Displaying 21-30 of 1522 results.
Reminder - Christmas Concert, Thursday, 12 December
Created : 12 Dec 2024, 4:25 PM
Archived : 14 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

All are invited to tonight's Christmas concert at 7.00 pm in the school Concert Hall.  Looking forward to welcoming you to an enjoyable evening of Christmas music.

Christmas Concert
Created : 11 Dec 2024, 10:22 AM
Archived : 13 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We would like to remind you about our Annual Christmas Concert taking place on Thursday 12th December at 7pm. Refreshments will be provided. 

Reminder - Annual Loreto Foxrock Christmas Concert
Created : 04 Dec 2024, 12:48 PM
Archived : 13 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We would like to invite you to the Annual Loreto Foxrock Christmas Concert on Thursday 12th December @7pm. The concert will feature singers and musicians from all year groups in Loreto Foxrock.

Where: Loreto Concert Hall

When: Thursday 12th December @7pm.

Refreshments will be provided.

Foxrock Parish Christmas Concert - Tickets
Created : 29 Nov 2024, 4:22 PM
Archived : 02 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear all,

Any tickets for the Foxrock Parish Christmas Concert that have not yet been collected will be available for collection at the door on Sunday evening.

As this is a very busy event, we kindly ask you to arrive early to collect your tickets and settle in for what promises to be a lovely evening!

6th Year Learning Advice Meeting Venue
Created : 28 Nov 2024, 11:52 AM
Archived : 29 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

Good morning Students, Parents, and Guardians,

We wish to inform you that this evening’s Learning Advice Meeting will now take place in the Concert Hall.

Please note that access to the school for the meeting will be via the old entrance.

Thank you

School Uniform
Created : 25 Nov 2024, 12:25 PM
Archived : 29 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear parents/guardians,

We would like to remind all families that students are expected to attend school in full uniform. This is an important part of maintaining our school’s standards and fostering a sense of pride and unity.

In the event of extreme temperatures, we will send a message home granting permission for students to wear their school tracksuit, as we have done in previous years. Until then, full school uniform is expected.

If students feel cold, we encourage them to wear layers underneath their uniform to stay warm. Additionally, they have the option of wearing the school trousers, if necessary.

Please note that mixing different elements of the uniform is not permitted. At no point should students be wearing tracksuit bottoms under their skirts, whether coming to or from school, or during the school day.

Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that all students maintain the high standards of our school uniform.

Wednesday: Free Nasal Flu Vaccine Clinic at Loreto College Foxrock – Consent Form Required
Created : 18 Nov 2024, 4:10 PM
Archived : 20 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are pleased to inform you that we had a very successful first day with the student vaccinations, with 90% of those registered receiving their vaccine today.

Vaccinations will continue on Wednesday, and any student who missed today or was not called will be seen on Wednesday.

If your daughter has not yet been registered for the vaccination, you can do so using the following link:

This link will be active until Tuesday 19th November at 6pm 

FINAL Reminder: Free Nasal Flu Vaccine Clinic at Loreto College Foxrock – Consent Form Required
Created : 22 Oct 2024, 10:04 AM
Archived : 20 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parent/Legal Guardian,

 As the flu season has started, I am pleased to inform you that Loreto College Foxrock has teamed up with Lombard Pharmacy this year to provide school children with a FREE Nasal Flu Vaccine.

 Lombard Pharmacy are setting up a vaccination clinic within the school.  Our experienced vaccinators are qualified pharmacists who have undertaken specialist training.  Children are offered a nasal spray as it is quick, painless and is more effective than an injected vaccine.  We have organised a Flu Vaccination Clinic onsite in Loreto College Foxrock on Monday 18th and Wednesday 20th November.

For the past number of years, the HSE has offered free Flu vaccinations to children. This is because children play a key role in the transmission of flu and may pose a threat to those who are at a higher risk of complications from flu such as the elderly, those who are pregnant or other children with underlying conditions.

As the Nasal Flu Vaccine is only licenced for children aged from 2 to 17 years, if your daughter is 18 or over, she will be offered an adult vaccine instead, which is injected into the upper arm.

Parents can often struggle to get vaccine appointments for their children without taking time off work or taking kids out of school. This has proven to be a barrier to vaccine uptake. Vaccination in schools will increase the uptake rate and ensure a successful flu vaccine campaign, which will help to protect the vulnerable members of our community.


If you would like your daughter to avail of the nasal flu vaccine we will need you to complete a Flu Vaccination consent form for her ahead of the day. Please use the following link to fill in the consent form:




  1. For parents with more than one child in the school, you will need to fill in one consent form for each child.  We cannot vaccinate any child without the online consent form being completed in advance.
  2. If you are presented with an error message when booking for a second or third child, please ignore that message and just select ‘ Complete Appointment’, and it will submit successfully.
  3. If there is a ‘fada’ in a child’s Irish name, please omit it because fadas cause issues when transferring the data onto the HSE database.
  4. The Booking form suggests that the Vaccine Clinic is on Monday 18th November at 10am, however that is only the start time – the clinic will run for 2 days (18th & 20th Nov), and your daughter will be vaccinated on either day.


To help you make an informed decision, please find attached a HSE information leaflet about the Nasal Flu Vaccine for Children.

We encourage you to read the information leaflet carefully and complete the consent form online. Please note that all forms are securely stored in compliance with GDPR and will only be accessible to the pharmacy team, not the school.

If your child has already received a flu vaccine, kindly refrain from consenting to this additional clinic, and if you have made an appointment to get a vaccine elsewhere, please remember to cancel it if you decide to get it in the school instead.

If you have any questions or concerns, the pharmacy vaccination team at Lombard Pharmacy are here to assist you, and you can contact us on 01-6770781 or john@lombardpharmacy.ie

We appreciate your attention to this important initiative to protect our children and community against the flu.

The pharmacists will visit the school and administer the vaccine on either Monday 18th or Wednesday 20th November.

If you wish to avail of this service please complete the link for registration and consent as soon as possible, as vaccines need to be ordered in advance for each child wishing to avail of the service. 


Yours faithfully


John Irwin MPSI 

Lombard Pharmacy

32 Lombard Street East

Dublin 2

T:  01-6770781 

E:  info@lombardpharmacy.ie





2nd Year LAM Tuesday 12th November
Created : 07 Nov 2024, 10:02 AM
Archived : 13 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please note the classes will finish at the slightly earlier time of 3.45pm on Tuesday 12th November to facilitate the 2nd Year Learning Advice Meeting. The school bus will run at the normal time. Thank you.

Important Reminder: Uniform and Mobile Phone Policy Compliance
Created : 06 Nov 2024, 11:27 AM
Archived : 13 Nov 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are reaching out with a friendly reminder regarding two key areas of school policy that require your attention and support

1. School Skirt Length
It has come to our attention that some students have altered the length of their school skirts, either by rolling them up or adjusting the hem. Please note that the school requires skirts to be worn at knee length as a minimum. If your daughter’s skirt has been altered, kindly ensure that the hem is readjusted to meet this required length.

2. Mobile Phone Policy
As part of our commitment to minimising distractions, our mobile phone policy states that phones must be switched off and stored in a locked locker or phone away box during the school day. Unfortunately, we have noticed some students using their phones to make payments in the canteen during break and lunchtime. To assist in adhering to this policy, please ensure your daughter has a contactless card if she wishes to purchase items from the canteen.

Thank you for your cooperation and support in reinforcing these important guidelines