Displaying 901-910 of 1183 results.
Questionnaires Reminder - Remote Teaching and Learning
Created : 07 Apr 2020, 11:07 AM
Archived : 10 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon, Thank you to everyone that was able to find the time to complete our survey(s) on Remote T & L. We have had an excellent response to date. We would appreciate if you could find the time (5 mins) to complete a questionnaire for each of your students. We would like to generate as accurate data as possible for each group. You will find the relevant questionnaires in your "Personal Notifications" on this App. At the request of some parents/guardians the surveys will be open until Monday night. We hope this message finds you all well and that you are taking a well earned break from schoolwork . Our thoughts are especially with our 3rd & 6th Year students during this extraordinary time. We can just imagine how frustrating it is not knowing the status of the State Examinations. Do your best to continue with your studies. However, it is important that you also rest and take time for yourself. Balance is the key. We would appreciate if you could take the time to complete our survey on our initial approach to Remote Teaching and Learning. Parent/Guardian/Student surveys are as per Year Groups. They are being sent via the "Personal Notification" function on this App. Teacher surveys are being shared via the school email. Please ensure that you continue to get out and exercise and enjoy the refreshing weather, always practising social distancing outside of your family unit to protect your physical and mental health. We wish you all good health and happiness. Take care!
Notice for TUDublin Architecture Applicants and all students applying to Maynooth University
Created : 09 Apr 2020, 9:00 AM
Archived : 09 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Important information for students who have applied for Architecture at TUDublin Any applicants to TU 832 Architecture at TU Dublin who have not been contacted by the Dublin School of Architecture in the last week or who have not responded to confirm their availability to take the Remote Suitability Test, should contact TUDublin as soon as possible by email ( dsa@tudublin.ie ) to make arrangements for this. Maynooth University – Virtual Open Day In these unprecedented times, we are happy to announce our first Virtual Open Day this Spring in lieu of our scheduled on-site Open Day. The Virtual Open Day will take place on Saturday, April 25th from 10:30am – 3pm. ­ To register, please sign up online via the registration form: www.maynoothuniversity.ie/study-maynooth/undergraduate-studies/open-days Those who have registered will then receive information ahead of the day on the navigation of the Virtual Open Day. We urge prospective students to register by following the steps above and to include any questions they might have ahead of the day here. In times where all we know is changing, we want MU Applicants to know that they are important to us. The Virtual Open Day will allow prospective students to be sure of their choice of Maynooth University while staying home. Meanwhile, if you have any Maynooth or CAO- related questions,you can contact us via ASK webchat, by e-mail admissions@mu.ie or phone 01 708 3822 (leave a message and we will respond asap). You can also follow our Social Media accounts to keep up to date with all things MU: Twitter/ Snapchat/ Tiktok @ MaynoothCAO Free Study Skills E-Book! “STUDY by CHOICE” is intended for students from secondary level upwards. It is published on Amazon both as a paperback and as a Kindle e-book. The Kindle version of “STUDY by CHOICE” will be available for FREE DOWNLOAD for five days, Monday to Friday inclusive of next week, 6th – 10th April 2020. The link is www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B086JWDRKF In advance of the download you should either (1) have a Kindle Reader or (2) download the free app for your computer, mobile phone or tablet. Please share this information with as many students as possible and with anyone who might have students within reach!
Useful Helplines
Created : 07 Apr 2020, 10:43 AM
Archived : 07 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Please find attached some useful helplines. Please seek support if you are feeling excessively stressed at this time. It is okay not to fell okay! These are extraordinary times.. Please also find a pdf of a time capsule that may pass away a little time for someone in your house - maybe something for a rainy day! Thanks to Ms Stanley for this message.

Easter Update
Created : 02 Apr 2020, 7:02 PM
Archived : 02 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
We are now fast approaching the Easter Holidays. We would like to thank all of you, our parents/guardians and our students for your continued positive engagement and support over the last 3 weeks. Online lessons and assignments will stop tomorrow Friday at 1.15 pm for the Easter Break. It is a challenging time for everyone and it is time to recharge the batteries. The current status of the State Examinations is that they will proceed as planned. To this extent we encourage our 6th & 3rd Years to continue their preparation for their examinations. Our Guidance Department has posted some study information & tips that will help with this study. Many of our teachers has highlighted that some of their students are not engaging with them online. While some students are "attending" online lessons, they are not necessarily completing their assignments. We are seeking your assistance to further support your student(s). Please check in on their MS Teams using your student's login details. Please contact us using the "Parent Note" facility on our App where your student is not able to login to MS Teams etc. At present schools are scheduled to reopen on Monday 20th April, this is subject to change. We will keep you updated throughout the Easter Break. Please ensure that you continue to get out and exercise, always practising social distancing outside of your family unit to protect your physical and mental health. We wish you all good health and happiness. Happy Easter to all that celebrate it. Take care!
