Displaying 1151-1160 of 1522 results.
TY Christmas Outings Thursday 17th Dec 2020
Created : 15 Dec 2020, 6:17 PM
Archived : 15 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
All TY's will be heading out Thursday afternoon to celebrate the end of the term.
4 Lynch - will be heading to Dublin Zoo
4O'Connor - will be heading to Jump Zone
4 Ronan - will be heading to The Wall Climbing Gym
4 Taylor - will be heading to Ski Centre Dublin
Details of each trip has been uploaded onto TEAMS. Please ensure that you read the information given and sign and return the necessary Waiver, Consent and Medical Forms. These can be returned via TEAMS by Thursday 17th Dec before 08.50.
Remember ladies you will be wearing your school PE uniform and you will need to bring your lunch and water bottle with you on the day.
Well done 2nd Yrs
Created : 14 Dec 2020, 7:11 PM
Archived : 14 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
A big well done and thank you to all our 2nd Yr Students who have donated a huge amount of items for SVP. For one year group alone we have been blown away by their generosity. Collection by the SVP will be tomorrow.
We hope the rest of the school will follow their lead.
1st Yr Parents / Guardians
Created : 14 Dec 2020, 5:20 PM
Archived : 14 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Hoping you are all well at this time and looking forward to the Christmas holidays?
The girls have done very well in their approach to schoolwork and in navigating the first two terms of their new school.
To assist with learning in the New Year and to optimise use of their digital devices in class; we are asking that First Year students source a pair of headphones that are compatible with their school device for use in the Term beginning January 6th. We understand this is a busy time of year, but we hope this is sufficient notice to organise this resource; many students already have a set of personal headphones.
Kind Regards,
Ms E. Crumlish & Ms L. Ryan
Cameras & Microphones on
Created : 02 Feb 2021, 7:58 PM
Archived : 12 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
To support teaching and learning students must have their cameras and microphones on, unless otherwise instructed by a teacher.
I would appreciate your co-operation in this in order to facilitate smooth running of classes.
Kind regards & many thanks
Bernadette Prendiville
4th yr outdoor pursuits
Created : 11 Dec 2020, 12:05 PM
Archived : 11 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
4L used their creative skills in their outdoor pursuits module to make Christmas decorations out of twigs, pine cones and corks.
Hockey and basketball schedule Sat 12th December
Created : 09 Oct 2020, 12:08 PM
Archived : 11 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Hockey( back pitch)
8.45-10.15 3rd year 1 and 3 groups
10.30-12 noon 2nd year 1,2 and 4 groups
Front pitch hockey for 1st years
8.45-9.45 1st year Red ,Green and Blue groups
10-11am 1st year Yellow and Orange groups
( All 1st years who attend Sat training are now in a group. The groups have been posted in each 1st yr class)
9-10 am 2nd year group
10-11am 1st year Poynz, Rookwood, Babthorpe
11.10-12.10 1st yr Ward, Wigmore
12.15-1.30 Seniors and Cadettes
Message for TY Parents from the PA
Created : 10 Dec 2020, 4:51 PM
Archived : 10 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Hi all
Eithne Ryan (Aoife Ryan's (4E) and Clíona O Rourke (Gráinne Ellison 4R) are this yrs 4th Yr PA reps. This is a TY like no other but we hope the girls are enjoying it so far.
In any normal year we would by now have organised a social gathering of some sort for you all and would know what musical and trips had been planned. But alas this year it's not possible.
In an effort to keep the parent/guardian group in touch with each other we would like to invite you to join in our 4th
year School App Group. The School App has been greatly enhanced this year with the objective of becoming a One Stop Shop for all school information. The PA hope to use it to replace the traditional email based lists. It has the
facility for specific groups of Parents/Guardians e.g. by year/class/team etc to communicate but does not operate like WhattsApp messaging group. As the year progresses it will hopefully be
a useful tool for the PA to communicate with you and for any parent to ask a quick question or clarify something - if it works well we intend to continue to use it in future years too. Depending on the response we may set up one or more groups for the year
If you would like to be included please email clionaorourke@gmail.com with your name and your daughter’s name (that's all!) It would be nice to see as many Parents as possible join and who knows with a bit of luck and a decent vaccine we may even be inviting you to join us for a coffee in 2021!
Any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Clíona @087 277 2950 or Eithne @ 086 809 3880
Happy Christmas to you all
Fun Friday
Created : 10 Dec 2020, 4:43 PM
Archived : 10 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
A reminder to all students and staff that tomorrow is Fun Friday with a Christmas theme, All students and staff are asked to wear a Christmas themed hat or headpiece.
Merry Christmas.
1st Year Vaccinations
Created : 10 Dec 2020, 4:39 PM
Archived : 10 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
A reminder to all parents that the remainder of 1st Yr Students will receive their vaccinations tomorrow. Students must wear their PE Uniform including their PE T Shirt. Students are advised to bring a drink of water with them to the sports hall. Students will be called in class groups.
TY - Christmas Tree Charity Appeal
Created : 10 Dec 2020, 11:00 AM
Archived : 10 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
This year, all TY Groups participated in the TY Christmas Tree Challenge. Each group was faced with
planning, designing, and building a Christmas tree which ties in a particular section of the Christmas
story as well as a charitable cause.
Our group 4E were given the story of the shepherds, and our charity was St. Joseph’s Dementia Centre
Shankill, which is the only residential care in Ireland who specifically work with dementia patients.
We were given the story of the Sheperd’s in which the angels told them how they could find Jesus in a
crowded town. This idea can translate to the lives of dementia patients, whose memories at times may
feel crowded and hard to navigate, but with proper care and attention, they can find their way to a time
in their lives which they recognize and feel comfortable with.
To incorporate this message into the design of out tree, we decided to construct our tree out of
branches and sticks gathered from around the school grounds. As we know, shepherds carried a wooden
crook around with them, which served as a walking stick and a way of herding their flocks of sheep. In
addition to building the tree out of branches, each student contributed to making handmade
decorations for the three, such as pom poms and the star on top. Not only does the design of our tree
feed into the Christmas story, but also into our charity. Sensory objects are essential to people who are
diagnosed with dementia, as the engage the individual whilst also keeping them came.
We would like to thank our tutor Ms. Allen, who helped us with designing our tree, and allowing us the
time to gather the materials for our tree and build it. We would also like to thank Ms. O’ Shea for
helping us with incorporating the Christmas story into our design.
We are now asking for help from everyone in the school by bringing in some items for our charity. St.
Joseph’s in Shankill require the following: Fluffy socks, nightdresses, pajamas, nice candles, hand
creams, essential oils and shaving kits for men. These goods will be collected by the relevant charities
on the 16th December. We hope that the whole school will pull together and help our year group to help
our charity.