Displaying 211-220 of 399 results.
DARE HEAR Application Information Sessions
Created : 14 Dec 2022, 7:28 PM
Archived : 14 Feb 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Parent/Student

Please see below information from accesscollege.ie regarding upcoming information sessions for the DARE and HEAR schemes.  These are access schemes for students who may find it difficult to go to third level due to a disability (DARE scheme) or for financial reasons (HEAR Scheme).  If a student applies through either the HEAR or DARE scheme, they may receive additional supports in college and even get into their desired course on reduced points.  You can register below to attend the information sessions. 

The DARE HEAR Application Information Sessions will take place online on Saturday 14 January 2023. Each session includes a general presentation on DARE or HEAR and how to apply to it, as well as a Questions and Answers session on how to make a successful application. It will also provide an opportunity for applicants and/or parent(s)/ guardian(s) to meet members of the DARE and HEAR team online and find out how the scheme works. They will be able to ask questions about the application process through the Q&A function and can submit questions in advance to be answered by a panel of DARE HEAR Advisors. Attendees will be able to ask questions in a public or private capacity to a DARE HEAR advisor.
The DARE Application Online Presentation and Q&A Session will take place on Saturday 14 Jan 2023 at 10am. This provides an opportunity for students & parent(s)/guardian(s) to meet members of the DARE team & find out how the scheme works. Register at72.png https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_v1LSXKOhRvepIq3MEawmkQ

The HEAR Application Online Presentation and Q&A Session will take place on Saturday 14 Jan 2023 at 12.30pm. This provides an opportunity for students & parent(s)/guardian(s) to meet members of the HEAR team & find out how the scheme works. Register at 72.pnghttps://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zOTC_u51SiWtDdjc02lgdA

6th year Health and Safety Talk
Created : 14 Dec 2022, 12:44 PM
Archived : 14 Feb 2023, 12:00 AM
This week we welcomed Molly Kelly to the 6th year careers class who, as a 4th year student in ATU Sligo, spoke with the 6th years about her course and life in the university. It was a very informative presentation. 
School opening from 9am with classes starting at 9.50am
Created : 12 Dec 2022, 10:48 PM
Archived : 13 Feb 2023, 12:00 AM

Good morning Parent/Guardian/Student,

School will open this morning from 9am with first class beginning at 9.50am.    

This arrangement will likely continue for the remainder of the week.  I will be in touch again, ONLY if there are changing conditions.

Kind regards,

Michelle McDermott

TY work experience - buses may not be running today
Created : 12 Dec 2022, 7:40 AM
Archived : 12 Feb 2023, 12:00 AM
Good morning TY students and parents, Buses will likely not be running this morning owing to icy conditions on narrower roads.

Please contact your employer if you are unable to travel or will be arriving late. Please let Ms Carty know with a message on Teams if you are unable to attend your work experience today. 

Kind regards,

Michelle McDermott
Later opening this morning of 11.25am
Created : 12 Dec 2022, 7:13 AM
Archived : 12 Feb 2023, 12:00 AM

Good morning parents and students,

We will open for all who can travel at the later time of 11.25am this morning.  Buses will likely not be running owing to icy conditions on narrower roads.

Take care if travelling.

Kind regards,

Michelle McDermott

Farewell Coláiste Muire!
Created : 31 Jan 2023, 4:07 PM
Archived : 11 Feb 2023, 12:00 AM

Good morning Parents/Guardians,

Today, 1st February, we celebrate CEIST Ceiliuradh Day - a new annual tradition to celebrate all that is good about our school, which is part of the CEIST community and trusteeship for the past 16 years. 'Ceiliuradh' or celebration is something that is a regular occurance in Coláiste Muire, as you have seen from our numerous posts over the past months in our app and on social media. 

'Ceiliuradh' has a second meaning, that of farewell and it is appropriate today that I formally announce my departure from Coláiste Muire as Acting Principal.  It has been a privilege to lead your school for the past three and a half years and as Deputy Principal before that. I take this opportunity to thank you, parents/guardians for your support. 

My final day will be Friday 10th February and the Board of Management are currently in the process of working out a start date for Ms. Dayna Byrne who has been appointed as Deputy Principal.  

I leave with many fond memories and wish the school community the very best for its very bright future. 

