Displaying 891-900 of 1183 results.
Career and College Update
Created : 20 Apr 2020, 1:40 PM
Archived : 20 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Students, Please read all updates - they might be of importance to you. 1. DCU is holding a number of question and answer sessions this week - as follows: DCU Business School Monday 20th April 2-4pm DCU Faculty of Engineering and Computing Tuesday 21st April 2-4pm DCU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Wednesday 22nd April 2-4pm DCU Faculty of Science and Health Thursday 23rd April 2-4pm DCU Institute of Education Friday 24th April 2-4pm 2. DCU Performance Sprits Scholarship application deadline is May 1st www.dcu.ie/sportscholarship 3. Maynooth University Virtual Open Day this Sat April 25th 10.30 am - go online to register 4. St. Patricks College Maynooth Virtual Open Day this Sat April 25th 10.30am 5. Accounting Technician Apprenticeship is now open to apply Earn up to €19700 per year while training for a 2 year Accounting Level 6 Advanced Certificate - apply now on www.accountingtechniciansireland.ie/study-ati/accounting-technician-apprenticeship/apprenticeship-applications 6.DCU New General Entry Physics course for 2020 - see DC175 www.dcu.ie/cao 7. Online free Physics Tutorials for 6th yr students - Robert O Connor YouTube Channel 8. PLC colleges are taking applications online now. Go to www.qualifax.ie for list of colleges. 9.. For Transition Year and 5th yr students - UCD Summer School will now be Virtual June 2-5th - Register on www. myucd.ie/visiting-ucd-summer-school 10.. For incoming 5th year students - Free language classes from September in Dublin city centre - Dept. of Education sponsored classes in Japanese, Chinese, Polish, Lithuanian, Russian and Portuguese - if you are interested please register on www.languagesconnect.ie/language-classes/ We will keep you up to date with any news we get. Meanwhile stay safe and engage with your online lessons. Guidance Counsellors.
Morning Reflections
Created : 20 Apr 2020, 10:09 AM
Archived : 20 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good Morning Staff, Parents and Students ,I hope you are all keeping well. I just want to let you know I intend to run short video reflections on our school website. They will last for a few minutes each day and will include a scripture reading or reflection and a prayer for the day.Please feel free to link at a time that suits you. Pat Breslin. The link is as follows : www.scoilmhuireclane.ie/pages/chaplain/reflections
School Update - also available through our website.
Created : 04 Jun 2020, 10:38 AM
Archived : 19 Jun 2020, 1:00 AM
We wish to update you on some school related matters; 1. Our book lists for the upcoming school year (20/21) will be posted on this App and on our school website tomorrow Friday or Monday next at the latest. 2. Return of Book Rental books - we will update you on the arrangements for this process prior to our students cleaning out their lockers. It is unlikely that there will be a secondhand book sale in the school this summer. We will update you accordingly. 3. Lockers - students will be able to empty their lockers on the following dates; Monday 15th June - 6th Years Tuesday 16th June - 5th Years and TY Wednesday 17th June - 3rd Years Thursday 18th June - 2nd Years Friday 19th June - 1st Years Further guidance will be provided to students nearer the time. Thank you.
Message from Nr Nolan
Created : 19 Apr 2020, 2:05 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see Mr Nolan's message in the document attached.

Remote Teaching & Learning Update 19th April
Created : 19 Apr 2020, 1:56 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
We wish to thank parents/guardians and especially our students for your very positive engagement with our teachers leading up to the Easter break. We also wish to thank you for completing our questionnaires over the break - there is still an opportunity if you would like to complete this questionnaire. Please see your "personal notifications" on this App. We value your opinion, your support and words of appreciation for our teachers reflected in the feedback. We WILL NOT have any online lessons or assignments tomorrow Monday 20th April. Lessons and assignment will resume at 9.05am on Tuesday 21st April. We are asking students to use Monday to prepare for the term ahead - it appears that our school will be "online" for the foreseeable future. All students should catch-up on work and practice inserting photographs into a Word document to enable assignments to be submitted. We have attached a document that will assist students accessing the relevant Help Video's on our school website. We are adding to this resource as we progress. Please do not hesitate to make us aware of niggles being encountered while using MS Teams etc. We are working with our "Admin" to constantly update the "settings" to improve the experience for everyone. Teachers will strive to deliver 50% of their timetabled lessons with their students “live online” and will provide assignments to be completed during their remaining classes. This arrangement applies to all subjects. Students must log into the relevant Team for all their classes as per timetable – depending on their circumstances a teacher may go “live online” for a class that is planned for an assignment. Homework will be addressed as normal. Passwords / Student email address We can only address requests for “passwords” through the “Parent Note” facility on our App. This is to protect the integrity of the data being shared. Please ask your student not to attempt to change their password – this facility is not available to students. Once a student attempts to do this their existing password is rendered inactive in most cases. Teachers are only permitted to use the school email address for their students. Where there is any query regarding the school email addresses please use the “Parent Note” facility on our APP. We will update you further tomorrow or Tuesday morning with some guidelines on how we will proceed online - these guidelines will be guided by the feedback from our recent questionnaires.

