Displaying 101-110 of 138 results.
Choir in our Community!
Created : 06 Dec 2022, 9:50 PM
Archived : 31 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

Thank you to Ballymote Garda and Family Resource Centre for inviting our choir and trad musicians to entertain local residents at the Coach House Hotel today.  Our choir and trad group sang and played to a full-house for an hour and completed their afternoon with 'Oh Holy Night' led by Garda Tara Lyons.  This was a wonderful day for the community which we were delighted to have the opportunity to be part of. Well done to all students involved and to Mr. O'Connor and Ms. Heaney McGreal who worked with the students in preparation.

Some footage of the afternoon is available at the links below:

Oh Holy Night

Trad Group

Entrance Scholarship Congratulations
Created : 06 Dec 2022, 11:48 AM
Archived : 31 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

Congratulations to Leaving Certificate 2022 past pupil Rebecca McGlone on her recent achievements with Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.  Rebecca is a first year student at MIC studying Bachelor of Arts in Contemporary and Applied Theatre Studies and was awarded an entrance scholarship by MIC for CAO students who have achieved the highest points in Leaving Certificate 2022.

Well done Rebecca!

Maths Week Winners
Created : 28 Oct 2022, 1:00 PM
Archived : 28 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

Congratulations to the winners of our Maths Week Riddles on Friday 21st October!

U14 Girls GAA Update
Created : 02 Dec 2022, 10:31 AM
Archived : 23 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

The u14's Girls were out in action on 30th November against a very strong Coola Team.  The girls put in a great effort but unfortuately came out on the wrong side of the result. 

The girls now look forward to their last game of the year when they play Enniscrone in two weeks time! 

Christmas Carol Service
Created : 15 Dec 2022, 3:37 PM
Archived : 21 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

Our annual and highly popular Christmas Carol Service will take place next Tuesday 20th December at 2.15pm in Ballymote Church.  All are welcome to join us in person or online at ballymoteparish.org/webcam.


6th year visit to ATU Sligo Open Day
Created : 25 Nov 2022, 1:29 PM
Archived : 09 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

Our 6th year students enjoyed a visit to ATU Sligo's Open Day on Friday 25th November with their Guidance teachers Ms. McNamee and Ms. Cullinan,

1st year Art Students work with Clay
Created : 25 Nov 2022, 1:23 PM
Archived : 09 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

Our first year Art class were busy on Friday 25th November working with the manipulation and design of clay with their teacher Ms. McGrath

Focus Ireland Visit
Created : 25 Nov 2022, 1:20 PM
Archived : 09 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

Sincere thanks to Monica McElhinney from Focus Ireland who visited our school on Friday 25th November for dual purposes.  Monica gave a very enlightening talk to our TY students on the work that Focus Ireland do and following this, she presented the school with a cheque to represent the recent fundraiser that we held to support Malachy Drew (6th year) on his sleep-out for the Shine-a-light campaign earlier this term. Aisling Murphy, TY co-ordinator and Michelle McDermott, Principal accepted the cheque on Malachi's behalf. 

2nd year German trip
Created : 25 Nov 2022, 1:14 PM
Archived : 09 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

The 2nd year German class had a great trip to Sligo on 24th November to watch a German Film (Der Pfad - the path) in The Model Sligo. This was a great opportunity for students to be exposed to the subject in a fun way. The film itself was very interesting and thought provoking with links to history.  The students not only enjoyed the film but also the mandatory retail therapy time before the return train to Ballymote. 

U-15 Connacht Soccer Success
Created : 23 Nov 2022, 3:42 PM
Archived : 02 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

Congratulations to Lesley Ann Sweeney (3rd year) and her Connacht U-15 team mates on their performance in Dublin last weekend!  The Connacht team achieved 2nd place in the competitions and Lesley Ann and the girls now await news as to the next stages they will progress to. Best of luck!