This Saturday, as part of the Open Day, the Parents' Council will be running a coffee shop. The Council are looking for support with this initiative by asking students and parents to donate a cake, bun, packet of biscuits or whatever goodie they can to the cause. All and any donations of such tasty treats are welcome and we would ask that students drop in whatever they can tomorrow morning. Donation points will be ready in the GPA. With a little help from a lot of people, the Parents' Council reckon it will be a piece of cake!
Unfortunately, the buses were oversubscribed and as a result, some people had to be refunded and on this occasion will not be attending. Apologies for this! If you are on the lists, you must fill out the permission slip on the app. If you do not fill this out, you will not be allowed to attend. Students can check the lists on their year group Google Classroom.
Please read the lists carefully as some supporters will be travelling on the team bus, and this bus leaves earlier. There will be no changes to the lists.
Full school rules apply, you must wear your school uniform. Please leave all bags behind. If you have any questions see Mr Cantwell before school tomorrow.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We would be most appreciative if you could please take a few minutes out of your busy day to share your voice in our School Self Evaluation journey by filling out this short survey:
Many thanks.
A reminder to all prospective students and families that they are welcome to attend our Open Day from 10am to 12 pm on Saturday (tours of the school and an information talk at 11.15am).
Please note that the HSE Schools Immunisation Team will be in school tomorrow and Thursday for the follow-up to the 1st Year Vaccination programme (MenACWY vaccine: It is likely that students getting vaccinated from B1, C1 and L1 will have their vaccination tomorrow and M1 and P1 on Thursday but this very much depends on the vaccination team.
Many thanks.
Our Lady’s School Parents' Council invites you to a Quiz Night on the evening of May 11th.
This week the TY’s had an action packed week full of future careers, leadership talks and even trips to Kilmainham gaol!
Kilmainham Gaol
On Tuesday TY2 and TY5 attended a Kilmainham gaol where they got a guided tour and learnt all about the history of it. They really enjoyed it and the rest of the classes will be going in the coming weeks.
OLS Careers Expo
On Wednesday all TY’s along with the fifth years attended the annual OLS Career Expo where they got to talk to some of the parents of the student body about their careers and what they entail. They also got to talk to a variety of colleges to see what courses they offer and what student life is like. A huge thank you to all the parents who gave up their time to come and talk to the girls! Here what some student had to say about the event:
I really enjoyed talking to the paediatric nurse. She talked about her favourite parts of her job, the new Children’s Hospital and college courses. She was really helpful and persuasive!
My favourite table was the primary teachers as they gave me a great insight into what being a primary school teacher is like. They told me about the travel opportunities within teaching and the importance of good communication and being patient.
Leaders on our Level
On Thursday the girls made their own way to DCU where they heard from a variety of inspirational people through the event held by Terenure College. We will now hear from Ingrid on the day!
On Thursday, TY’s made their way to The Helix for Terenure’s Leaders of Our Levels. The event started at 10 O’clock, and was introduced by Terenure TYs. There were 5 speakers from a variety of areas, Simone George, Ursula Jacob, Peter Cosgrove, Fr. Peter McVerry and Jim Gavin. The day was finished with a guided tour of DCU.
West Leinsters
On Tuesday and Thursday some TY girls went to compete in the annual West Leinsters in Tullamore. Congratulations to the girls who all performed very well and were excellent representatives of our school.
A reminder to everyone that their Gaisce forms are now due so make sure that you have all the signatures up to date and drop into Ms.Phelan's office with the form so she can put it through the system!
The OLS Open Day is fast approaching us as it will take place on the 6th of May from 10am to 12pm. We would really appreciate it if as many TY’s as possible sign up to help in the various classrooms and with the various subject departments. If you have participated in the advanced barista course you can sign up to make coffees for the parents and prospective students attending.
A final reminder to everyone who wants to participate in the Safeguarding Training you must sign up and pay by the end of today as at the moment the course is in jeopardy of not running due to low numbers. So if you have interest make sure to sign up!
Best of luck to all our TY’s next week in their work experience and we can’t wait to hear all about how they get on!
Saibh Gormley and Maria Hennelly
Contributed to by: Ingrid Marron
Please see the attached letter if your daughter missed a previous vaccination offering.
Many thanks.
For the 2023 Leaving Certificate, the State Examinations Commission (SEC) will provide a deferred examinations series with access strictly limited to candidates who experience:
a. Close family bereavement – for funeral preparation and attendance, OR
b. Serious medical conditions – due to serious accident, injury or illness.
Please see the attached information for more details.