Displaying 381-390 of 2280 results.
TY 6 Sports and Recreation Module
Created : 06 Oct 2022, 4:42 PM
Archived : 06 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
TY6 completed their Sports and Recreation module with Ms Reynolds today which gave them an introduction to lifting weights safely with correct form over the last few weeks. They were introduced to the fundamentals of the basic compound lifts: Deadlifts, Squats and Benchpress. They also had the chance to try some gymnastic movements like handstands and pull ups and even fit in a game of Benchball and a walk inbetween! They will hopefully now feel a lot more confident about lifting weights safely if they step inside a gym or simply have to carry heavy things at home.
Understanding Anxiety & Supporting my Child - webinar for parents and guardians
Created : 06 Oct 2022, 12:50 PM
Archived : 06 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
A chara, Archways is a national organisation working in collaboration with local and national agencies. We research, develop, and promote evidence-based programmes for children, young people, parents and the professionals that support them. At Archways, we are delighted to invite parents and guardians to attend a free live webinar “Understanding Anxiety & Supporting my Child”, taking place on Thursday, the 10th of November 2022. This 90 minute webinar will take place twice on this date, in the morning from 11am – 12.30pm, and in the evening from 7pm – 8.30pm, so if you are interested in attending, you can register for the time that suits you best. To book a place at the morning webinar taking place from 11 am to 12.30 pm, please click here. www.eventbrite.ie/e/understanding-anxiety-supporting-my-child-tickets-432468754687 To book a place at the evening webinar taking place from 7 pm – 8.30 pm, please click here. www.eventbrite.ie/e/understanding-anxiety-supporting-my-child-tickets-432470018467 The webinar aims to help parents and guardians of children from birth to 18 years to: • Understand the difference between worry, stress and anxiety • Develop an understanding of how worry, stress and anxiety can affect children and young people • Develop tools and strategies to support children and young people • Better understand factors which affect and influence children’s development • Explore self-care tools and strategies This will be hosted via Zoom webinar, and a link to access the webinar will be emailed to attendees in advance of the date. This webinar is kindly funded by basis.point. Kind Regards, Eimear Eimear Collins Programme Coordinator / Facilitator
TY PE Class
Created : 06 Oct 2022, 9:13 AM
Archived : 06 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to Mr Cashin's "Desk to 5k/Benchball" module class who participated extremely well and energetically over the last number of weeks during Rotation 1.
TY Beginning of Year Mass
Created : 05 Oct 2022, 10:08 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Today all TY students gathered in St Monica's Chapel. Mass was celebrated by Fr Gerry to begin our school year. In it we prayed for each other and for the whole school family. We asked God to help us with our learning, our friendships, our sport, our music, our hobbies and with everything that is part of our school. Journey with us throughout this year. Give us hope as we look forward with anticipation and enthusiasm. Give us courage to walk together with friends who are already familiar to us and with new friends who have recently joined us. Fr Gerry also spoke about the icon of the Mother of Good Councel in our school chapel. He encouraged us to prayer to her for good advice. Everyone was glad to avail of time today in the church, to be still and reflect.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Created : 05 Oct 2022, 9:40 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Breast Cancer Ireland's Schools initiative visited all TY students today in the Friary. The aim of the outreach programme is to encourage and educate people on becoming breast aware at a younger age and to educate them about the disease so they can identify any early warning signs and take the necessary actions for a more positive outcome. Juilette O Connell herself a Survivor of Breast Cancer delivered a presentation that is designed to be friendly, informative and non-intrusive for transition year students. The students all went home with a card for their families highlighting the signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer.
TY 2,4,5
Created : 05 Oct 2022, 9:21 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
TY groups 2,4 & 5 enjoyed a Spanish Module with Ms Lopez in rotation 1 where they did projects and presentations on Spanish festivals.
World Teachers Day
Created : 05 Oct 2022, 9:09 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Happy World Teachers Day! October 5 is World Teachers’ Day – a UNESCO/International Labour Organisation (ILO) event, which recognises the importance of education and the work of teachers. Many thanks to our ASTI School Steward and Standing Committee Rep Pat Knighly for organising delicious cream buns for the staff. Also pictured is Michael McGrath ASTI Honorary National Organiser.
Try nursing at WIT
Created : 05 Oct 2022, 6:12 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Who should attend? Try Nursing is aimed mainly at sixth year and further education students. However interested fifth year and TY students are also welcome to attend. Please note also that this is an event for interested individuals as opposed to entire class groups and to ensure we allocate spaces to those who think they would like to work in this area, there is a €50 fee for attending the day which includes lunch and materials to run the day. How to book WIT have two events with 50 places available on each: Try Nursing on Tuesday, 1 November – Waterford campus click on link to book. www.setu.ie/events/try-nursing-2022-1-november-2 Try Nursing on Wednesday, 2 November – Waterford campus. Click on link to book. www.setu.ie/events/try-nursing-2022-1-november Interested students can visit the event pages and book on the booking links above to secure their place.
Concern Worldwide Poverty Talk
Created : 04 Oct 2022, 9:15 PM
Archived : 04 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Today Sinéad Morgan from Concern Worldwide visited our school. She delivered a presentation to each of the TY classes. The issue of poverty was discussed in an interactive session. The purpose of the presentation was to support young people in understanding the root causes of poverty and ways that they can stand in solidarity with those impacted and take action! Some of the statistics she had about the distribution of wealth in the world were shocking.
Policies Updated
Created : 04 Oct 2022, 7:03 PM
Archived : 04 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Please note the following three policies have been updated on our website; 1. Admissions Policy (www.staugustines.ie/images/Booklist_/Admissions_statement_2023_2023.pdf) 2. Child Safe Guarding and Risk Assessment 2022 (www.staugustines.ie/images/Booklist_/SAC_Child_Safeguarding_Statement_and_Risk_Assessment_2022.pdf) 3. BOM Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement 2022 (www.staugustines.ie/images/Booklist_/BOM_review_of_the_Child_Safeguarding_Statement_2022.pdf)