Displaying 801-810 of 1183 results.
Maynooth University - Engineering Maths Exam
Created : 24 Aug 2020, 12:05 PM
Archived : 24 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Sixth Year Students, Please see below re Maths Exam for Engineering in Maynooth and register if interested. Regards. Ms. McGee The Department of Electronic Engineering at Maynooth University ([]www.maynooth university.ie/electronic-engineering) will hold an Engineering Mathematics Examination for students who wish to apply and undertake a degree in Engineering (MH304) but who do not have the required H4 in Leaving Certificate Mathematics. Students wishing to apply for Engineering (MH304) at Maynooth University can apply using the Available Place procedure via the CAO (www.cao.ie), and register for the Maths Entrance Exam. The examination will take place online on Wednesday 16 September 2020 and those wishing to take the examination must register by 5pm Friday 11 September. The Engineering Maths Exam is based on the Leaving Certificate Higher Level syllabus (Paper one). A free online preparatory course will take place on Tuesday 15 September. Students who have obtained a H4 in Mathematics and fulfil the other requirements can also make an Available Place application and do not need to take the examination in mathematics. To register for the exam and for further information on MH304 academic requirements and sample papers please see www.maynoothuniversity.ie/mathsexam 'Like any 6th year student heading to college I had no idea what I wanted to study. All I knew for certain was that I liked maths and I enjoyed solving problems. Therefore, I put engineering and computer science down on my CAO. As it turned out my worst nightmare came true, I let myself down in my Leaving Cert. I was made aware after my results about an exam Maynooth University offered to study Electronic Engineering. It was my saving grace as rather than repeating my Leaving Cert, I had this second chance to keep progressing. Needless to say I aced it, I am now on my way to graduating with a ME in Electronic Engineering in 2021! My experience of the engineering department in Maynooth University has been extremely positive. Due to the smaller classes you build an invaluable relationship with your department and peers. This course has been challenging me from day one, encouraging me to think outside the box and to not shy away from the problems that seem un-solvable.' Jessica Cullen MU Engineering student (Year 4)
National Award Winners
Created : 28 Sep 2020, 7:37 PM
Archived : 16 Oct 2020, 1:00 AM
We are honoured to share this fantastic news across our school community. A belated massive commendation to our award winners, fellow competitors and their teacher Ms Jenkins for their commitment, determination, exertion and endurance to achieve these well deserved accolades. We wish them the very best of luck in all their future pursuits. We must extend a special word of thanks to Ms Jenkins for her continued guidance and support of our students that enter various competitions in the different fields of science. Scifest Success! A huge congratulations to our students for their achievements in winning 5 major awards in this year's SciFest@College 2020 Online regional STEM fair. With over 430 project entries this is a great achievement!! Congratulations to Adam McNulty who won 3 prizes in total!! The overall runner up for best project award as well as a very impressive further 2 prizes for his project 'A Systematic review of constructed wetlands to optimise their design'. Adam was the winner of the following 3 major awards for his entry : Overall runner up for Best Project in the competition. Institute of Physics Award Maths in Science Award Miriam McDermott and Anna Murphy were awarded the Scifest College Chemistry award for their project 'An Analysis of Leached Chemicals From Microbeads in Water of Different Temperatures and When Exposed to UV Light'. Congratulations girls! Scoil Mhuire Community School also took home the Royal Society of Chemistry(RSC) School Chemistry Award! A fantastic reward for the hard work out in by our students who persevered with their hard work despite the difficult circumstances of this year. Young Social Innovators award - Open Call to teenagers Congratulations also to Priya Evans for her entry in the Young Social Innovators Online Open Call. Priya received a Highly Commended award for her project and recognises the positive contribution she made to Ireland during the Covid-19 Pandemic crisis in 2020. A project that Priya continued to work on all through lockdown. Well done Priya, we are very proud of you! Huge well done to all involved!!!

Nancy's Lane
Created : 15 Sep 2020, 4:51 PM
Archived : 16 Oct 2020, 1:00 AM
We were asked to share this message with you from the contractors that will be working on Nancy's Lane. To whom it may concern, Please note that works will commence on the upgrade of Nancy's Lane from Monday 28th September for a period of two weeks. During this period ducting will be laid for public lighting and the lane resurfaced for approximately 200m , the rest of lane to be resurfaced by Local Authority at a later date. Note for Health and Safety reasons the lane will be closed for this period to facilitate works, we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Scoil Mhuire - Cashless Payments
Created : 24 Aug 2020, 1:00 PM
Archived : 30 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Scoil Mhuire - Cashless Payments Practically everything is paid for electronically these days, whether it be via your credit/debit card or smartphone. During many of our in-school meetings with yourselves throughout the last school year we indicated that sometime in the future we would be moving to cashless payments in our school. The primary reason for this was the health and safety of our school community, primarily our staff and students. The security risk associated with keeping cash on-site and taking it to the bank was becoming a greater challenge by the day. This development has been intensified by the onset of Covid 19 and all associated with it, especially the advice to reduce the handling of cash. We are introducing “Unique Pay” as our medium for all cashless payments in our school. This is an additional feature of our school App. This solution has many benefits, namely reduced administration, ease of managing student data, immediate issuing of receipts, enabling payment 24/7 and improving security for everyone. Please take time to read the attached documents to help inform yourself of the benefits, workings and practicalities of this facility. We are rolling out this new facility later today for the payment of our school fees for the school year 20/21. Please do not hesitate to contact us where you may be experiencing difficulty with these payments. Please note; We will also be using the App to enable you to sign the various school policies etc. - more details in due course.


