ms O’Toole this evening) Colours: Team 1- white Team 2 – blue Team 3 – yellow Team 4 - purple Team 5 – pink Team 6 - black Team 7 – red Team 8 - navy Team 9 - grey Team 10 - orange Team 11 - light blue Team 12-green Teams: See Attached. Good luck to all. Ms Early

TY Musical 'We Will Rock You' closing night - last tickets available
Created : 06 Apr 2022, 11:46 AM
Archived : 06 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Students, Parents and Guardians This week the TY students of LCF and CBC Monkstown have given their all on stage to sell out audiences with great success. Each evening has been better than the last. Due to returned tickets received this morning there are 6 tickets available for the last performance on Thursday 7th Apirl from LCF. If you wish to avail of these tickets please make contact with me on ty@loretofoxrock.ie. The tickets will be given out on a first come first serve basis. The tickets cost €15 individually but a group of 4 costs €50. Thank you Ms Early
Drama Club for 1st years
Created : 06 Apr 2022, 11:07 AM
Archived : 06 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear parent/ guardian, My apologies but there will be NO DRAMA after school tomorrow Thursday 7th April. for your daughter. Drama will resume on Thursday 28th April. Wishing everyone a happy easter. Kind regards, C McGettrick
Important Athletics Announcement
Created : 05 Apr 2022, 6:02 PM
Archived : 05 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Tomorrow is the last day for training on the track in Greystones for Athletics. Any student who wishes to compete in the upcoming Loreto and East Leinster Athletics must attend tomorrows session to be registered to compete. Registration closes tomorrow evening. Please email me on jbrock@loretofoxrock.ie before 8 this evening to let me know that you will be attending tomorrows session. The bus will leave school at 1.30 and will return for 4pm. If you have hockey after school tomorrow it is asked that all hockey players miss hockey to attend athletics. This has been cleared by our hockey coaches.
UCD Social Science Information Event 2022
Created : 05 Apr 2022, 3:59 PM
Archived : 05 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Please see below UCD Social Sciences Information Event 2022 - 12th April - UCD Undergraduate Courses (myucd.ie) www.myucd.ie/visiting-ucd/events/ucd-social-sciences-information-event-2022-12th-april/ For further information please contact Ms O'Malley - guidance@loretofoxrock.ie