Displaying 1261-1270 of 1506 results.
5 at 10 Day 18 of 30 day challenge
Created : 17 Apr 2020, 9:59 AM
Archived : 17 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning Warm up 1 Min marching on the spot. 40 seconds squats(20 sec rest) 40 second calf raises(20 sec rest) 8 Burpees(20 sec rest) 40 sec push ups (20 sec rest) 40 sec plank (20 sec rest) 1 Min rest then Repeat above set Cardio 5km walk (8.55 km min pace) OR Jog 25 mins OR Jog 5 min warm up. 15 min run steady pace . Cool down 5 min jog at end. Make sure to stretch after your cardio session. Enjoy your day.
5 at 10 Day 17 of 30 day fitness challenge
Created : 16 Apr 2020, 9:56 AM
Archived : 16 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning Today you need a stopwatch and some dumbbells (you can use water bottles !) Warm up 1 Min jumping jacks 40 seconds squats(20 sec rest) 40 sec triceps dips( 20 sec rest) 40 sec lateral raises (20 sec rest ) 40 sec push ups (20 sec rest) 40 sec bicycle crunches (20 sec rest) 1 Min rest then Repeat above set Cardio 5km walk (8.55 km min pace) OR Jog 5 min warm up then run for 1 Min jog for 1 Min x 8 then cool down jog for 5 mins and stretch OR Jog 5 min warm up. 2 min fast run then 2 min slow jog x 5. Cool down 5 min jog and stretch Make sure to Cool down and stretch after cardio session. Enjoy your day
Day 16 of 30 day fitness challenge
Created : 15 Apr 2020, 9:58 AM
Archived : 15 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
5 at 10 Day 16 Good morning . I hope everyone is safe and well. Today you need a stopwatch and some dumbbells (you can use water bottles !) Warm up 1 Min marching on spot 40seconds squats(20 sec rest) 40sec shoulder press(20 sec rest) 6 Burpees (20 sec rest ) 40sec push ups (20 sec rest) 40 sec plank(20 sec rest) 1 Min rest then Repeat above set Cardio 5km walk (8.55 km min pace) Or 5km timed jog(walk a little if you have to) OR 5 km timed run Make sure to Cool down and stretch after cardio session
5 at 10 Day 15
Created : 14 Apr 2020, 9:58 AM
Archived : 14 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
5 at 10 Day 15 Good morning Today you need a stopwatch and some dumbbells (you can use water bottles !) Warm up 1 Min marching on spot 40seconds squats(20 sec rest) 40sec lateral raise (20 sec rest) 40 sec tricep dips (20 sec rest ) 40sec push ups (20 sec rest) 40 sec plank(20 sec rest) 1 Min rest then Repeat above set Cardio 5km walk (8.55 km min pace) Or 5 min jog warm up 2 mins fast then walk for 1 Min repeat 6 times - 5 min cooldown jog and stretch Or 5 min slow jog warm up 90 sec fast then 90 second slow x 8. Finish with 5 min cool down jog and stretch
5 at 10 Day 14 of 30 Day challenge
Created : 13 Apr 2020, 9:51 AM
Archived : 13 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
5 at 10 Day 14 Good morning Today you need a mat, stopwatch and some dumbbells (you can use water bottles !) Warm up 1 Min jumping jacks 45 seconds squats(15 sec rest) 45 sec shoulder press(15 sec rest) 45 sec 45 sec push ups (15 sec rest) 45 second crunches (15 sec rest) Cardio 5km walk (8.55 km min pace) Or 5 min slow jog warm up- 30 sec fast then 1 min slow jog x 8 5 min slow jog and stretch Or 5 min slow jog 1 Min fast then 90 second slow jog x 6 then 5 min slow jog and stretch .
5 at 10 Day 12( and 13) of 30 day challenge
Created : 11 Apr 2020, 9:50 AM
Archived : 11 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
5 at 10 Day 12 of 30 day challenge Good morning and Happy Easter Weekend to everyone . You will need a mat and 2 dumbbells today. 1 Min March on spot warm up 3 rounds today with one min rest between each 10squats 10tricep dips 10 push ups 10 lateral raises 30 sec to 1 Min plank( hold for as long as you can can work up to a minute) Cardio( please make sure to keep 2metres apart if near others. 5 km walk(9min pace) stretch at end . or 25 min jog 5 min walk and stretch. Or 25 min run. 5 min Cool down jog and stretch Sunday - Day 13 - REST DAY.
