Displaying 861-870 of 2280 results.
Desk to 5k
Created : 15 Nov 2021, 10:14 PM
Archived : 15 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Desk to 5k success. Congratulations to Mr Cashin's TY 4 PE class who successfully worked together as a team to run their 5km today. Well done!
Junior Camogie’s
Created : 15 Nov 2021, 8:20 PM
Archived : 15 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Our Junior camogie team that enjoyed a great win over Loretto Clonmel today. Some excellent performance all round in what was a very physical battle. ️
First Year Ladies Football
Created : 15 Nov 2021, 4:56 PM
Archived : 15 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Our first year ladies football teams who represented the school for the first time in the lovely weather today against two strong Blackwater teams. Mixed results with one win and one loss for the teams but an excellent performance to both and enjoyable for everyone. Plenty more football in the next few weeks for these girls ️
5th & 6th Student Study Skills Workshop
Created : 12 Nov 2021, 9:01 PM
Archived : 15 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
All 5th and 6th years will have a motivational workshop on study/motivation and well-being from 9-11 on Thursday 18th November from. Students will be placed in groups in classrooms for the workshop. See videos below for further details and promo on the event. youtube.com/shorts/M35hU6kX8yw?feature=share
VIDEO! 3rd and 6th Year Simple Step by Step Virtual PT Meeting Registration Video!
Created : 10 Nov 2021, 3:32 PM
Archived : 15 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Hi, Please see the attached video on to register for the 3rd & 6th Year Virtual PT meetings. Michael O’ Sullivan Principal. Note: If you do not rank preferences you will not be issued a time slot for the PT Meeting. Deadline 12 O CLOCK TODAY…, See YouTube video address for instructions : youtu.be/WqMauZdxvmY

3rd & 6th Year Parent/Guardian -Teacher Meeting. Deadline TODAY MONDAY 15th NOVEMBER for parents/guardians to rank preferences.
Created : 08 Nov 2021, 9:38 PM
Archived : 15 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
3rd & 6th Year Parents/Guardians, Please see attached a letter from Principal Mr. Michael O’Sullivan. All 3rd year students were issued PTM login details on Tuesday 9th October. All 6th years were issued PTM login details on Thursday 11th October. PTM organiser link. (To rank preferences below). ptmorg.com/ Video on how to fill out the Virtual Parent/Guardian Ranking preferences. youtu.be/WqMauZdxvmY


TY Friday Work Experience
Created : 12 Nov 2021, 12:56 PM
Archived : 12 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
No matter how much you have learned through your studies, you need to underpin this theoretical learning with a period of ‘hands-on’ learning where you can develop skills. Some of the key benefits of TY Friday work experience include the opportunity to.. Link academic study and theory to real industrial practice. Real world exposure to the latest technology and work behaviour. Learn the ‘language’ of industry. Assess a possible company for future employment. Build a network of future career contacts. Practise existing key skills and learn new ones. Experience the atmosphere and pace of industrial practice. Confirm existing career aims or discover new careers. Learn critical reflection as a means of self-development. Apply problem solving in a real work environment. We are so grateful to the many businesses that take on our TY students. Ms Pender our Work Experience Coordinator visited some students this morning and received very positive feedback from the employers. Well done TYs.
Euroscola Strasbourg-online
Created : 12 Nov 2021, 11:15 AM
Archived : 12 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
We are delighted that some of our TY students participated in this Euroscola Online session on Friday 12th November 2021. We previously sent in a question to the parliament and this was addressed by the innovation lab this morning. We were the only school in the South Constituency to participate in this event. Well done TYs.
The Marie Keating Foundation Schools Cancer Awareness Programme.
Created : 11 Nov 2021, 7:20 PM
Archived : 11 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
The Marie Keating Foundation Schools Cancer Awareness Programme aims to help secondary school students learn how to reduce their risk of cancer and how to spot the signs and symptoms early. The programme makes cancer ‘less frightening by enlightening, by engaging students with age-appropriate, interactive and informative material. The Your Health Your Choice. provides information on how people can make simple changes to 5 parts of everyday life that will reduce cancer risk:- smoking, overweight & obesity, physical activity, alcohol, and sun/sun beds. Today our TY students were addressed by Stephanie Lawrence she had videos, infographics and brochure materials on a number of these lifestyle behaviours and their links to cancer. She covered the following topics: Cancer prevention and healthy lifestyle choices Breast cancer Cervical cancer and the HPV vaccine Lung cancer Skin cancer Testicular cancer Taking time to look after your body and mind. Angel Walsh is pictured here with “Tar in a Jar” this was used to show the effect of smoking 20 cigarettes a day for a year has on your lungs.
Aware Life Skills for Schools
Created : 11 Nov 2021, 6:59 PM
Archived : 11 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Aware Life Skills for Schools is an educational programme designed to help young people learn new ways to deal with challenges in life. The programme uses an approach based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which focuses on thinking and behaviour. The programme contains eight modules delivered over four weeks in 75 minute sessions. This gives students time to reflect on the key learning point each week and time to experiment with the ‘new ways of thinking’ presented. The weekly schedule also allows time for students to raise any questions they might have with their programme instructor. 31 of our TY students started this programme today with Eileen Kennedy. This programme will help students to: Understand the interaction between thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Recognise unhelpful thinking styles and learn how they might change them. Build inner confidence and foster positive thinking. Learn how to manage anger and irritability. Identify unhelpful behaviours and learn how to make small, practical changes. Understand how to break a problem down into manageable steps, make a plan and put it into action. Improve wellbeing by making small, easy changes to their lifestyles. Students that complete the 4 week programme will be awarded a certificate. Best of luck.