Displaying 861-870 of 1183 results.
Morning Relfection
Created : 12 May 2020, 10:05 AM
Archived : 12 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Good Morning Students, I hope you are all well and that the week ahead will be kind to you .Here is the link to the this mornings reflection. youtu.be/GoYybSfgOk4
6th Year Students - Preparing for The Next Stage
Created : 11 May 2020, 4:58 PM
Archived : 11 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear 6th year Students, Now that the decision has been made about Leaving Certificate 2020, it is time to concentrate on what is next for you. We advise you to use the time you have now to really research well the options that are available to you, taking time to consider carefully the pathway you have in mind. Please have a look at last weeks' post about the CAO Change of Mind and look at the 'How the CAO works' clip that was attached. Refer to your CAO handbook too. If you have any questions about the CAO lists or are unsure about any application process or how things work, or if you have any worries or concerns please contact us. We will do our best to support you through this time. Meanwhile take care, Kind regards, Ms. McGee, Ms. Travers, Mr. Breslin grainnemcgee@scoilmhuireclane.ie gwentravers@scoilmhuireclane.ie patrickbreslin@scoilmhuireclane.ie
Summer School Reports 2
Created : 26 Jun 2020, 11:59 AM
Archived : 10 Jul 2020, 1:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, We hope you all has had an opportunity to activate your Progresso(Cloud School) account to enable you to access your student's Summer Report. Please read the attached document that will explain the report. The instructions sent to you yesterday will guide you to accessing the reports. The reports will be generated on a phased basis as mentioned yesterday, beginning with 1st Years. A few people has requested an alteration to their details. I must ask you to call the school office between 9.30am & 12noon to log such requests. These updates may not occur immediately. However, all requests will be updated prior to the new school year. Where we had not had an email for your family & received your email today, you will receive details of your accounts on Monday. We would like to thank our Assessment Committee for their commitment, knowledge and guidance in developing these new reports. A special word of thanks must be extended to Mr Herring for his ongoing trojan work and commitment in bringing the whole platform around these reports to fruition. It is time for him to take a break now, to this extent we are asking that you do not email Mr Herring directly until we return to school in August. I hope you all have an enjoyable and safe summer! Kind regards, JP Cahillane

Summer School Reports
Created : 25 Jun 2020, 12:42 PM
Archived : 10 Jul 2020, 1:00 AM
We will be issuing our school reports over the next few days. The reports for each year group will be published at intervals to avoid congestion on the system In preparation for the viewing of the reports you will have to access a user account on our system. Please read the document attached for the instructions on how to set up and then access you account to view the reports. You will receive an email from Progresso later today, please set up your account this evening or tomorrow morning. Once your account is verified, you will be able to access the portal (follow the instructions on the document attached), you will not be able to view the actual reports until they are issued. You will receive a notification on this App before we issue the reports. We will send you a help sheet explaining the report at this time. We are using the emails that we currently have, with the exception of a tiny minority we have at least one email for all students. There will be a facility in September to add a second email where desired.

Leaving Cert 2020 - Message from Mr Nolan
Created : 08 May 2020, 5:51 PM
Archived : 08 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
The Minister of Education and Skills has announced that the Leaving Certificate 2020 is postponed and students are being offered a system of Calculated Grades, with State Certification. They will also have the opportunity to sit the exams at a later stage when it is safer to do so. ​ We know that this is an extremely anxious time for our students, their parents/guardians & our teachers, this is being felt across our school community. Please allow yourself time for this unprecedented departure to sink in. It is only natural to be concerned about the uncertainty of this enforced approach and the implications for your future. Please take time to read the relevant information. attached or using the links below.​ ​ We will be in contact early next week when we have had time to digest and reflect on the new arrangements for Leaving Cert 2020. We will try to ease your concerns and answer your questions. All the support structures across our school community will continue to be available to you. Please appreciate that it is not fair to contact your subject teachers until further notice using email or other mediums. ​ ​ Take care of yourselves and each other. ​ Keep safe,​ Mr Nolan ​ ​ www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-05-08.html​www.gov.ie/en/publication/2f07eb-leaving-cert-2020-information/#information-for-leaving-cert-students​www.education.ie/en/Learners/Information/State-Examinations/a-guide-to-calculated-grades-for-leaving-certificate-students-2020.pdf


Summer Assessments - Timetables
Created : 06 May 2020, 3:55 PM
Archived : 06 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Please find the timetables and important support material attached.


