Displaying 831-840 of 1183 results.
Transition Year Booklist 20/21
Created : 09 Jun 2020, 11:08 AM
Archived : 15 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please find attached the TY book list 20/21.

Incoming 1st Year Option Subjects
Created : 10 Jun 2020, 12:08 PM
Archived : 10 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Unless previously contacted by our school clerical officers - all our incoming First Year students received their first choice Option Subjects including Modern Foreign Languages (French/German). Hopefully this is helpful while you work through the book list.
Trinity College Webinar for First Year students 2020-2021
Created : 10 Jun 2020, 9:23 AM
Archived : 10 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Today Wed 10th June Trinity College, Dublin - 1pm CAO WEBINAR - Student life for 1st years in Trinity in 2020 Register on zoom.us/webinar/register Webinar will cover orientation, student support, accommodation, clubs and societies. You can submit questions beforehand.
6th year College Events - DCU/ TUDublin/ Medicine in Poland
Created : 09 Jun 2020, 3:55 PM
Archived : 09 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear 6th year students, Have you finalised your CAO list yet? Keep researching and refining until you are happy with it. Here are some events which may be of help with the process. 1. TUDublin June 24-25th Undergrad Live Event Register on www.tudublin.ie/undergradlive 2. DCU. DCU is holding a virtual parent/guardian focus group session for parents/guardians of prospective incoming first year students on Thursday at 11 am via Zoom and would like to invite you to participate as your input will be very valuable to us as we go forward in welcoming your son or daughter to DCU for 2020. If you wish to participate on Thursday at 11 am, please get back in touch as soon as possible and we can set up the meeting via Zoom. www.studenthelp@dcu.ie 3. Study Medicine in Poland A number of Polish universities have their admission windows open with the Medical Poland Admission Office and have already accepted numerous students from Ireland for 20/21. Some of the most important and immediate dates are: Online interviews for Medicine at Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz take place on 24-25-26.06 (application deadline for this session is 22.06; required biology + chemistry/physics). Enquiries: support@medicalpoland.ie Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin will open their application window on 15.06.2020 (2 sciences required; no entrance exam or interview – ranking list). Enquiries: support@medicalpoland.ie Medical University of Bialystok has already recruited a number of Irish students this year; places are starting to fill so the estimated(!) the application deadline is 15.07. Next interview session: 15.06, application deadline for this session: 10.06. Enquiries: support@medicalpoland.ie Poznan University of Medical Sciences (the first Polish medical university that introduced English language programmes 27 years ago) is filling places. Medicine requirements include biology, chemistry, physics + entrance test in those and interview in those. Next available interviews/tests 4-5 July, 10-12 July, 18-19 July. Enquiries: support@medicalpoland.ie. To support applicants for Polish medical and veterinary schools in 2020 Medical Poland Admission Office has introduced Pre-Test Courses in biology, chemistry and physics and mock interviews that prepare applicants for real entry exams and interviews. Medial Poland also runs Preparatory Courses in sciences to ensure all students going to Poland have good head start. Enquiries: education@medicalpoland.ie. 4. Teach home Economics and Irish? St. Angela’s College continue to be the sole provider of this highly sought after qualification and with 40 places on offer through CAO 2020, there has never been a better time to apply. Students will begin their studies with a four year Bachelor of Arts honours degree (Level 8 NFQ) where they will focus on three main areas of study: Education; Home Economics; and Gaeilge. Following successful completion of this BA, students then progress to a Professional Masters in Education (PME) with Home Economics (Level 9NFQ) after which time graduates will fully register with the Teaching Council of Ireland. www.stangelas.nuigalway.ie/departments/course_details.php?id=AS003&&ver=en
LCA 1 & LCA 2 Booklists 20/21
Created : 09 Jun 2020, 11:13 AM
Archived : 09 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please find attached the LCA book lists 20/21.


5th Year Booklist 20/21
Created : 09 Jun 2020, 11:09 AM
Archived : 09 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please find attached the 5th Year book list 20/21.

3rd Year Booklist 20/21
Created : 09 Jun 2020, 11:06 AM
Archived : 09 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please find attached the 3rd Year book list 20/21.

2nd Year Booklist 20/21
Created : 09 Jun 2020, 11:05 AM
Archived : 09 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please find attached the 2nd year book list 20/21.

1st Year Booklist 20/21
Created : 09 Jun 2020, 11:02 AM
Archived : 09 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please find attached the book list for 1st Year 20/21.

School Uniform
Created : 05 Jun 2020, 11:11 AM
Archived : 05 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please email Mr Jim Mahony, Q & M Clane at mahony139@gmail.com for all enquiries relating to school uniforms. Please include your contact number to enable Jim to call you back to arrange an appointment for fitting etc. Where you may have emailed already but not included a contact number, please email Jim again with your contact number. Take care!