Displaying 811-820 of 1183 results.
Head Lice
Created : 12 Sep 2020, 12:40 PM
Archived : 18 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Unfortunately, it has been brought to our attention that there is an outbreak of head lice in our school. Please check your student's hair today especially behind their ears, please treat accordingly. Most children with head lice will be experiencing some discomfort but not necessarily. We hope this outbreak will be eradicated immediately.
Incoming First Years - Home Economics
Created : 14 Aug 2020, 11:28 AM
Archived : 16 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Unfortunately, there was a book omitted from the First Years Booklist. This only applies to students in the Home Economics option. The book is "Skills for Life" by Folens. This is in addition to "Now you're Cooking". Students will begin using the "Skills for Life" in mid- September.
Irish Rail Apprenticeships Available - //Engineering in Maynooth - Maths exam// HEAR & DARE
Created : 15 Jul 2020, 4:27 PM
Archived : 15 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear 6th year Students - I hope you are all keeping safe and well. Below you will find a few notices for your attention- * Irish Rail Apprenticeships for MOTOR MECHANIC, FITTER AND ELECTRICIAN are now open for application . Go to www.irishrail.ie/about-us/company-information/career-opportunities-at-iarnrod-eireann/2020-apprenticeships Apply before July 24th Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail is a proud dynamic leader in the transport network - our depots are state of the art and our fleet is expanding with growing passenger numbers. We are delighted to launch our 2020 Apprenticeship Campaign and welcome applications. Our apprentices are trained to the highest possible technical standards in an extremely safety conscious environment. In keeping with our company vision to continuously grow and improve, we are seeking ambitious female and male Apprentices to join our one team and grow with us across three trades: Apprentice Motor Mechanic Apprentice Fitter Apprentice Electrician Electrical apprenticeships within the Signalling, Electrical and Telecommunication department will see apprentices trained across the three disciplines. The apprentices will be exposed to a wide range of systems used in the Iarnród Éireann network across maintenance of existing control systems to installation and commissioning of new systems. We are seeking applicants who can demonstrate the below competencies, via online aptitude assessments and a competency based interview. Checking Skills and Concern for Quality Safety Consciousness Handling Information or Ability to follow instructions Technical Understanding and Manual Capability Work Organisation or Ability to plan sequence of operations in order to complete tasks Teamwork and Communication Problem Solving or Analytical Skills Interest and Motivation The educational requirements that must be obtained at the time of application to the Apprenticeship Programme are as follows: Junior Certificate (Ordinary Level): Grade C or higher at Ordinary Level in the Junior Certificate (or equivalent) in one sitting in the following subjects: Irish or English Mathematics Science* Any two other subjects (Grade D or higher on higher level papers is acceptable). * If you have not obtained the required grade in Science, the following is acceptable in: Junior Certificate - Technology, Art, Craft & Design, Technical Graphics, Materials Technology (Wood), Home Economics or Metalwork. Foundation level in the Junior Certificate is not acceptable. OR Leaving Certificate Grade D or higher at Ordinary Level in the Leaving Certificate (or equivalent) in one sitting in the following subjects: Irish or English Mathematics Science Subject* Any two other subjects *Agricultural Science, Applied Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physics and Chemistry. * If you have not obtained the required grade in any of the above Science Subjects the following is acceptable at Leaving Certificate Level: Art, Construction Studies, Design and Communication Graphics, Engineering, Home Economics and Technology. How to Apply Do you enjoy practical work and working with your hands? Would you like to earn your academic qualification while working in a globally recognised industry? Have you got the attitude to succeed? Would you like to travel and work around the rail network while completing your Apprenticeship? Do you think you’re ready to kick start your career with us? If the above appeals to you, the apply before close of business on Friday 24th July 2020 Placements will commence in Autumn 2020 and applicants must be at least 16 years of age on or before the 1st August, 2020. Each candidate will be required to undertake aptitude tests and the results will be used to compile a shortlist for interview purposes. At Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail, we really do value our people. We believe in recognising & supporting those with the aptitude and the attitude to succeed. The suitable aspirants will illustrate compatibility with our company values & competencies via a multiple stage selection process including online assessments, an interview and a medical examination. Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail is an Equal Opportunities Employer. *ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS EXAM -Maynooth University - AUGUST DATE TBC The Engineering Mathematics Exam provides prospective Engineering students with a second chance to secure the required H4 (previously HC3) in Leaving Certificate Mathematics in order to meet the basic entry requirement for qualification to our Engineering degree (MH304). The exam is based on the content covered by Paper One of the Leaving Certificate Higher Level Mathematics syllabus and consists of one exam lasting two hours. The Engineering Maths Preparatory Course will take place on the Monday with the Maths Examination taking place on the Tuesday in the week following the release of the calculated Leaving Certificate grades. The Preparatory Course will take place on the Monday. Both the Preparatory Course and the Exam will take place online. Further details will be posted on this page once they become finalised. REGISTER on www.maynoothuniversity.ie/study-maynooth/undergraduate-studies/how-apply/engineering-mathematics-exam-august-2019/engineering-mathematics-entrance-exam Please note that you are automatically registered for the optional Preparatory Maths Course, with no compulsion to attend once you register for the Engineering Maths Exam 2020 Exam Details Engineering Mathematics Preparatory Course August Date TBC Engineering Mathematics Exam August Date TBC TIME OF EXAM: To be confirmed closer to date VENUE: Online NOTE: You must bring some form of identification or CAO documentation with you on the day. Minimum Entry Requirements (Matriculation Requirements) Matriculation refers to the minimum requirements that must be met in order to start a course in the University. For Engineering students, the requirements, in addition to passing the Engineering Mathematics exam are:Two grade H5 or better Four grade O6/H7, including a pass in Irish, English and a science subject Note that a foreign language is not required. * HEAR / DARE If you have any questions about your HEAR /DARE you can contact them as listed below- To speak to a DARE representative in the Access Office of each of the participating institutions please use the contact details listed here: accesscollege.ie/dare/contact-a-dare-hei/ To speak to a HEAR representative in the Access Office of each of the participating institutions please use the contact details listed here: accesscollege.ie/hear/contact-a-hearhei/ Please note that due to data protection laws, DARE can only discuss details of your application with you or your parent(s)/ guardian(s). This is in the interest of applicant confidentiality. If you have any queries or technical issues in relation to your online HEAR/DARE application or CAO application please contact the CAO at www.cao.ie/index.php?page=contact Take Care and Stay Safe- we are not out of the woods with this virus yet!!!, Ms McGee & Ms Travers
Update from Mr Nolan
Created : 02 Sep 2020, 10:28 AM
Archived : 10 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, I am writing to you to thank you for your support and cooperation throughout the last few weeks. It has been a very busy month of August preparing for the reopening of our school. On Monday we welcomed our new first years and by the end of the week 6th years and 3rd years will be settling back in school. By the middle of next week we will have all our students back in school. So far everyone is adjusting well to the new school environment and following the guidelines issued to us by the HSE. It is important to keep reminding your son/daughter about good hand hygiene, correct cough and sneeze etiquette and appropriate social distancing. I am attaching a letter for you from Ronan Glynn the acting chief medical officer. Kind Regards Padraig Nolan

