The Amber Flag group would like to remind everyone that Darkness into Light registration is open for those wishing to take part on May 6th.
A group of teachers and students will be doing the walk in Tymon Park.
You can find all details at
Students 14-18 may find this free mindfulness stress reduction course useful:
Welcome back everybody to the final term of TY! We hope that everyone is excited and ready for what a busy term it will be!
Over the Easter break, we saw 64 lucky TY students jet off to sunny Barcelona where they had an action packed four days filled with exciting trips and memories! On behalf of all the TYs on the trip, we would like to extend a huge thank you to Ms.Griffin, Mr.Cox, Mr.Farrelly, Ms.Reilly, Ms.McHale, and Ms.Shanley who were all group leaders on the trip and gave up their easter holidays to look after us. And of course a massive thank you to Ms.Phelan, our TY coordinator who organised the trip and made sure everything ran smoothly and that we all had as much fun as possible. We loved the daily updates over the microphone on the bus and you and the rest of the teachers as our DJs! The singing on the bus was one of our favourite parts! And now some of the students will tell us their favourite moment from the trip!
Áine: One of my favourite moments from our trip was when we visited Park Güell. We got to see all of the amazing views of Barcelona and the wonderful architecture designed by Gaudí. Another moment that I really enjoyed was the cable cars. We got to see views that went for miles around Barcelona and we had some great photo opportunities!
Charlotte: My favourite moments from the Barcelona trip would have to be the night we went bowling with the teachers as it was hilarious seeing how competitive the teachers got when they were not winning and I also loved competing against my friends in bowling. I also loved going to PortAventura as the roller coasters were huge and it was enjoyable to be able to go on them while making fabulous memories with my friends.
Fighting Words
This week Mr.Cox and Mr.Cleary’s English classes attended a fighting words workshop. All the TY English classes have gotten the chance this year to attend these worthwhile workshops and they all enjoyed the various different activities that they did. From acting out plays they wrote to writing poems our budding writers showcased their many talents!
BOI money smarts competition
This week 12 students went to the RDS where they competed against other schools in the Bank of Ireland money smarts competition. Over the three days, a total of approximately 450 teams competed with only 15 teams pregressing to the final in Trinity College on the 12th of May. One of our teams has advanced to the final so a huge congratulations to Rachel Davis, Matilda Murray, Kathryn King, and Ciara O’Loughran! We will now hear from Ciara about the competition!
“I really enjoyed the competition! There were lots of games and spot vouchers throughout the day with the main quiz in the afternoon. Although the quiz was a bit tricky at times, I am really looking forward to competing again in the final!”
The Addams Family
A huge congratulations to all the girls who have participated in this year's Terenure Musical, The Addams Family! From dancing to acting to singing, our budding performers showcased their talents on stage all week. We thoroughly enjoyed the show girls “and that’s a full disclosure!”
Google Classroom
This week the Google Classroom notifications have been pinging in with all that is to come!
Work Experience forms were due on Wednesday and all forms MUST be in. If for any reason you have been unable to complete the form please complete it ASAP as work experience is soon approaching us. If you received an email from Ms.Phelan regarding garda vetting please ensure that you follow up on that.
We have an exciting day for all TY students, next Thursday the 27th of April they will be going to DCU to attend 'Leaders on Our Level' talk along with Terenure College's 4th years. They will also get a tour of the college. All students must attend and make their own way there and back and further information is available on google classroom! Please make sure consent has been given on the school app to attend.
There is a special price on Junk Kouture tickets this week. If you spend 5 euros in Eurospar you get a Junk Kouture ticket for 10 euros compared to the usual 30. This is a great deal that we hope many of you will avail of as we would like to see as many girls as possible going to support Alex, Louisa, and Ella!
Safeguarding training at a special price must be paid by this Friday or unfortunately, it will not be run. If you have an interest in this course please make sure that you sign up as it is a great opportunity!
TY night is coming up fast so if everyone could spend a bit of time planning their fabulous tables we can have the best TY night possible! This also means that TY E-portfolio’s must to date particularly for the upcoming final TY interviews!
Finally, we wish everyone a lovely weekend and we hope that you are all ready for the busy exciting term ahead.
Saibh Gormley
Contributed to by Ciara O’Loughran, Charlotte Gallaher, and Áine Ryan
1. Essay writing tips
2. An Triail common questions, approaches and tips
3. Essential grammar, with a focus on question 6
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.30pm, excluding public holidays.
