DCU Mercy Superleague Team coached by our school coach, Mark Ingle, play UUJ in Loreto Foxrock at 2.30 this Sunday 30th October. This will be a great opportunity for our students and basketball players to watch high level basketball in their own sports hall. All Loreto Foxrock Students will be admitted to the game free of charge.
Just a reminder that Evening Study will finish up this Thursday 27th October at 7.30pm for the Halloween break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday 7th November.
Wishing everyone a well deserved rest
C McGettrick
As our school community enjoys all the wonderful events of Readers and Writers Week, we are delighted to announce our first ever whole-school Loreto College Foxrock Reading Challenge.
As winners of the 'Readers for Life' School Award, we love to promote reading for pleasure in our school, with our parents and with the wider community.
This year we have created a series of "reading prompts" which is attached as a PDF. We are inviting students, parents, school staff and the wider community who follow us on Twitter @WellReadFoxrock to get involved.
You can share your reads with us on our Twitter account (@WellReadFoxrock) - we would love everyone to get involved and share the joy of reading for pleasure!
Happy Reading!
Your WellRead Committee
TY English students are all participating in a Reading for Pleasure challenge this year as part of their English class. All the girls are aiming to read at least one book a month and are keeping a log of what they read. To mark Readers and Writers Week this week, we are attaching the Reading Prompts that have been given to all TYs. Now parents and siblings can join in the challenge by choosing prompts from the list.
Happy reading!
Well Read Committee
Last night saw the return of the Loreto Foxrock Annual Christmas Concert. It was a magical night of music, song, and mince pies. Congratulations to our students for all of their wonderful performances, it was amazing to hear such talent from within our school community. Thank you to Ms Le May for all of her hard work in making it happen, to Ms O'Shea for her conducting, to Ronan for his accompaniment, and to Sandra and Patricia for the mince pies and treats. We hope to see you all there next year.
Dear Parents/Guardians, we would just like to advise you that we will be finishing a little earlier tomorrow, 21st December, between 12.15-12.30. Any students travelling on the school bus, this will pick up students at 12.20. Thank you.
Unique School App Update: Please ensure you have the latest version of the school app to ensure you have access to all features. The system should have prompt you to update. If you have any issues with your update please contact: support@uniqueschools.ie
Each of the TY tutor classes have been busy making Christmas trees out of recycled materials & collecting donations for their Christmas charity fundraiser.
They are appealing to all of you in our school community to donate to these charities in need at this time of year. Donations may be left by students & staff under their chosen charity's Christmas tree which are located around the school on or before Friday, 16th December. Please note that vouchers should be given directly to tutors or to Ms.Brock.
The charities the TYs have chosen this year are:
Tree 1: Saoirse Women’s Refugee, Tallaght.
The items they need most are new pyjamas, underwear, socks, dressing gowns, vouchers for Smyths or One for all.
Tree 2: St Joseph’s Dementia Centre Shankill.
Nightdresses, dressing gowns, pyjamas, nice candles, hand creams, essential oils (these are particularly appreciated!) & shaving kits for men.
Tree 3: Fr Peter Mc Verry
Warm new clothing, toiletries, toys, books, selection boxes, tins of biscuits & blankets.
Tree 4: Barnardo’s Loughlinstown
Vouchers for teenagers such as Lifestyle sports, Boots, Claire’s & Smyths.
Many thanks for all of your support to these charities.
On Monday 19th of December all Senior (some Ty Students are Senior players, please check with your daughter) hockey players will be going to Jumpzone Sandyford for their Christmas Fun Activity.
Students will leave on buses at 3.45 to arrive in Sandyford for a hours bounce from 4-5 with Pizza from 5-5.30. Students will be finished and ready for collection at Jumpzone at 5.30.
The cost for each student is €25 and can be paid through the school app. If your daughter does not play hockey and is not attending please select the opt out button on the payment. All hockey players were called to the hall today to be told and were given the waiver to take home.
Students have all been given a waiver form which must be filled out by a parent and a hard copy given to me in school. A scanned or onine copy cannot be accepted by Jumpzone as with large groups they must be all hard copies. Please see attached copy for any student who did not receieve one in school today.
Students must wear their full uniform to school and can change before they leave. As it is a Christmas activity students must wear a Christmas Jumper or T Shirt.