Displaying 1171-1180 of 1522 results.
Loreto College Foxrock Parents Association.
Created : 01 Dec 2020, 10:52 AM
Archived : 31 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
A belated welcome to the Parents and Guardians of our 2020 1st Year group. My name is Carol Dillon and I am the Chairperson of the PA with a daughter in each of 6th and 4th year. I hope all the 1st yr girls have settled into their new school environment. I am joined on the PA by Helen Veale, Mum of a first year.
In normal years the PA would by now have been in contact with you all via a social event to welcome you and your daughters to the school. However as we are all too aware things are a little bit different in 2020. We still aim to make contact with you as a group and help you to make contact with each other.
The School App has been greatly enhanced this year with the objective of becoming a One Stop Shop for all school information. The PA aim to use it as our primary means of communication with all year groups. In addition to what you have seen of it so far it has the facility for specific groups of Parents/Guardians e.g. by year/class/team etc to engage in two way communication. As 1st year progresses, and then on over your daughter’s school life it will be a useful tool for you to ask school specific questions or clarify something. It will allow your fellow parent group to answer. However it will not operate like a WhatsApp messaging group. To begin for 1st years we intend to set up class based groups.
If you would like to be included in your specific class group please email your name, child’s name and class as follows – Wigmore, Rookwood, Babthorpe - to Helen @ vealehelenm@gmail.com Ward, Poynz to Helen @ helen.mccarthy7@gmail.com
It would be nice to see as many Parents as possible join. And who knows with a bit of luck and a large slice of science we may even be inviting you to join us for a coffee in 2021!
6th Yr Students - Ciorcal Cainte Reminder
Created : 28 Nov 2020, 4:23 PM
Archived : 28 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Ciorcal Cainte Reminder.
This is a reminder to all 6th year Gaeilge students that the ciorcal cainte takes place every Tuesday from 8am -8.50am and on Tuesdays lunch time between 1.15 -1.45pm in room H15. This is an invaluable opportunity to improve your fluency in the language in preparation for the Leaving Cert Irish Oral which takes place in April and is worth 40% of the Leaving Cert Irish Exam.
1st year hockey players to attend Fri 27th practice 3.50-5.15pm
Created : 26 Nov 2020, 7:11 PM
Archived : 26 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Loreto Foxrock Active school 1km walkway
Created : 26 Nov 2020, 3:27 PM
Archived : 26 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
We have now launched a marked 1 km route on the school grounds. The route starts and finishes at the sports hall. All students and staff can now walk , jog or run a km or two at break or lunch... just follow the signs! Enjoy the fresh air, blow away the cobwebs and stay healthy.
Climate Justice Week 30th November 2020 - ECO-UNECSO
Created : 25 Nov 2020, 3:14 PM
Archived : 25 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Afternoon Girls -hope you're enjoying the sunny half day and are preparing for your maths exam tomorrow. In the meantime please have a look at this website and see if you can take part in the Eco UNESCO eco-week. It will be full of events such talking to politicians, climate activists and about climate justice. Each of the events are from 6-7pm and one on Saturday in the evening. All the events are free but you do have to book the event(s) you are interested in on the website - here is the link to it ecounesco.ie/events/ . Good luck.
Sports schedule Mon 23rd Nov- Sat 28th Nov
Created : 22 Nov 2020, 7:51 PM
Archived : 22 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Monday 1.30-2.30 4th and 5th yrs
3.50-5pm 6th years
Tues- 3.50-5.20 3rd yrs
Wed - 1st yr activities 1.30-3pm
Thurs- 5th yrs 1.30-2.30
4th yrs and 6th yrs 3.50-5pm
Fri. - 1.30-3pm 2nd yrs
Sat- As scheduled
1.30-3pm 2nd yrs
Fri 1.30-3pm Seniors
Sat - As scheduled
Running club
Tues 3.50-4.50
4L campfire
Created : 19 Nov 2020, 8:58 PM
Archived : 19 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
4th year outdoor pursuits today. Learning how to build a fire out in nature
Sports Scholarships
Created : 19 Nov 2020, 12:01 PM
Archived : 19 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Below is a link to a comprehensive list off all Sports Scholarships available at 3rd Level
A useful for any student considering app;lying.
sportsscholarshipsireland.com/ If you have any questions please contact the careers department.
UCD Access and Lifelong Learning
Created : 19 Nov 2020, 11:59 AM
Archived : 19 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
UCD Access & Lifelong Learning is hosting a HEAR (Higher Education Access Route) and DARE (Disability Access Route to Education) Information Session for 6th year pupils and their parent(s)/guardian(s) on Monday 23rd November at 7pm via Zoom. Attendees can register here or through our website.
The session will give attendees all the information they need to apply to the schemes and will be a great opportunity for pupils and their parents to ask questions about the application process.
1st Yr and 6th Yr Official School Photos
Created : 19 Nov 2020, 11:35 AM
Archived : 19 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Following the expiry of the previous link for school photos please see attached details to order 1st and 6th Yr photos. All orders will be delivered to school and sent home with your daughter.