CAO dates 2020
Created : 07 Feb 2020, 12:57 PM
Archived : 30 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Dear 6th yr Parents/Guardians, Please be aware of the IMPORTAT DATES in the document attached - CAO Dates 2020 Ms McGee & Ms Travers.

Students who are at very high risk to Covid-19 do to a medical condition.
Created : 11 Sep 2020, 3:55 PM
Archived : 25 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, We only today received the guidance document to guide us on how to support students who are at a very high risk to Covid 19. This is an extract from the document which can be viewed in full at www.gov.ie/en/publication/7acad-reopening-our-post-primary-schools/. "It is important to note that a very high risk student is one with an underlying medical condition that makes him/her extremely vulnerable from contracting COVID-19. Schools must be provided with a letter from a medical professional stating that the student falls into that category. The arrangements in this guidance apply to those students only. All other students are expected to return to school. The adapted education provisions set out in this document to support students at very high risk to COVID-19 do not apply to students who are at risk of early school leaving, students who are experiencing COVID-related anxiety about the return to school or students who have been requested to self-isolate by a medical doctor or the Health Service Executive (HSE). " If your student falls into any category on this HSE list; Very high risk groups (extremely vulnerable) The list of people in very high risk groups include people who: Have had an organ transplant. Are undergoing active chemotherapy for cancer. Are having radical radiotherapy for lung cancer. Have cancers of the blood or bone marrow such as leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma who are at any stage of treatment are having immunotherapy or other continuing antibody treatments for cancer. Are having other targeted cancer treatments which can affect the immune system, such as protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors have had bone marrow or stem cell transplants in the last 6 months, or who are still taking immunosuppression drugs. Are on dialysis Have unstable or severe cystic fibrosis. This includes people awaiting a transplant, severe respiratory conditions including Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, severe asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, lung fibrosis, interstitial lung disease and severe COPD. Have a condition that means you have a very high risk of getting infections (such as SCID, homozygous sickle cell). Are taking medicine that makes you much more likely to get infections (such as high doses of steroids or immunosuppression therapies) Have a serious heart condition and you're pregnant. Please provide us with an original letter from a medical professional (GP or Consultant) stating that the student falls into that category at your earliest opportunity. This letter may be posted or hand delivered to our school for the attention of Mr Nolan or Mr Cahillane. We will then be in contact with you to discuss how the school can best provide for the continuity of your student's learning. Take care!
Passwords for Office 365
Created : 07 Sep 2020, 9:21 AM
Archived : 25 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
All students with the possible exception of some 1st Year students should have a password for their school Office 365 account. All students that applied for a password last March - May should still use this password. It was a mammoth task to issue all the passwords when the school building was closed. Therefore, it is important that students keep their password in a safe place and not share it with anyone else. There is no facility for students to change their assigned password - please do not attempt to do this as it renders the existing password useless. It is very important that all students have this password to hand in school from Wednesday. Please check with your student(s) that they have their password and that it works. In the unlikely event that your student does not have a functioning password - please apply to Mr Cahillane for a new password using the "Parent Note" facility on this App. Many thanks, JP Cahillane
Reminder to Log On to Calculated Grades Portal for Phase 2 before 4pm on Monday 27th July
Created : 23 Jul 2020, 12:14 PM
Archived : 23 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Sixth Year students, Re: Calculated Grades Student Portal Phase 2 The Calculated Grades Student Portal has re-opened in order to allow all 2020 Leaving Certificate students to opt to receive Calculated Grades. Log on to www.gov.ie/leavingcertificate and follow the advice there. You will need your exam number. The Calculated Students Portal will close at 4pm Monday 27 July. Remind your friends to log on also. Kind regards, Ms. McGee
Leaving Certificate 2020 Update.
Created : 18 Jul 2020, 10:27 AM
Archived : 22 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
LC and LCA students must opt in again through the portal to receive their LC Calculated Grades. The Calculated Grades Student Portal will open on Monday July 20th at 12.00 noon. The portal will remain open until 4pm on Monday, July 27th. More information at t.co/naAwOrwTXK #LC2020 The results will be available through the Student Portal from 9am on 7th September. UCAS has agreed to this date. CAO first round offers on 11th September. Results Appeals 14th September.
TY Carlingford Trip
Created : 10 Sep 2020, 6:04 PM
Archived : 19 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Please see the letter attached from Ms. O'Reilly.