State Examination Fees = Refunds
Created : 03 Jun 2020, 2:54 PM
Archived : 15 Jun 2020, 1:00 AM
This is the most recent update on State Examinations Fees - refund; Dear Principal, I refer to the announcements made by the Minister for Education and Skills, Mr. Joe Mc Hugh T.D., on Friday 10th April and Friday 8th May regarding the postponement and the revised arrangements of the Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate examinations. As a result of these decision I wish to confirm that the State Examinations Commission (SEC) is refunding all candidates who have paid their examination fee for 2020. Refunds were processed on May 26th for all candidates that paid the examination fee online. Refunds will go back to the card/account which was used to pay the fee. The process can take up to 7 days to process. If candidates have not received the refund by June 10th , they should email us at mailto:fees@examinations.ie with their exam number. Please bring the contents of this email to the attention of the candidates/parents/guardians. I want to thank you for your continued co-operation and support in this regard, it is very much appreciated.
Questionnaires - Remote Teaching and Learning
Created : 15 Apr 2020, 9:58 AM
Archived : 15 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon, Thank you to everyone that was able to find the time to complete our survey(s) on Remote T & L. We have had an excellent response to date. We would appreciate if you could find the time (5 mins) to complete a questionnaire for each of your students. We would like to generate as accurate data as possible for each group. You will find the relevant questionnaires in your "Personal Notifications" on this App. The surveys will be open until Wednesday night.
Option subjects
Created : 09 Jun 2020, 4:31 PM
Archived : 13 Jun 2020, 1:00 AM
Option subject for 1st Year and 5th Year will be posted on this App tomorrow or Thursday.
Easter Break Update 11th April
Created : 11 Apr 2020, 11:29 AM
Archived : 11 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
The clarity around the State Examinations is welcome and we will do our best for our students - however, there are still questions that we need answered to provide some transparency to teachers, students and parents/guardians. Your responses to our recent questionnaire will help us immensely during our deliberations as how we can proceed as a school community. Please see your "Personal Notifications" to complete if you haven't had the opportunity to date. The following extract from an article by Unicef Ireland encapsulates many of our feelings at this time: "Many of you will be feeling very angry, upset and frustrated at hearing this news. These are normal reactions and very understandable ones. Some of you may be wondering why they made this decision, others may be asking themselves “how can I keep this up until July or August”. " My advice to you is to take some time out now over the holidays and allow yourself to process these emotions of anger, frustration etc and then take some time to do things that you enjoy, within the present restrictions." This is the link to the full article - it is well worth a read by everyone in our school community. www.unicef.ie/stories/coping-with-exam-postponement/ The Managerial Bodies of the Post Primary Schools in Ireland ACCS​​, ETBI​​​, JMB​​​​ & NAPD has offered the following advice to their school communities: "In light of the revised schedule that has been announced, we would ask that our students take a complete break from their studies in this Easter period so that they can return refreshed and renewed to the learning process" Take care of yourselves. Try to enjoy some of the nice weather we are currently experiencing. School buildings will remain closed until further notice. We hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend!
State Examinations 2020 - Update 10th April 2020
Created : 10 Apr 2020, 7:00 PM
Archived : 10 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good evening, Please use the links below to access the details of the postponement of the State Examinations 2020. This is all the information we have at this time. We will keep you updated as we receive the finer of the new arrangements. Press Release from the Department of Education & Skills; www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-04-10.html Press Release from the State Examinations Commission www.examinations.ie/misc-doc/EN-EX-59606118.pdf Take care of yourselves!