Dublin Aerospace Mechanical Automation and Maintenance Fitter Apprenticeship open for application
Created : 02 Apr 2020, 6:56 PM
Archived : 02 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Mechanical Automation and Maintenance Fitter (MAMF) Apprenticeship Information What do MAMFs do? ? It involves: • Maintenance and repair of aircraft parts. • Fabrication of replacement parts using machine tools i.e. lathes, milling machines, grinders etc. • Replacing broken or worn parts. • Adjusting and servicing of aircraft parts. The work also involves installation of Plant and machinery. You need to have at least a “C” at Ordinary Level or “D” at Higher Level in the Junior Certificate in 5 subjects (or equivalent) in one sitting. Or In the Leaving Certificate at least an O6 / D in ordinary level Or The successful completion of an approved Pre-Apprenticeship Course APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS • Over 18 years of age upon commencement of the apprenticeship. • Permitted to live in Ireland without restriction • Full security and background check • Colour vision and medical assessment. For information go to www.dublin.aero/mamf-apprenticeship
CAO Update April 2nd from Guidance Counsellors
Created : 02 Apr 2020, 12:35 PM
Archived : 02 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
CAO UPDATE April 2nd 2020 The CAO office is now closed temporarily. If you have an urgent query or an account access issue please email us via the Correspondence Section of your CAO Account (or the Contact section of the website). Please remain patient and allow our remote access team sufficient time to deal with your request. Make sure to include as much information as possible to assist us in handling your query. There is no telephone service available at this time. Postal correspondence should not be sent to the CAO office from today.. Applicants who are required to supply documentation to support their application are asked to wait until the restrictions are lifted before posting such documents. Documents sent in recent days will be processed when the CAO office re-opens. Documents already in the postal system will be delivered to the office when the restrictions are lifted. Online late applications are still being accepted up to 1st May at 17:15. To make a late application click on `Apply`. The CAO Change of Mind facility will operate as usual, opening on the 5th May at noon and closing on the 1st July at 17:15. Questions relating to COVID-19 Please Note: Office contact hours are 09:30 to 17:00, Monday to Friday. Q: I have made a late application and I need to submit supporting documents, what should I do? A: Applicants who are required to supply documentation to support their application are asked to wait until the restrictions are lifted before posting such documents. Documents sent in recent days will be processed when the CAO office re-opens. Documents already in the postal system will be delivered to the office when the restrictions are lifted. Q: I sent my documents to you just before the government restrictions were announced - do I need to re-send them? A: Documents sent in recent days will be processed when the CAO office re-opens. Documents already in the postal system will be delivered to the office when the restrictions are lifted. A: Will the Change of Mind be cancelled/changed? A: CAO is continuing to operate to the schedule as published. In the event of any change to the CAO schedule (which would be a matter for CAO and HEIs to agree on) CAO will inform applicants. Q: What if Leaving Cert is postponed/cancelled? A: CAO is continuing to operate to the schedule as published. In the event of any change to the CAO schedule (which would be a matter for CAO and HEIs to agree on) CAO will inform applicants.
Kildare Youth Project Support Workshop
Created : 01 Apr 2020, 11:03 AM
Archived : 01 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Naughton Scholarship €20,000 Now  open for application
Created : 28 Feb 2020, 6:50 PM
Archived : 31 May 2020, 1:00 AM
The Naughton Scholarship valued at €20,000 is now open to students hoping to study Science, Technology and  Engineering courses at third level. Full details available on www.thenaughtonfoundation.ie Closing date is May 31st 2020. Thank you, Guidance Department.
Remote/Distance Teaching and Learning - Help Video's
Created : 31 Mar 2020, 4:36 PM
Archived : 31 May 2020, 12:00 AM
We have attached a document that will assist students accessing the relevant Help Video's on our school website. We are adding to this resource as we progress. Please do not hesitate to make us aware of niggles being encountered while using MS Teams etc. We are working with our "Admin" to constantly update the "settings" to improve the experience for everyone.

5 Ways to Wellbeing in Tough Times
Created : 31 Mar 2020, 2:12 PM
Archived : 31 May 2020, 12:00 AM