Displaying 1-10 of 399 results.
Return to school
Created : 21 Aug 2024, 4:21 PM
Archived : 26 Aug 2024, 1:00 AM

Dear Staff, 

As the new school year begins, I want to take a moment to introduce myself and provide you with some detail of the return to school schedule. My name is Damien MacGraith, and I am truly honored to be stepping into the role of Principal of Coláiste Muire. Joining such a dedicated team is a privilege and a huge responsibility that I do not take lightly. 

I understand that this summer has been a challenging time for our school community, with the loss of Dayna’s husband, Brendan McGrath. In times like these, the strength and support we offer one another are what carry us through, and I am committed to ensuring that this spirit of compassion and unity continues as we move forward into a new school year. 

As we begin this new school year, I am eager to work closely with each of you to continue building a nurturing and inspiring environment for our students, being guided by the founding intentions of the Mercy Order and the CEIST Charter. I am looking forward to learning from your experiences, listening to your insights, and supporting you in every way I can. Together, I am confident that we will make great strides in the year ahead. 

Thank you for welcoming me into the school community. I am excited about the journey ahead and the opportunity to make a positive impact. 

Guímgach rath agusbeannachtoraibh. 

Wishing you every success and blessing. 

Le meas, 

Damien MacGraith 

Please note that the Timetable is now live and can be viewed on VSware and see attached the details for return to school.


Student Enterprise Awards Final today
Created : 09 May 2024, 10:12 AM
Archived : 09 Jul 2024, 12:00 AM

Today, our four ambitious entrepreneurs Ruadhán Sheerin, Joshua Mc Gill, Luke Ryan, and Sean Sweeney, embark on an exciting journey as they represent both County Sligo and Coláiste Muire, at the National Final of the Student Enterprise Awards in the Mullingar Park Hotel . Their innovative artisan soap enterprise, Glan, has earned them this prestigious opportunity, showcasing their hard work and dedication.

The boys product is Glan organic soap. Each bar is handcrafted with meticulous care and a blend of natural ingredients, which the boys have sourced with integrity and consideration for the environment. Glan soap represents sustainability and conscious living. Committed to reducing their environmental footprint, our four soap superstars use eco-friendly packaging materials and prioritize cruelty-free practices, ensuring that every bar is as kind to the planet as it is to the skin.

Glan soap is on sale in Shells Strandhill, The Wetsuit Outlet Strandhill, The National Surf Centre Strandhill, Lavin's Ballymote, Marese's Hair Salon Ballymote and also online online on the Glan website www.glanm.com

Wishing Ruadhán, Joshua, Luke, and Sean the very best of luck today as they present Glan to a panel of judges and vie for top honors at the National Final.

School Choir
Created : 09 May 2024, 9:44 AM
Archived : 09 Jul 2024, 12:00 AM
Best of luck to our School Choir who travel to Navan today to compete in the National Youth Choir of the Year.
North West Basketball Champions 2024!
Created : 03 May 2024, 10:28 PM
Archived : 04 Jul 2024, 12:00 AM

On Thursday the 2nd of May the 2nd year girls basketball team travelled to the Aura Letterkenny to take on Falcarragh in the North West Regional Basketball final. The 2nd years had a fantastic unbeaten run up to the finals and had been training hard in the lead up. Adding to the excitement, the girls had over 50 supporters make the journey with them from 2nd year to which they are very grateful for as they made all the difference cheering on their peers. The girls were excited to get to the finals and fancied their chances at taking home the trophy to which they did in style.

Coláiste Muire took the lead from the very beginning with captain Makayla McGettrick getting them on the scoreboard. From number 1 to 13 every one of the girls played a vital role on the day to taking home gold. With some excellent defence from the girls they managed to keep Falcarragh on the back foot at all times. This is a fantastic achievement for the girls and they are already talking about next year. Ms O Malley is extremely proud of all the girls and also can't wait for next year. Thank you to the girls for their hard work and dedication all season. Congratulations to all the girls involved. 

3rd and 6th year Book Returns
Created : 24 May 2024, 10:58 AM
Archived : 30 Jun 2024, 1:00 AM

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Students

Just a reminder that the book rental books must be returned to the school upon completion of the examinations in June.  Once students are ready to return the books, they can collect a clear bag from Mary in the office, label it and put their books inside.  3rd year students may leave their books in LABMC and 6th year students in LABKC.   Textbooks only need to be returned.  Please do not return workbooks, exampapers or copies.   Students should return their books as soon as they have completed their last exam but the final date to return books is Friday 21st June. 

Once all the book have been returned in good condition, the €25 refundable deposit will either be reimbursed in late August for current 6th year students, or retained for current 3rd year students for Senior Cycle book rental. 

Thank you for your co-operation with this and best of luck in the weeks ahead. 

Ms McNamee

Swap Shop - Reminder
Created : 29 Apr 2024, 11:53 AM
Archived : 29 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

Reminder to all 1st, 2nd, TY and 5th Year students that the Swap Shop will take place tomorrow. TY students will call to your morning classes to pick up the items and they will issue you with a ticket. You can only attend the shop if you are taking part in the swap event and have a ticket to enter so please keep this safe. You will be then invited down to the GP room as follows:

2nd Year- 10.30

1st Year- 11.25

5th Year 12.05



You will be called out over the intercom when it is your turn. If you are not taking part in the event then you will attend class as normal. Please do your best to bring in a worthy item. Min value approx €5. Max 3 items per student. 

Girls Active Festival Day
Created : 24 Apr 2024, 1:37 PM
Archived : 24 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

Participants of Girls Active program attended the annual festival day in Cleveragh Park Sligo.

Run by Sligo Sports Partnership, supported by Her Moves.

2nd Year Basketball Girls Make the North West Regional Finals!
Created : 16 Apr 2024, 10:07 PM
Archived : 17 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

A massive congratulations to the 2nd year Basketball girls who beat St.Columba's Secondary School, Stranorlar yesterday Tuesday 16th of April in the Regional Semi-final. The girls had home advantage after wining out the group stages. A slower start than normal led to a very tight game for a while however once the nerves settled the girls played some great basketball. A super performance by all the girls with some excellent baskets from Tara Howard, Makayla McGettrick and Claire Lyons to get the lead they needed. The girls will now play in the Regional Finals in a neutral venue on the 2nd of May. We wish the girls every success and no doubt they will be training hard in the lead up to the big day. Well done to all 13 of the girls, a super team effort. 

5th year book rental
Created : 24 May 2024, 11:05 AM
Archived : 10 Jun 2024, 1:00 AM

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Students

5th year students availing of book rental must ensure that they bring all their books home with them after their tests and keep them safe over the summer months for our return to school in late August.  This will also aid revision that students may wish to complete over the summer.  The books remain the responsibility of the student and students must ensure that they do not leave anything in their lockers, so ensure they are empty once the summer tests are finished.  

Thank you for your co-operation with this and have a lovely summer break. 

Ms McNamee

Sligo Triathlon Club are hosting a Junior Triathlon on Sunday 28th April.
Created : 10 Apr 2024, 10:18 AM
Archived : 10 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

Sligo Triathlon Club are hosting a Junior Triathlon on Sunday 28th April. This is a great opportunity for all 9-16 year olds as they don't happen often.  See poster attached with details. 


For more information on the event you can contact Ross McLynn (Sligo Triathlon Club) at rmclynn@gmail.com