School Re-Opening Dates - Update 24th August
Created : 24 Aug 2020, 4:53 PM
Archived : 10 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Please read the document attached for our updated schedule. We hope this is the final adjustment to our reopening schedule. We appreciate your patience and support.

School Re-Opening - Further Information
Created : 21 Aug 2020, 2:01 PM
Archived : 10 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Please take the time to read further information from Mr Nolan and our Covid 19 Policy attached to this message, We will communicate again with you next week. Take care!


School Re-Opening Dates - Provisional Update
Created : 18 Aug 2020, 5:28 PM
Archived : 10 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Please note a change for Second Year Students in the document attached. Return dates are also available in the calendar on this App. Dear Parents, Thank you for your patience, I now have dates attached when we hope to reopen the school to students. School will be different and hence the longer staggered start than usual. We need to meet the students in their year groups so they are clear how the school will operate going forward. We are also in the process of organising school for students who may be vulnerable or are from vulnerable families. If you feel your child is in a vulnerable situation returning to school, will you please let the office know by phone? We will do our best for these students using the guidelines given to us by the DES. I will be in contact again shortly with more details of the school reopening plan. In the meantime I ask parents to continue reminding students of the good practices to help keep us safe from Covid 19. Yours Sincerely, Padraig Nolan

Leaving Cert Results 2020
Created : 04 Sep 2020, 1:27 PM
Archived : 08 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Dear Leaving Certificate Students 2020 A note to wish you the best of luck with your results on Monday. They are available on line via the student portal on education.ie at lc2020.education.gov.ie/ at 9am on Monday 7th of September. Please see the message sent out by Ms McGee & Ms Travers for more detailed information. Good luck with college, work and whatever path you follow. I wish you well. Kind Regards, Padraig Nolan
Relevant Information
Created : 05 Jul 2020, 8:08 PM
Archived : 06 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, The "Parent Note" facility on this App will not be monitored from this morning 6th July 2020. We will let you know when it will become active again during August. Please read the attached document for some important information for the next school year 20/21. Thank you for all your support throughout this year, especially during the period since 12th March with online T & L etc. We hope all our school community have an enjoyable, safe and restful holiday.


Information from the Dept. of Education and Skills
Created : 26 Aug 2020, 7:16 PM
Archived : 04 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
We hope this notification finds you and your family well. We attach some information that came to us today from the HSE via the Minister Norma Foley at the Department of Education and Science. This information relates to the health of the child. I have also pasted below some of the letter from the Minister as it has some useful, informative links. All this material can be accessed at www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/a128d-back-to-school/ We will be providing you with some more detailed about our approach to the return to school on Friday, the safety of our school community is paramount to us. "We have updated gov.ie/backtoschool with new materials for parents and for students. These are designed to be age-appropriate and have been developed in consultation with children and young people and parents. I am grateful to everyone who has participated in giving us this feedback and support and I hope you find them useful. • Video for parents with key information on supporting children to return to school available here and here • Fliers for parents – these are attached in this email but are also available for download here. The HSE has prepared material on recognising symptoms, which complements the material from the Department on returning to school. This is available here • Age-appropriate videos for children and young people at different stages. Videos for primary (both junior and senior level) and post-primary students are available here • Resources in a wide range of languages. Many schools will enjoy a huge diversity among their student and parent community. To support these parents, we have translated guidance for parents at gov.ie/backtoschool. The Covid-19 World Service project has also consulted with the Department and has used our key messages to produce a range of videos in a variety of languages which your school community may find helpful – please see more at nascireland.org/covid-19-world-service

