A huge congratulations to our Junior Footballers today, who made an incredible comeback from a 17 point deficit at half time to win by 1 point! They will be back in action in the Leinster final in a few weeks.
Congratulations to Natalie Kilcullen and Ali King who are through to the semi-finals of the Poetry Aloud 2024 competition. Both girls impressed the judges with their recitation of 'Every Immigrant's Dream', by Polina Cosgrave. The semi-finals will be held in the National Library of Ireland the end of November. Well done girls!
Congratulations to our Senior Team Debaters who participated in the second round of the Leinster Debates on Tuesday evening in Trinity. The motion was 'This house supports the creation of women only political parties in multi-party democracies.' Supporting the motion were Natalie Kilcullen and Iris Cooney; Elise Jewtushenko and Rebecca Furey. Opposing the motion were Phoenix Hickson-Pitt and Rachel Casey; Zoe Kennedy and Cara Lynch. The girls were highly commended for their speeches. Thank you to Ms Conlon for all of her work with the students.
This month, students have put together a meaningful display to remember those who have passed. Each colorful candle is for someone special we’re keeping in our thoughts. Let’s take a moment to pause and remember them throughout November.
Stand Up Awareness Week is a time for post-primary schools, youth services and Youthreach centres in Ireland to take a stand against homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. Students dressed in the colours of the rainbow today to mark this week.
Congratulations to our 2nd Year debaters who competed in Round 1 of the UCD Junior Debates last night. Siofra Gannon and Lizzie Merriman proposed the motion that “This house would ban political advertising on social media. Sadhbh Lehanne and Muireann Fitzpatrick, who opposed the motion, came 1st in their room. Thank you to Ms Bohan & Ms Daly who have been working with the debaters. A special thank you to all of the parents and siblings who came along to support. Well done, ladies!