Guidance Update - Important Careers Information
Created : 06 May 2020, 11:51 AM
Archived : 06 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Students and Parents, With the opening of the CAO Change of Mind, there is quite a lot happening in Careers at the moment so be sure to tune in and explore the virtual options that may help you to finalise your choices. Please contact Ms. McGee or Ms. Travers with any questions. * CAO change of mind is now open on www.cao.ie * Application for the Cadetships is open on www.military.ie * Maynooth University is available for queries www.maynoothuniversity.ie/study-maynooth/undergraduate-studies/courses * The Naughton Scholarship is still open -(up to €20,000 for STEM students over four years of college) www.thenaughtonfoundation.com * DCU Statement on upcoming year start dates www.dcu.ie/news/news/2020/May/DCU-Statement-upcoming-202021-academic-year.shtml * National College of Ireland CAO advice www.ncirl.ie/CAO *PLC colleges are open for applications - see new courses in Colaiste Dhulaigh www.cdcfe.ie EVENTS * Thur May 7th - NUIGalway Virtual Open Day 12noon www.nuigalway.ie Thur May 7th - TUDublin ARCHITECTURE Virtual Lunchtime talk 1.45pm Thur May 7th - TUDUBlin LANGUAGES AND LAW Live Question and Answer 2.30pm Fri May 8th - TUDublin CREATIVE ARTS live Question and Answer 10.30am, MEDIA,MUSIC DRAMA, live Question and Answer 2.30pm Mon May 11th- TUDublin TOURISM, CULINARY ARTS, HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Live Question and Answer 10.30am Tues May 12th - TUDublin Student Support Live Question and Answer 10.30am SPORTS AND LEISURE MANAGEMENT 2.30PM, PARENTS Questions 3.30pm Tues May 12th - UCCork Live Question and Answer 2pm Check also on www.careersportal.ie www.qualifax.ie for other upcoming events. Take Care and Stay well, Ms McGee and Ms Travers.
Student Support & Scheduling Lessons
Created : 06 May 2020, 10:36 AM
Archived : 06 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
We hope this message finds your family well during these extraordinary times. We want to thank you all for the outstanding amount of feedback we received from yourselves to our recent initiative to support our students . Namely our teachers informing you where your student had not engaged in their class since Easter. This feedback amplified many of the obstacles students are encountering. We are taking all this data into consideration as we continue to plan for the remainder of this school year. Our primary goal was to establish how we may be able to assist you. Our Year Heads are currently working to progress this initiative. Much of the feedback received is of a general nature and we will address this through notifications similar to this one. Where the feedback is more of a personal nature we will continue to communication with you using the "personal notifications" function or through a phone call to try to resolve the issues raised. A subject that was repeatedly raised is that of the scheduling of lessons. We have attached a document to explain the obstacles associated with this matter. We have also explained the "bullying & child protection issue". We appreciate all the efforts that are being made to help your student(s) to engage with Remote Learning. Please use the “Parent Note” facility on this App to communicate with us. Please see the assessment arrangements for further student support options. Thank you for your ongoing support. Take care of yourselves.

Arrangements for Junior Cycle 2020 School Based Assessments
Created : 06 May 2020, 9:58 AM
Archived : 06 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning, Once again we hope this finds everyone in our school community in good health! Please find attached the schedule and arrangements for our school based assessments for our Junior Cycle students. Following further communication from the State Examinations Commission we have had to condense the period for these assessment as outlined in the timetable. All relevant information is contained in the document attached. Transition Year Assessments Wednesday 13th French/German at 9am. Maths at 1pm. Thursday 14th Irish at 9am, English at 1pm. Further details will follow with instructions for the other year groups. The arrangements/timetable for 1st, 2nd & 5th Years will follow later today of this time tomorrow morning.

Created : 05 May 2020, 4:13 PM
Archived : 05 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Hi Folks , here is that link I mentioned earlier today . youtu.be/LLROlQUWfvI. Thanks