Best wishes,


Michelle McDermott

A Prayer at Exam Time
Created : 23 Jan 2023, 2:32 PM
Archived : 11 Feb 2023, 12:00 AM

A Prayer at Exam Time

Lord, as I face into examination time

I turn once more to you, asking for your blessing and assistance.

I ask you to give me peace of mind with a strong sense of work at this time.

May I give myself space and time to revise and prepare to sit my examinations. 

Help me to keep focused on this task and not get too distracted by other aspects of my life.

Keep me from getting into a panic and help me to do justice to all my work and preparations.

On the days of my examinations, keep me calm, help me to think clearly,

and understand what I’m being asked, and so to recall the study and work that I have put in this past year.

Above all, Lord, I ask that you will allow my efforts to bring about the life you have planned for me.

May I be open to your vision of what you wish for me and may I accomplish this now and in my future life.


TY Options 2023-24 - The next steps
Created : 16 Jan 2023, 10:11 AM
Archived : 11 Feb 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

I hope you found last evening's subject options event a worthwhile use of your time and thank you for attending.  Please be reminded of the requirements for the next stage in your child's progression with us.  Please note that the deadline for entry of subject preferences for 5th year is Friday 10th February 2023.  Please meet the deadline so that your child's options are included in timetabling and block generation.

Students progressing to 5th year 2023-24:

1.Log-in to VSWare as you would if viewing school reports.  
2.On the parent dashboard, click on the name of your child.
3.At the bottom of the next screen, click on 'Learn More' under the tab 'Student Options'.
4. In the first row of the table presented, place your child’s first subject preference; in the second row, their second subject preference and so on.
4.Please complete preferences up to six as it may not always be possible to guarantee the first four preferences for every child.
5.When complete, ‘Your Preferences have been saved’ will appear at the bottom of the screen.  You DO NOT need to click the Confirm button at the bottom of the screen as your preferences will be recorded automatically.
6.Log out by clicking ‘Sign out’ at the top right-hand side of the screen.
7.There is a helpful parents’ guide at https://support.vsware.ie/parent-app-notes-options
8. This process will close on Friday 10th February 2023.
Students who remain uncertain about their subject choice:

Please contact Ms. McNamee at fmcnamee@cmbm.ie or Ms. Cullinan at deputyprincipal@cmbm.ie to arrange a conversation about your options.  


I also attach a copy of the notes from last evening's presentation. 

3rd year Options 2023-24 - The next steps
Created : 16 Jan 2023, 10:09 AM
Archived : 11 Feb 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

I hope you found last evening's subject options event a worthwhile use of your time and thank you for attending.  Please be reminded of the requirements for the next stage in your child's progression with us.  Please note that the deadline for entry of subject preferences for 5th year or an application for a place in TY is Friday 10th February 2023.  Please meet the deadline so that your child's options are included in timetabling and block generation.

Students progressing to TY 2023-24:

Please complete the application form before Friday 10th February 2023.

Students progressing to 5th year 2023-24:

1.Log-in to VSWare as you would if viewing school reports.  
2.On the parent dashboard, click on the name of your child.
3.At the bottom of the next screen, click on 'Learn More' under the tab 'Student Options'.
4. In the first row of the table presented, place your child’s first subject preference; in the second row, their second subject preference and so on.
4.Please complete preferences up to six as it may not always be possible to guarantee the first four preferences for every child.
5.When complete, ‘Your Preferences have been saved’ will appear at the bottom of the screen.  You DO NOT need to click the Confirm button at the bottom of the screen as your preferences will be recorded automatically.
6.Log out by clicking ‘Sign out’ at the top right-hand side of the screen.
7.There is a helpful parents’ guide at https://support.vsware.ie/parent-app-notes-options
8. This process will close on Friday 10th February 2023.
Students who remain uncertain about their choice:

Please contact Ms. McNamee at fmcnamee@cmbm.ie or Ms. Cullinan at deputyprincipal@cmbm.ie to arrange a conversation about your options.  


I also attach a copy of the notes from last evening's presentation. 

TY Ice Skating
Created : 30 Jan 2023, 10:18 AM
Archived : 10 Feb 2023, 12:00 AM

Last Thursday 26th January our Transition year classes went on their Winter trip to Dundrum on Ice.  Students had a great day out and enjoyed some time in Dundrum Shopping Centre after their skating.