5 at 10 Day 11 of 30 day challenge
Created : 10 Apr 2020, 9:57 AM
Archived : 10 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning. It’s a beautiful day for exercising!Don’t forget to drink plenty of water . 1 Min step up warm up 15 squats 15 tricep dips 15push ups 15 heel raises ( balance on one foot lift heel off ground) 30 second side plank(each side) 1 Min rest then Repeat each set Cardio( please make sure to keep 2metres apart if near others. 5 km walk(9min pace) stretch at end . or 5 min slow jog then 30 sec fast 30 sec walk 60 seconds jog x 8 then 5 min slow jog and stretch Or 5 min jog warm up 40 sec fast 20 sec rest x 6 Rest for 3 mins and repeat 5 min cool down and stretch Please follow HSE exercise guidelines while outside and maintain social distance.
5 at 10 Day 10 of 30 day fitness
Created : 09 Apr 2020, 9:57 AM
Archived : 09 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning.you will need a mat and dumbbells today( or 2 water bottles for weights) 1 Min jumping jacks warm up 12 squats 12 Shoulder front raises(Stand with feet hip-width apart resting dumbbells in front of thighs. Tighten your core, keep your shoulders back and down, and lift dumbbells slowly in front of you to shoulder height. Lower the weights with control back to start position. Avoid swinging the dumbbells during exercise) 6 Burpees 12 push ups 12 lunges(each leg ) 1 Min rest then Repeat each set Cardio( please make sure to keep 2metres apart if near others. 5 km walk(9min pace) stretch at end . or 5 min slow jog then 60 sec fast 60 sec walk x 6 then 5 min slow jog and stretch Or 5 min jog warm up 20 min run 5 min cool down and stretch Please follow HSE exercise guidelines while outside and maintain social distance. - [ ]
5 at 10 Day 9 of 30 day challenge
Created : 08 Apr 2020, 9:50 AM
Archived : 08 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning. You will need to use your timer on your phone today. 1 Min step ups ( use a stair or can just march on spot)warm up squats for 45 sec 15 sec rest Push ups 45 sec 15 sec rest Mountain climbers 45 sec 15 sec rest .( hands on ground under shoulders with legs extended and balls of feet on ground. Bring right knee to right elbow then switch left knee to left elbow - continue for 45 sec. Tricep dips 45 sec 15 sec rest Ab crunches lie on back on floor , knees bent ,fingers to temple , chin tucked towards chest, tighten abs and curl shoulders and upper body off ground- keep the lower back on the floor- then lower slowly back down -repeat for 45 sec Cardio 5 km walk(9min pace) or 5 min slow jog warm up then 30 sec fast 60 sec slow jog x 10 5 min cool down jog and stretch Or 5 min jog warm up 30 sec fast run 30 sec rest x 6 . 3 min break then repeat set 5 min cool down and stretch Please follow HSE exercise guidelines while outside and maintain social distance.
5 at 10 Day 8 of 30 day challenge
Created : 07 Apr 2020, 9:55 AM
Archived : 07 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning. Today we will some new exercises and you’ll need 2 weights (1kg-3kg depending on your strength . ) You can use 1.5 litre water bottles or tins if you don’t have weights at home Also please google these new exercises for the right technique) 1 Min March on spot warm up 2 sets of each today 10 squats 10 lateral raises Start standing position with a weight in either hand . Simultaneously raise weights out to side level with your shoulders palms down slight bend in elbows. 10 single leg calf raise with dumbbell -stand beside a support for balance. Hold weight in left hand down at ur side.Lift and bend right leg. Raise heel of standing leg slowly up and down x 10 and then switch legs. 10 shoulder press Stand with a dumbbell in each hand Bend the elbow at 90 degrees(weights at ear level and palms forward) now straighten arms and press weights towards ceiling and return to start. plank for 30 sec 30 sec rest between sets Cardio( please make sure to keep 2metres apart if near others. 5 km walk(9min pace) or Jog 5km (6.30 pace) Or Run 5 km ( 5.30 pace) Please follow HSE exercise guidelines... and stay safe.