Displaying 171-180 of 1488 results.
Monday 9th January
Created : 05 Jan 2023, 10:07 AM
Archived : 09 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Parent/Guardians,

We wish to welcome everyone back after the Christmas break, we hope everyone had a peaceful Christmas. We would like to remind you that the school will be closed for students on Monday 9th January for a Junior Cycle Planning day.

Full school uniform is now to be worn to school, with PE gear to be worn on PE days only. We appreciate your cooperation with this matter.

Christmas Reports Available on VSware
Created : 20 Dec 2022, 4:36 PM
Archived : 07 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians - all Christmas Reports are now available to view on VSware. Kind regards, Ms B Prendiville, Principal

Additions to the Extra Curricular Timetable.
Created : 07 Nov 2022, 7:52 PM
Archived : 07 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM

We have some new additions to our extra curricular timetable starting this term. 

On Tuesday lunch times there will be Archery in the sports hall. For safety reasons numbers are limited to 15 so we would ask anyone who would like to start to please make sure they will be fully committed every week. Please email Ms Ryan on lryan@loretofoxrock.ie to register your interest, places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. 

On Thursdays at lunch time there will be Badminton for students who would like to take part, learn and play at a social level. Badminton after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays will continue for those who want to take part in competitive badminton. 

On Fridays at lunch there will be French Conversation classes for our senior cycle students. These will be held in E7 starting this week.

Christmas 2022 & New Year 2023
Created : 20 Dec 2022, 6:48 PM
Archived : 31 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

Dear Parent or Guardian

I am writing to you to wish all our families a happy, healthy and safe Christmas and New Year.  This school year has brought many changes to our school.  We have said goodbye to some long standing members of staff and welcomed many both in teaching and in administration in the school.  We also have many new students, some of whom have joined us since September.  This has been and exciting time in Loreto College as it is the first year of many, we have had no restrictions and we have been finding new ways forward.   

On Monday and Tuesday we enjoyed Christmas celebrations in school.  Our Christmas Concert was beautiful.  We were entertained by many of the school's very talented musicians, including the choir, the orchestra, singers and instrumentalists.  Their talent and their dedication to music is enviable. Thank you to all the students who contributed.  Thank you also to Ms LeMay and Ms O'Shea who brought us a wonderful Christmas programme of musical delights.  Tuesday in school, the students enjoyed our annual Carol Service.  It brought festive joy to all who attended.  Thank you to our wonderful choir and singers and to all the students who contributed.  Thanks you also to Ms O'Shea who conducted the choir and Mr Ronan Murray who accompanied on piano at both events.  

Other festive events of note were the Jingle Bells Run, the Christmas Fair and the talent show.  All of these have been wonderful to enjoy and to be a part of.  Thank you to all the students and staff who contributed to these events.  A special note of thanks to Ms Brock, Mr Garland, Mr Delahunty and the Business teachers.  The festive spirit in school has been wonderful over the last few days.  

Thank you to all our students and families who donated to SVP donations and to the many charities that are being supported by our school community. It is a time of giving and we are very proud of the students in the school who have considered those in need in preparation for Christmas. 

We wish you all a Happy Christmas and every blessing for 2023. 


There is a kindness that dwells deep down in things; it presides everywhere, often in the places we least expect. The world can be harsh and negative, but if we remain generous and patient, kindness inevitably reveals itself. John O'Donohue. 

With every good wish

Ms Prendiville

The LunchBox
Created : 30 Oct 2022, 11:24 AM
Archived : 31 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents and Students


We will be back in Loreto Foxrock with our lunch service on Monday 7th November, with the new term updated and available to purchase on the APP



There are two ways to purchase lunches:


1.            Meal scheme –  Pre-pay for certain days of the week till the end of term – Daily Price €5.50

2.            Pay as you Go  –  Put money on your account and select a meal  on any day – Daily price €6.00



Lunches need to be selected or purchased at least 2 days in advance, and can be selected as many days in advance as you like.


If you need to cancel lunch or change a day, please get in touch with us by email giving us 24hours advance notice.



The Location pin for Loreto Foxrock is 5015


Attached is copy of our updated menu for next term.


Should you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Enjoy the Halloween midterm break.





Junior Debates Success
Created : 28 Oct 2022, 12:35 PM
Archived : 28 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

Congratulations to our three Junior Teams who competed and placed in their respective debates in the UCD Junior schools competition last night.

Second year students Amelia Scallan and Evelyn Roche, Eve Byrne and Winni Chan placed first in their debates. Aoife Smith (3rd Year) and Alison Heeney (2nd Year) placed second in their room. 

Superleague Basketball.
Created : 27 Oct 2022, 8:21 PM
Archived : 27 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

DCU Mercy Superleague Team coached by our school coach, Mark Ingle, play UUJ in Loreto Foxrock at 2.30 this Sunday 30th October. This will be a great opportunity for our students and basketball players to watch high level basketball in their own sports hall. All Loreto Foxrock Students will be admitted to the game free of charge. 

Evening Study update
Created : 25 Oct 2022, 6:10 PM
Archived : 25 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

Just a reminder that Evening Study will finish up this Thursday 27th October at 7.30pm for the Halloween break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday 7th November. 

Wishing everyone a well deserved rest

C McGettrick

Loreto College Foxrock Reading Challenge 2022-23
Created : 25 Oct 2022, 11:36 AM
Archived : 25 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

As our school community enjoys all the wonderful events of Readers and Writers Week, we are delighted to announce our first ever whole-school Loreto College Foxrock Reading Challenge.

As winners of the 'Readers for Life' School Award, we love to promote reading for pleasure in our school, with our parents and with the wider community.  

This year we have created a series of "reading prompts" which is attached as a PDF. We are inviting students, parents, school staff and the wider community who follow us on Twitter @WellReadFoxrock to get involved. 

You can share your reads with us on our Twitter account (@WellReadFoxrock) - we would love everyone to get involved and share the joy of reading for pleasure!

Happy Reading!

Your WellRead Committee 


TY Reading Challenge 2022-23
Created : 24 Oct 2022, 11:10 AM
Archived : 24 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM

TY English students are all participating in a Reading for Pleasure challenge this year as part of their English class. All the girls are aiming to read at least one book a month and are keeping a log of what they read. To mark Readers and Writers Week this week, we are attaching the Reading Prompts that have been given to all TYs. Now parents and siblings can join in the challenge by choosing prompts from the list.

Happy reading! 

Well Read Committee
