Hi All,
please see a link below which the State Exams Commission has issued this evening with advice for candidates who have just received their LC/LCA results on Friday.
Thank you
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are so proud of the fantastic results achieved by the students in Mount Carmel today. This is down to the teachers, parents and student themselves. All information they need to for accessing results, viewing scripts etc is on the Candidate Self Service Portal. However a few key highlights are outlined below:
1.TheSEC Candidate helpline will be available at 1800 111 135 or 1800 111 136 from 9 AM to 5 PM from 25 August to 4 September. Outside of these hours queries may be e-mailed to candidateportal@examinations.ie. Please note this helpline is provided for queries relating to the Candidate Self Service Portal and the services provided through that portal.
2. Applications to view Leaving Certificate examination scripts must be made by candidates through the Candidate Self Service Portal between 5 PM on Tuesday 29 August and 8 PM on Wednesday 30 August.
3. Leaving Certificate Applied applications must be made by email. Candidates will be provided with an LCA Viewing Application Form on the Candidate Self Service Portal which should be emailed to viewlcascript@examinations.ie. The same application timeline applies and all applications must be made before 8 PM on Wednesday 30 August.
4. There are two different processes this year for viewing of scripts depending on how the script was marked.
a) Viewing online through the Candidate Self Service Portal
b) Viewing in-person in schools
5. The online viewing process is delivered through the Candidate Self Service Portal and involves candidates having timebound access to PDFs of the scripts. Online viewing in these subjects will be available from 9 AM on Saturday 2 September to 9 AM on Sunday 3 September.
6. There is still a need to provide candidates with in-person script viewing in schools for those subjects, or components of subjects, which were manually marked. Even in subjects which were marked online there are some exceptions which require scripts to be returned to schools for viewing.
7. If, after viewing a paper you are unhappy with the result, candidates can appeal a results. Candidates can apply to appeal through the Candidate Self Service Portal. From: 10 AM on Sunday 3 September 2023 To: 5 PM on Monday 4 September 2023. A valid application will comprise both the application to appeal and the payment of the appeal fee. The fee to appeal a result is €40 per subject for Leaving Certificate and €15.50 per subject for Leaving Certificate applied. The fee is refunded in the case of a successful appeal.
Of course any of our students can contact the school for help. Just give us a call on 018730958 or email info@mountcarmel.ie
Once again Congratulations to the Class of 2023!
Deirdre Fitzgerald
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Congratulations to our 3rd year students who completed their Junior Cycle examinations. Well done and thank you to all the staff who have prepared them for their exams.
They deserve the break over the Summer and we look forward to welcoming them back as senior cycle students.
Kind regards
Deirdre Fitzgerald