Congratulations to the TY Active School Flag class and Ms Doran for organising a fabulous Sponsored Colour Run for the whole school today! We began our whole-school Wellbeing Celebration with a concert in the Sports Hall with Roe Byrne which was a huge hit! Each year group then mobilised to walk to the ETB grounds in Terenure where they took to the course with great gusto and emerged in a wonderful display of colour!! Well done everyone, happy St. Patrick's Day, enjoy the weekend and we will see everyone back in school on Monday!
Twelve 3rd Years represented OLS at the Annual Mathematics Pi Quiz yesterday. Congratulations to Hannah, Kate, Aoife and Estella for securing a 3rd place finish in the competition!
This on-line course (this evening) may be of interest to parents:
Just Dance, drumming, Céilí Mór - a wonderful day of wellbeing & action!
We look forward to welcoming OLS students and families this evening for our inaugural Open Mic Night at 7.30pm.
Many thanks to all who joined us for our Transition Year information meeting yesterday evening.
A recording of the session can be viewed here:
The slides can be viewed here: Info Evening
Many thanks.
A final reminder to all students to have their sponsorship money in tomorrow! We’re looking forward to the Sponsored Colour Run! Money can brought in cash or paid by card/on EasyPayments. Parents, if there is a medical reason your daughter should not participate on Wednesday, please let her Year Head know so alternative plans can be put in place.
Many thanks!
A reminder to TY students & parents/guardians that subject choices are to be submitted via VSware by tomorrow, 15th March. The recording of the presentation and the slides from the information session last Thursday are below:
Students have heard presentations from teachers of all the subjects at Leaving Cert. level and also had a great opportunity to talk to 5th and 6th Year students to ask any outstanding questions they had. They can access the Subject Choice booklet via the school website and have access to subject tasters in all subjects during Transition Year. All students will have a one-to-one appointment with the Guidance Dept. before the deadline and are encouraged to research their choices carefully and to ask as many questions as they wish to help them make their choices!
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
As part of our guidance programme for Transition and 5th Year students, the Guidance Department and the Parents’ Council are planning on holding a Careers Expo on Wednesday 26th April 2023 from 6.30-9pm.
The purpose of this event is to allow our students the opportunity to meet and talk to people from a number of different professions in order to assist them with their career research. We are asking for the assistance of parents to help facilitate this event. Participation in this event would involve discussing your career with a number of individual students during the evening. Further details will be provided to parents who volunteer to take part.
If you are interested in being involved in our careers evening on 26th April 2023 or in being included in a database for possible future career events in Our Lady’s School, please reply, by email, to <24>
providing your name, telephone number, email address and career area.Many thanks for your support and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.
Fionnuala Bannan & Lesley Porter (OLS Guidance Department) & Claire Byrne (OLS Parents Council)
A reminder to all 3rd year parents/guardians to join us online for this session at 5pm today.