Displaying 761-770 of 1183 results.
Hand Sanitiser
Created : 23 Oct 2020, 9:07 AM
Archived : 23 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning, We wish to advise our school community that we are not using ViraPro hand sanitiser (PCS100409) which has recently been recalled. Neither do we source our hand sanitiser from the same company. The hand sanitiser used in our school is ethanol based as advised and recommended by the Dept. of Agriculture.
Mid Term Break
Created : 23 Oct 2020, 8:32 AM
Archived : 23 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Good Morning all .I would like to take this opportunity to wish all students a very happy midterm break .It has been a challenging term and I am very proud of our Second Year students who have been most cooperative with all the new rules and restrictions they met on their return. November assessments will take place the week starting Monday 2nd November. I hope that everyone enjoys their break. Looking forward to seeing everyone on their return. Stay safe. Ms NÍ Bhroin
Christmas Jumper Day
Created : 18 Dec 2020, 10:09 AM
Archived : 22 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, We are having our annual Christmas Jumper Day on Monday 21st December. It would be great if you could encourage your student(s) to participate in this event. We do not want to add expense to families at this time, we find that the best jumpers are those created at home. We are using this event to generate funds the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust. The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust aims to alleviate the financial hardship of bereaved families as they go through the process of bringing home a loved one, who has died abroad in sudden or tragic circumstances. Since 2013 this charity has assisted over 1,000 families who have found themselves in this situation. Earlier this year Aisling Earley (past pupil and sister of Eibhlin TY) died tragically in Thailand as a result of a drowning accident. We feel that this event would be a fitting tribute to Aisling and a supportive gesture to the Earley family at this time. Your support and encouragement to the students would be greatly appreciated. We are asking for a €2 donation from students, €5 per family to their tutors on the morning of the 21st Dec. Family may donate using our School App. Unfortunately, when using the App a minimum donation €5 is required. We would like thank you in advance. Wishing you all a restful and Happy Christmas, Pat Breslin.
Update your App
Created : 21 Oct 2020, 3:24 PM
Archived : 21 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
A small number of parents/guardians are experiencing difficulty with two of the policies and with the "Shop". Their issue may be linked to the fact that they have not upgraded the App when prompted. All policies must be signed/consented on the App. We would ask you to please rectify this matter before midterm. We hope we have responded to all of you that contacted us about these issues. If you are still experiencing difficulty after upgrading the App please contact us using the Parent Note facility. You can update our school app by going to the App Store/Play Store and updating directly from there. You can also view which version of the app you are using at present by going into the main menu of the app and then scroll down to App Help and Support. On clicking that, you will be able to view the version. The latest version available for our school app on the App Store/ Play Store is 5.0.6. Take care!
Update 21st October 2020
Created : 21 Oct 2020, 9:53 AM
Archived : 21 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Kildare County Council and has requested that we remind you, that's Nancys Lane is closed to the public till 16th November. Machinery is working daily, and students are continuing to walk through at risk to themselves. We encourage our school community to continue to wear masks when outside the school and travelling to and from school. To further reduce the risks associated with Covid 19, from tomorrow 22nd October 2020 - students that leave school during the day cannot return to school until the following morning. Thank you and take care!
Volunteers for the Breakfast Club
Created : 19 Oct 2020, 7:46 PM
Archived : 19 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Calling on any TY student who would be available to help out with the running of the “Breakfast Club” from 8:30 am until 8:45am, each morning. If you are interested, please give your name to your tutor in the morning. A rota will be set up and a day assigned. This could be used as part of your “Gaisce Bronze Award”. Looking forward to a positive response. Ms O’Reilly
Digital sign In/Sign Out
Created : 13 Oct 2020, 4:56 PM
Archived : 13 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, We are introducing a new feature of our App over the coming days. It will be much easier for students if they have the student version (limited features) of our school App on their phone. That said, students will be able to sign in/out manually on the device in the school Office. Please use this link to access a short video explaining the digital sign in/sign out feature; vimeo.com/402612254/881b2d05f9 . We are asking you to encourage your student to download our school App over the next few days. All of the communication across our school community is now through our App. It is important that you use the "late note" and "permission to leave note" on our App prior to your student signing in/out. Please do this before 8.45am. Where your student signs in/out without a prior note from yourself, a message will be sent to you to confirm the reason for the lateness etc. Students must sign in/out at the school Office to comply with our Code of Behaviour. This new feature will enable our school to be compliant with both GDPR and Child Protection regulations. This electronic device will not photograph students.
Intel Ireland Matched Grants Program
Created : 12 Oct 2020, 5:03 PM
Archived : 12 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Intel Ireland Matched Grants Program – Home Schooling during the Pandemic approved for Intel Volunteering hours!!!! With the help of Intel, Scoil Mhuire has been registered as part of the Intel Matching grants program. Scoil Mhuire have been offered a unique opportunity to avail of much needed grant funding from home schooling during the current Pandemic event Our school can count the home schooling hours as volunteering during this pandemic. The daily hours for home schooling is 5 hours per day. Matched funding for home-school help has now been increased from 2 hours to 5 hours per day per child. This time can be tracked from January 1st, 2020. I’m reaching out to all Intel parent of students in Scoil Mhuire to log home school support hours against Scoil Mhuire on the Intel Involved Benevity page. For any queries please contact Colin O’Brien via his Intel email address. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Colin for his help and guidance with this fantastic opportunity for our school. We would very much appreciate the assistance of our parents/guardians that work in Intel with this initiative. Thank you in advance, Padraig Nolan
Clane G.A.A Coaching Opportunity
Created : 08 Oct 2020, 3:25 PM
Archived : 08 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Any boys in T.Y. who are members of Clane G.A.A. and would like to take part in training underage teams please contact your Club team Manager for further details. (Mary O’ Donovan TY coordinator for Clane G.A.A.)
LCA Practical Achievement Task
Created : 07 Oct 2020, 2:59 PM
Archived : 07 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
LCA 2 students to enrol for the First Aid night class commencing on Thursday October 8th. Fee 85 euro. On completion of course 45euro will be refunded. This task is worth 10 credits and must be taken outside of school time. Ms O Reilly.