Phone: 0818 888 777
Dear TY & 5th Year Students and Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
The OLS Guidance Department and the Parents' Council are holding a Careers Expo on Wednesday 26th April 2023 for TY and 5th Year students. The purpose of this event is to allow our students to meet and talk to people from a number of different professions in order to assist them with their career research. Students will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from a selection of further and higher education colleges and learn about available apprenticeships. There will also be a career skills workshop available to students during the evening. This event is a valuable opportunity to explore and research various career areas, helping students to make informed career choices.
This event will take place on Wednesday 26th April 2022 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm in St Joseph's Hall.
In preparation for this event students will receive guidance and a booklet on how to make maximum use of this evening. This is a compulsory event for all TY & 5th Year students.
Many thanks for your support and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.
Yours sincerely,
Marguerite Gorby
This week was hugely successful for the TY’s and we can’t wait to tell you all about it!
The long awaited week of performance, singing, costume and non-stop rehearsal finally came! The “famed” TY musical students put on the performance of the year from Tuesday to Thursday of the fabulous musical Fame! This musical told of a group of talented teenagers who attend PA, the Performing Arts High School and just like their characters the TY’s are extremely talented. Weeks of hard work and a huge amount of dedication and commitment finally paid off as the girls took to the stage to perform on opening night! These talented girls have been rehearsing and getting ready from well before Christmas with the help of their brilliant dedicated musical teachers Ms.Reilly and Ms.Finnegan! Their rehearsals could be heard from around the school and it is safe to say that all years (especially the other TY’s) couldn’t wait to see the full show! Cast 1 and 2 between them dazzled and amazed all three of the nights as well as at the matinee show for St.Pius GNS and their energy and enthusiasm never faded! A huge well done and congratulations to the girls and a massive thank you to Ms.Finnegan and Ms.Reilly for all their hard work and time. We think it is safe to say we have future stars in our midst! We will now hear from a couple of cast members about their favourite musical moments!
Rebecca Morgan (Carmen Diaz)- I have so many favourite moments from the musical. The dress rehearsals and backstage in the lecture theatre when everyone sang all their songs and the closing night was the best. I loved the atmosphere and we all felt like a big happy family. Side stage was so funny, especially before the opening and the chants were the best of course!
Sophie Worth (Iris Kelli)- My favourite moment was the weekend rehearsals because this was when the musical really came together and the excitement of the show started. I also loved the tech rehearsals, getting mic'd was great!
Jasmine Moran (Joe Vegas)- My favourite moment was singing the Teachers' Argument backstage and doing the dances, and also everyone laughing at my lines. It made me so happy!
Aisling O’Reilly (Ms.Sherman)- My favourite part was working on the Teachers Argument with Alyx Harmon who played Ms.Bell and getting on the balcony part of the stage was surreal. The getting ready was great and I loved getting into character between the hair, makeup and costume
Eabha Garry (Iris Kelli)- I loved the pizza party because it was a great way to start the musical week! I loved the tech runs because it was great prep and we got to see the whole show come together!
Julianne Walsh (Grace Lamb- Lambchops)- The highlight of my musical experience was getting to dress up as if we were living life in the 80’s and for me dressing as grungy as possible! The makeup and my eyeliner was certainly a new experience, I had a team of MUA’s (my fellow cast members!) to do my makeup before shows! It was an unforgettable experience and I have such great memories from it!
Junk Kouture
OLS are delighted to have “All Dolled Up” , a stunning dress designed and made by Louisa Rath, Alex Quirke and Ella Dixon representing them in the National Junk Kouture final! This will take place on the 4th of May in the 3 Arena and tickets went on sale this week. We can’t wait to see the TY’s come out to support and we wish the girls the absolute best of luck!
Sign Up’s
On the google classroom this week the TY’s were given the opportunity to sign up to help coach an additional needs programme in Faughs GAA club. They are contacting local schools to see if any TY students would be interested in helping out, no experience needed, just Garda vetting. It would be for an hour on a Sunday lunchtime, in six week blocks. If this is something you would be interested in please contact Frank in Faughs for more information at
Payment for the safeguarding course is now available on easy payments so make sure if you have signed up to log on and pay to ensure that you can take part in the course!
Barcelona Trip
A final reminder to everyone attending to ensure that you have all the correct documentation to hand for the trip. What you need can be found on google classroom. We hope that everyone has a thoroughly enjoyable trip and we can’t wait to see the photos and hear all about it when you all get back!
Finally well done to everyone for all the hard work they put in this term, we are very proud of all our TY’s! We hope you all have a lovely restful Easter break and see you back for the final term where we have lots to come!
Saibh Gormley and Maria Hennelly
Contributed to by: Rebecca Morgan, Sophie Worth, Jasmine Moran, Aisling O’Reilly, Eabha Garry and Julianne Walsh